for having her call,” Aston said.

“I didn’t. She’s Piper. She wanted to call.” I slid into the same place Piper had occupied only moments before.

“Listen, Bex, I fucked up. I can’t apologize any more—”

“Your dad visited me again today. Told me to call off my boyfriend.”

“What the fuck? Aidan, get in here,” Aston yelled.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to involve your lawyer.”

“It damn fucking is.”

Cradling my forehead in my palm, I tried to stroke away the stress headache coming on.

“Bexley, listen to me. Nan is going to testify against my father.”

“What? He’s her husband . . . how? Why?”

“Because my dad set me up, and he wants me out.”

Leaning my head back against the door, I asked, “Why?”

“I’m not sure we’ll ever know the why, babe. He’s mad I divorced Cass. Her family’s wealth and power are more important than the well-being of my kids and me.”

“That’s crazy. All you’ve ever done is please him. Ever.”

“I know. Didn’t do me much good, did it? I’m a miserable son of a bitch.”

“Aston, don’t do that. What will Nan do? What does she know?”

“Well, my dad wants me to call this all off, making it easier on him. He won’t go to Nan, because then it’s as good as admitting it’s true. Basically, he wants to make it look like I’m lying. I had to make sure Nan was safe.”

“Is she?”

When I first met Aston, he wasn’t sure about Nan. He didn’t really like her, but that was baseless.

“Of course. That’s why I kept this quiet. Look, my mom never liked Nan, and neither did I when I first met her. But she’s been an ally to me. Yeah, she set me up with Cass, but she thought it would make everyone happy. She never knew how it would rip everyone apart. I guess this is her way of making it up.”

“But how?”

“I don’t want to say over the phone. I’ll tell you everything. She’s a good person, though. Nan, I mean. Look how she connected the kids with Denise.”

“Okay. I get it.” I wanted to know, but I understood his reasoning. I also wasn’t in the mood to see Aston.

“I can’t see you right now. We’re working overnight on this.”

“It’s fine.”

“Are we okay? I need to know, Bex. I need you in my corner.”

“I told you I needed some space. This is too much. I’m in your corner, no matter what, but I still need my space.”

“You have one day. Then I’m coming for you.” Aston hung up before I could protest.


“We did it.” I slapped Aidan on the back, and he blew out a long breath.

“I’m raising my rates for you.”

“Nah. You love me,” I said, walking into his office with him.

“Okay, your charges have been dismissed,” Aidan said as he sat behind his desk. “Your dad was arrested immediately on a whole host of charges from the district attorney. He’ll need to pay a hefty bail, and will probably be required to turn in his passport. Naturally, he’s been asked to step down as CEO by the board. I’m sure you can force his resignation there.”

Too restless to sit, I paced his office. “My only priority right now is protecting Nan. Let’s make sure she gets what she needs, financially and house wise, and all that. Oh, she and her kids, my stepsisters, need to get a buyout package for their shares in the company, and a letter to sign to give up any and all rights to be a part of Federal. They’re both happy in their fashion internships in Paris—no doubt Federal’s connection with the fanciest hotel in Paris helped land them a spot with designers. Maybe Nan should go there and enjoy herself for a while.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea.” Aidan leaned forward on his desk, making notes.

“My dad is temporarily down, but that won’t stop him. He has a long reach. We need to act fast on behalf of Nan. She put herself on the line for me. Can you take care of all of this? I have to get back to Bexley and let her know what happened.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention. Seth agreed to all your terms.”

“Of course he did. Sucker. Listen, don’t ever mention the money to Bexley.”

“I hear you,” Aidan said. “Now, get out of here and see your girl, so I can finish working and go home to my family.”

“Bexley, open the door. Please,” I begged, standing at her back door. I’d texted on my way over, saying that the charges were dropped and that I wanted to tell her everything.

She’d left my message on read but didn’t reply, and I’d gone straight to her house.

“Please.” I knocked again. As the door swung open, I muttered, “Bexley,” only to realize my daughter had answered the door.

“Oh, Piper.” I gathered her close, belatedly remembering to ask, “Is this okay?”

She nodded into my chest.

“I have so much to tell you, sweet girl, but I’m so glad to hold you right now.”

Pulling back, Piper asked, “Are you going to marry my mom?”

I wasn’t sure where this was coming from. Of course I’d like to marry her mom, but I didn’t think Piper and I should be discussing it.

“Can I come in?” I asked, figuring it was best to start with something innocuous.

Piper shook her head. “Mom said she’s not up for company.”

“Listen, Piper. You know I loved your mom very much a long time ago. That’s how we got you. Here’s the thing . . . I never stopped loving her, and I really need to see her now.”

Piper crossed her arms over her chest. “She told me you chose not to be with her. She told me today, when I asked why she didn’t tell you about me.”

“It’s complicated,” I said, leaning against the door frame.

“Well, she said she needs time. She also said you need to go home and see Mar and Little A. I think so too.”

“Why do you think so?”

“When I don’t see my mom or dad,

Вы читаете Love Disregarded
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