instrument he’d been practicing his entire life. He sucked my clit between his teeth and sank two fingers into me. I arched into him, my pelvis and thighs trembling as I rocked along with his movement.

It couldn’t have been more than a minute later that my entire body tensed and light exploded behind my eyelids. My head and neck arched, and heat cascaded over my body. My orgasm crashed into me, making me scream his name as I rode out the blissful waves.

There was a rip of foil, and when I opened my eyes, Lincoln had finally gotten rid of his pants and was hovering over me, looking happy with himself but needy as hell. “Get what you needed from me?”

“Not even close,” I said breathlessly before grabbing his face to pull him down for a kiss. Wrapping my legs around his ass, I guided his hips down until the broad head of his cock was resting against my entrance.

I had a feeling I would regret not making time to look at him properly, but in that moment, it just felt like there were better things to be doing. From the feel of him against my skin, I already knew he was no slouch in the size department.

Giving him an encouraging squeeze with my calves, I lifted my hips when I felt him starting to push into me. He released a long, low groan and trembled just slightly against me.

“You okay?” I whispered between kisses.

Lincoln smiled against my lips, those damned dimples of his popping out, but another tremble passed through him. “Fuck yes. I’m just… really close.”

His voice was raspy with need. He hadn’t even tried to disguise it, and that, along with his plainly stated words, made my stomach clench once again. My clit pulsed and throbbed even though it should’ve still been recovering from what had been a truly explosive, spectacular orgasm.

I urged him forward again, capturing his lips in a searing kiss as he finally took the hint and sank into me. When he hit home, he lifted his head away from mine with a tight jaw and his heart slamming into my chest.

He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. Both of us needed a minute. He filled and stretched me to the point that it was almost painful, but I knew I’d adjust soon and then his massive cock would do things to me I’d never felt.

When our eyes met, he rocked into me and quickly found a perfect rhythm. His pelvis hit my clit while his dick stroked every sensitive spot inside me.

We were both breathing heavily, hanging onto each other as we alternated between kissing and looking into the other’s eyes. Our bodies moved together like we were doing a synchronized swimming routine we knew by heart.

“Fuck, Sofia,” he rasped out, growling against the shell of my ear. “I can feel you getting so close. Let go for me, babe. I need you to let go because I can’t hold back much longer.”

Pleasure pooled in my belly. I was the one doing this to this god of a man. It was a pretty damn powerful feeling. “Come for me, Linc. I’m right there with you.”

“Sofia,” he moaned.

I bucked my hips up, ramming him into me with each thrust. The words he moaned became incomprehensible as he started moving faster, slamming his mouth onto mine when his muscles quivered.

I felt him twitch deep inside me, and it set me off like a damn firework on the Fourth of July. Pleasure splintered my mind into a place where thoughts didn’t exist, flinging the splinters across the four corners of the globe before they flew right into the galaxy beyond.

Reduced to teeth clashing, tongues warring, and limbs squeezing and shaking, it took us a long time before either of us moved. When we did, it was only Lincoln rolling off me to take care of the condom.

He spread out beside me, then gathered me up in his arms and deposited me on his broad chest. We lay there without a word for a long time, but my eyelids grew heavy, and I knew I’d be in trouble if I didn’t get ready to leave soon.

“I should go,” I whispered against his smooth skin. My fingers stroked over the smattering of hair on his chest, then trailed lower to the happiest of trails.

His answering groan rumbled under my ear. “You should stay, but if you keep doing that, I can’t promise you’ll get much sleep.”

I peeked up at him, getting lost for a moment in the strong lines of his shadowed profile. “You better be sure about me staying. If I don’t get up soon, I will fall asleep on you.”

“I’m sure.” He yawned and let his head roll to the side to rest against the top of mine. “Hey, Sofia?”

“Yeah?” My voice was already thickening as sleep threatened to drag me under.

“Why were you at the retirement party?” he asked quietly.

“Oh. Right. I was joking when I said I crash them. Charles is my father. I was obligated to attend.”

Lincoln stilled beneath me. I swore he even stopped breathing. Frowning as I drew an elbow in below me and popped my head up, I brought my hand to the side of his neck. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t say anything to him.”

“Sure. Yeah.” His grip on me tightened once more and his chest rose on a deep breath. “Let’s get some sleep.”

He reached out to flip the switch of his bedside lamp while I burrowed into his side. For such a muscly person, he made for a really comfy pillow.

The light blinked out and, with it, my consciousness. It had been a long day and a longer week. I fell asleep on his chest, my last thought of how it was possible that he still smelled so good after everything we’d just done.

Chapter 9


Charles’ fucking daughter. Although, no, the fucking in that thought was in the wrong place. Me fucking Charles’

Вы читаете Let Freedom Ring
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