like he’d been sculpted for sex by Aphrodite herself.

His shoulders and chest were broad and smooth, except for a smattering of light brown hair on his chest. Perfectly formed blocks of muscle ran down his abdomen to the indentation between his hips. Right below his belly button was a thin happy trail of hair that disappeared into his pants.

I reached for his button again, but he shook his head at me. “Those are staying on for now.”

“Why?” I almost pouted. Surely, it was cruel to keep the rest of Aphrodite’s gift to me hidden.

Lincoln caught my chin in his fingers, those captivating eyes boring into mine as the red in them seemed to swirl in the warm light. “Don’t look at me like that. I promise they’ll come off when the time is right. I just need them on for now.”

“Why?” I repeated, a definite hint of pleading in my tone now. I wasn’t proud of it, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t accurate.

He lowered his head to brush his lips against mine, kissing a line up my jaw to my ear. His voice was rough and husky when he spoke from a spot just below my earlobe.

“Because believe it or not, you’re not the only one it’s been a while for. I’ve been… away. All my cock wants to do right now is to fuck you hard and fast, but the rest of me wants too many other things. The jeans have to stay on.”

A shiver ran down my spine at his words. That they sounded true made my insides clench with anticipation. I knew what he meant when he said he’d been away. Which meant I would be the first person he’d be with since getting back. I was about to be treated to being the recipient of every dirty thought and fantasy he’d had during who knew how many long, lonely nights.

I definitely didn’t have a problem with that. Even if it meant having to wait to get him naked.

Sliding down my body, Lincoln knelt between my legs but kept his eyes on mine. He undid the short zipper at the back of my shoes, then removed each one slowly while planting kisses on my calves.

When the shoes were discarded, he stood up again. Wordlessly holding out one of his hands, he beckoned for me to take it.

His long fingers closed around mine, and he pulled me up again but not for long. It took him less than ten seconds to lift my dress over my head, unhook my bra, and get back down on his knees. My panties were his next victim, and it was only after gently nudging each of my ankles so I would step out of them that he allowed himself to look away from my eyes.

The sound of a sharp breath being sucked in was followed by a wicked groan as his eyes roamed every inch of my naked body. It was impossible to feel self-conscious when he was looking at me the way he was, so I let the fleeting thought of it go.

“You might want to sit down for this,” he eventually bit out. Before I could ask why, his hands caressed up and down my legs, up to my thighs and then down to my knees. On each upstroke, he got closer to my pussy, and I didn’t need to ask why anymore.

I just planted my bare butt on his bed and hoped the surge of self-confidence I’d gotten from the way he’d looked at me would stick. He was literally face to face with my lady bits. There was no way I would enjoy what he was doing if I let myself overthink that fun little fact.

Then his thumbs brushed against me and I wondered if I’d ever be able to think again, never mind overthink.

Warm fluid gathered between my legs. My inner muscles clenched, and my pelvis rolled. I tried to bite my lip to keep from moaning, but it didn’t work.

It had to be very obvious what kind of effect he had on me, yet he didn’t give me the smirk I’d expected or make any comment. Instead, he cursed under his breath and rested his head on my knee as he brushed the pads of his thumbs over my labia.

Stroking gently before he pressed them into me, he glanced up as he spread me open. The cool air on my warm center made me ache with need.

“I’ve thought about it, and I’m siding with your cock on this one. I need you. Hard and fast.” My breathing was labored and my voice came out hoarse.

“I’m right here if you need me.” He looked into my eyes while he spoke but then leaned down and kissed my stomach. Again, I had a brief flash of discomfort about my body.

The tummy he was kissing wasn’t taut or flat by any means. But he didn’t seem to mind, so I decided not to either.

He drew circles around my belly button with his tongue before moving further south. As his lips and tongue tasted my skin, his thumbs played at my seam.

When his mouth reached my mound, his fingers entered and caressed me. Then his tongue started to flick over my clit and I lost it.

It had been too long since I’d been touched like this, and it had never felt this good. Lincoln matched the rhythm of his fingers to that of his tongue, and it was too much for me.

The pleasure center in my brain took over. Electrical pulses started in my clit and exploded in my core. “Lincoln!”

My body hovered right on edge. Every muscle was tight with need until he sank his tongue into me. White feverish heat spread through me. I grabbed the back of his head and held him to me when his fingers curled deep inside. The soft touch of his tongue combined with the magic being performed by his fingers wreaked havoc on my body.

Lincoln played me like I was an

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