“How long?”
“Since last summer. We try to see each other as often as we can, but the distance thing is sucking.” Bev widens her stare. “So I’m moving up to New York to be with him, Geoff. I’m going to tell Mr. Grumpy then.” She motions toward Matt who’s still checking with her for what he’s done wrong. “No point in working him up before the wedding. Sami’s done that enough for all of us,” she teases but leans in more to whisper again. “What’s the story with your friend there and Cap?”
“No clue.” My eyes dart to Sukii and Cap. He’s switched sides and is now sitting beside her, regaling her with something that’s making her laugh. “Where’s his wife?” The question sobers me up. If this were to go public, Sukii’s putting me in a compromising spot as it would be my job to clean it up. At least there aren’t any phones here.
“Not a clue.” Bev wrinkles her nose. “Hockey players.”
“Yup.” I sit back, realizing I have to say something to Sukii about it.
Which is not a happy thought.
Bev’s stare darts to the right as the camera guy starts packing up. “Well, I guess I’m out of here.” She smiles back at me. “You’re next to Lori, right?”
“Yeah.” I wince but try to hide it.
“I’ll come get you before the game.” She finishes her beer and stands, swaying a little.
“You all right, Bev?” Carson calls to her.
She lifts a thumb and winks. “Night, boys.” She waves and walks between the crowded rows of people and chairs.
“I’m going to head too, Sukii. You want to walk with me?” I stand and feel the room shift but hope I manage to hide it.
“Lori will walk you back,” Carson says with a mischievous grin. “He was just saying he wants to go to bed, and you guys are cabin mates, after all.”
“Oh uhm.” I glance at Sukii who can’t seem to take her eyes off Cap.
Lawrence makes a weird face, hesitant maybe.
“It’s fine. I know the way.” I reach over and squeeze Sukii’s shoulder. “See you tomorrow.”
“Oh, you’re leaving?” Sukii clues in. Cap’s eyes dart to her face, likely hoping he can convince her to stay out with a look.
“Yeah, I need to pace myself.” I wink at her, trying not to be obvious that she needs to rethink her plans.
“Okay, I’ll see you at breakfast.” She squeezes my hand, signaling for me to beat it and mind my own business.
Rich stands as a gentleman, likely the only one with us. “Night, Jenny.” Everyone else joins him, smiling and wishing me goodnight.
“Night.” I step through the rows of chairs and people. In my peripheral, I catch a glimpse of someone moving nearby. I hope it’s Sukii changing her mind, but when I leave the pavilion and pass the tent with the band, I see it’s not. She’s still seated and laughing with Cap.
Sighing, I try not to be the death of fun and the moral police, and turn to head toward the cottages.
“Red, wait up!” a familiar voice calls to me over the music. I cringe but fight the urge to walk faster and instead smile and turn, seeing Lawrence running after me. “I just want to say—”
“No,” I cut him off. “I want to say something to you first.”
“No, me first.” He frowns and for the first time when he looks at me I don’t see that smug, shitty attitude. “We got off to a bad start.”
“Which was my fault—”
“I should have locked the door.”
“Okay,” I relent. “The door should have been locked. But I shouldn’t have reacted so badly.” I cover my eyes with my hand for a moment. “And the bathroom—”
“Can we start over?” he asks, sounding genuinely interested in a fresh start.
“It’s my week for fresh starts,” I say though he can’t possibly know what I’m talking about. “I’m Jenny. I’m also Canadian. I like short walks in the city and donairs from Halifax.”
“Oh my God!” He brightens up instantly. “I love Halifax donairs. The sweet sauce.” He places a big hand on his chest. “I would kill for that right now. A bunch of beers is best followed by a greasy donair and a Coke.”
“Yes!” I burst. “You have to bite the paper it’s wrapped in at least once or it’s not a complete meal.” I hold out a hand. “It’s nice meeting you.”
He takes my hand in his, wrapping it in warmth. “I’m Lawrence. My friends call me Lori.”
“Okay, Lori.” I shake his enormous hand and smile up at him. “Have a good night.”
“You too, Jenny.” He holds my hand for a second too long, but we’re drunk and laughing about donairs so I don’t pay attention to it. He finally lets go, releasing me. His face has all the schoolboy charm it held when he looked at Bev.
“Night,” I say again and walk away, waving back over my head.
It’s a better end than I expected to an awful day.
Maybe tomorrow will be my fresh start.
10 Manhandled
Thursday, June 15
“One more minute, Lori!” Cap shouts, standing next to the treadmill where I’m sprinting so hard I want to puke or pass out or both. “Thirty seconds, you got this. Stay with it! You wanted to get drunk and have fun, you have to earn it.”
I have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s the one who got drunk and banged the cute brunette, but I’m pushing it so hard I think I might die until he smacks the “stop” button and it ends. I walk until the treadmill dies. I’m gasping for air and lightheaded.
“Nice,” Cap shouts and nudges me in the arm.
“Earning those beers, buddy!” Brady hits me too.
I’m breathing so heavily it feels like I’m sucking jam through a straw, and it’s hard to give a proper comeback. My hands grip my hips as I pace the small gym and nod.
Brady jumps