But my father threatened his own granddaughter. Do you hear me? And that’s not called for—that’s wrong in anyone’s book.”

Stuck in an interrogation room this time, I stood up and paced, but at least I wasn’t going to a holding cell like I did before.

“I understand my father wants to press charges, but that’s because he wants to silence me. I have a key piece of evidence in the trial against me, and he doesn’t want me to use it. We need to secure that first. Then, do what you want with me—”

“Let me talk,” Aidan said, interrupting me. “Dan, let’s have the chief come in, and we’ll discuss this. Aston was defending his daughter, and he could also press charges against his father for threatening a minor. The man is unstable, for sure, perhaps not totally right in the head. Anyway, I spoke to the chief on the matter of our evidence, and he’s dealing with this, and then I’m sure he’ll be in. In the meantime, let’s all calm down.”

“Oh yeah, I’ll calm down,” I said, pacing. “The woman I’ve been in love with for fifteen years is mad at me. Again. The daughter I only recently got to know is accosted by my father and then witnesses me pummel him. And, oh yeah, I’m on trial for drug trafficking. Sure, I’ll calm down.”

I leaned against the wall and looked down at myself, my Polo wrinkled, my jeans tight and hot. I was a mess. Taking a deep breath, I tried to control myself. I had to get a handle on things, because I might have just blown everything.

Fuck, I whispered to myself, flexing my aching hand. I shouldn’t have done that.

“Okay, Mr. Prescott,” the chief said as he walked into the room, stealing all the air. “I used to see you once a year when you donated money. Now I see you all the time. No offense, but I’d like to stop seeing you.”

I nodded. “Me too. This is all a misunderstanding.”

“Your father’s broken nose says differently.”

“I can explain that, and if he wants to press charges, then so do I. He harassed my daughter, his own granddaughter, intimidating her and threatening her with bodily harm.”

“I hear you,” the chief said, motioning for me to sit across from him.

Wanting to be a good boy, I did.

“My daughter, who I only just met, and I were getting to know each other.” My whole body shook as I spoke. “My father had the nerve to tell her he was going to get rid of her. She’s a minor, and that’s a viable threat, Chief.”

“I understand, Mr. Prescott, but we learn in preschool not to use our hands when defending ourselves. We use our words.”

“Chief, you know if it were your kid, you would do the same. Be honest, would you let someone threaten your kid?”

“I’m not the one sitting here wanted for drug trafficking, and then picked up for breaking his father’s nose. In a public place, no less.”

“Alleged drug trafficking,” I said.

“About that. I spoke with your lawyer.” The chief cocked his head toward Aidan as if they’d just met.

In reality, they grew up together. They went to the same local prep school, both two years behind me, and both from money like me. The chief hailed from a longtime family legacy in law enforcement, a dynasty that lined their pockets with healthy donations from businessmen like me.

“Let’s cut the crap, Brad,” I said, addressing the chief by name. “You and Aidan go way back. I’ve been donating to your campaigns since I was old enough to do so. I need to get out of here now, and you need to attend to the more pressing matter at hand. I have a hearing on Friday, and my goal is to get this whole fucking thing thrown out.”

Brad leaned his elbows on the table in front of him. “Your dad’s a powerful man. You sure what you’re doing is a good idea?”

“Fuck off. Yes. I’m getting my life back together.”

“Okay, fellas, let’s not get off track here,” Aidan said, then turned toward Brad. “Did you take care of what I needed?”

The chief nodded. “It’s done, and I don’t think you’ll need to worry, come Friday.”

“Can I go now?”

Once again, the chief nodded, and this time he stood. “Only because of your girl, Aston. I’m sure she had to be scared.”

“Thanks. I’m sure by now she wants nothing to do with me. Her mother probably doesn’t either.” Hurrying past them, I told Aidan, “See you Friday. Be ready.”

When I got outside the police station and belatedly realized I didn’t have a car, I muttered, “Shit,” and pulled out my phone to call Mike.

“Can you stay out of trouble for one day?” was how he answered the call.

“Fuck off.” Seems that was all I was saying these days. “Listen, I’m at the police station and I need a ride. Are you in town today?”

“Lucky for you, I am.”

“Good. Come and get me,” I said, leaning back into the wall.

“Are you going to ask why I’m in town today?”

“Yeah . . . why?”

“Look, Aston, you’re not the only one with problems. My fucking life is on the rocks. Milly’s running around, says I don’t pay attention to her, that I don’t jump when she says to jump. As freaking luck would have it, tonight she got a frantic call from Bexley . . . who, by the way, hasn’t called in weeks. You screwed her over, Piper was a mess over your dad, and Tyler was out with Seth, so she didn’t want to bother her ex.”

“What the fuck does she need her ex for?” Squeezing my eyes shut, I wanted to slam my fist into the brick wall.

“Is that all you can focus on? Seth? Maybe because he’s been there for Bexley for years, when you weren’t. And now you weren’t again.”

“Just get here and finish your story then.” I didn’t have the patience to do this with Mike over the phone. I should have

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