all eyes were on me.

“Yeah,” Mara said. “We had a meeting last week when you were in the shower, and we decided you should get married.”


“After you quit your job you don’t need,” she added.

“Mar,” Aston quickly said. “Remember, that was between us?”

“Why would you have a meeting?” I asked. “And I do need my job. I like it.”

“Okay, gang,” Aston said with a sigh. “Looks like we’re going to do this at the fair, rather than over a steak dinner the way I’d hoped.”

This got a major eye roll from me.

Aston sat next to Piper, his elbows on his knees, and those gorgeous blue eyes focused solely on me. “Bex, tonight I was going to have everyone clean up, and we were going to go out to dinner. There would have been candles, champagne, and sparkling cider. I was going to get down on one knee and ask you to marry me in front of all the kids, since they’re all part of this now. Mike and Milly were going to join us for dessert.”

“What?” I asked, running through the whole scenario in my head, especially the part about Mike and Milly.

Aston stood and came close, his unruly hair falling in his face. “I called Milly. Told her she needed to make amends, apologize for her actions, her secrets. Mike told me all about your words with her. They’re getting help and working things out,” he said as if he could read my mind.

“But what? You were going to ask me to marry you?”

“Yeah, of course. I love you. Didn’t you think that would happen?” Just like his son, he took my hand in his. “Aston Prescott, and I’d like you to be my wife.”

“So you want me to quit my job?”

This got me a big chuckle. “No, because I love you and so do my kids—all of our kids. And I want to make up for all the years we should have been together.”

I nodded.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

My heart in my throat, I nodded. “Yes, it’s a yes.”

“Can we still go to dinner?” Tyler asked while the girls were jumping around and Little A clung to my waist.

“Of course,” Aston said, grinning. “We need to celebrate and also talk to your mom about hiring her for our new business venture.”

“We’re opening hotels!” Tyler jumped up and down this time. “A big hotel with a pool and a game room. We may live there sometimes like the kids do on TV!”

For a second, I closed my eyes, cooling my temper. I was getting married to the man of my dreams, despite the fact he did crazy shit like this. Aston would have to learn to not throw his money around, get the kids all excited about grandiose ideas.

“It’s a good thing, Bex. We’re going to take Federal and do something bigger, change shit up. Do our own thing, create our own legacy—for our kids. They can have it one day, no matter who they fall in love with. And I need you with me.”

“Tyler, we’ll discuss it later, okay?” I said to my son, blowing him a kiss.

“Gross.” He ducked, pretending to avoid my affection.

Coming close, Aston ran his palm down my cheek. “Bex, let this go. I want this for us. For them.”

“I’m a social worker, Aston. I can’t work with you.”

“Babe, you can. Plus, I need someone in charge of human resources, and who better than you? You believe in me, right?”

“Later.” Totally overwhelmed, I decided to defer that conversation. “Did we just get engaged? At the fair? With all these people and our kids around?”

“We did. But just to be clear, I have a ring back at my house. Our house, I should say.”

“Mom, guess what? Dad said we’re going to move in this week,” Piper said, joining the conversation.

“I must have taken a really long shower. This sounds like it was a really involved convo,” I said to my kids, one eyebrow arched.

“We asked,” Tyler said. “Don’t be mad at Aston.”

Aston gave me his version of puppy-dog eyes. “Look, I have the room. Eventually, I’d like to get a bigger place, but I was thinking that this works for now. For all of us. We’re not going to be apart.”

“What else were you thinking about? I’m afraid to ask.”

“We could sell your place and put the money in a college fund for Tyler and Piper. You won’t need the money to live on now, and this will be good for them. I assume you got it in the divorce.”

I dropped my head on Aston’s shoulder. “Oh God, let’s go to our celebratory dinner first. My head feels like it’s going to explode from how much you thought this through.”

Mara ran in place, glowing with excitement. “Wait until you see the ring, Bexley! I love it! Dad let me try it on. It’s soooo sparkly. Can I call you Mom like Little A does? Can I?”

I felt my heart grow larger, so big it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. “Sure, Mar. Anything you want. If it makes you happy, then you can do it. You know why? I love your daddy and you and Little A.”

“And Piper and Tyler,” she said, nodding.

“Of course.” A bittersweet shiver ran through me. I wouldn’t want my kids choosing a new mom, but I wasn’t Cass. That much was clear.

Aston pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head. “Come on, gang. Let’s go home and change.”

The kids bopped excitedly in front of us as we left the fair. Mara held Piper’s hand, and the boys were busy trying to trip each other.

“Getting married,” Aston said close to my ear. “Can you believe it?”

“You think this is smart? It’s been quick, you know?”

Aston stopped in his tracks. Turning me to face him, he tucked his index finger under my chin. “I’m sure. I’ve been waiting too long for this.”

Then he kissed me in broad daylight, for the world to

Вы читаете Love Disregarded
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