rolling out like I was a character in a comic book—again—but I was used to this reaction when it came to her.

It didn’t matter how many times I’d seen her in her underwear or how many times I’d seen her naked or gotten to touch her, I still lost my fucking mind every time. All my thoughts scattered and my body took over.

Today as I moved closer to her and pulled her back into my arms, one thought remained. “I love you, Sofia. I think I fell in love with you the same night I met you, and I will love you for as long as you’ll let me. You’re perfect, and I’m never going to let you forget it.”

Chapter 38


Naked and exposed to him in more ways than one, I looked into the reddish-brown eyes of the man I loved.

I had fears, sure.

Fears that he wouldn’t return to me as the same man he was now.

Fears that he’d grow to resent me for the decisions he had made as a result of my father’s influence.

Fears that he wouldn’t return at all.

But in that moment, I pushed them all aside. Fear wouldn’t stand in my way. Fear wouldn’t hold me back, and it wouldn’t dictate my actions.

I knew our admissions to one another could spell disaster. I knew I could have walked away, and maybe I should have.

My instinct for self-preservation seemed to have taken a nice, long hike. In its place was nothing but absolute love for this man, and I was willing to take the consequences of that love. Even if I didn’t know yet what they might be.

When Lincoln let me go and laid me gently across the bed, I saw that same love echoing back at me. He looked at me like he thought he was crazy for even thinking that I was actually there. He looked at me like I was a painting in a faraway land he never thought he’d see. He looked at me like he’d have another freaking Taj Mahal built just to signify his love for me forevermore.

As a monument of love, I’d always thought the Taj Mahal was a little ostentatious. But that was because I’d never known a love like this existed.

I totally got it now. Building a legit wonder of the world to show your love for someone had never made more sense to me.

Lincoln crawled onto the bed with me, his lips finding mine and never leaving them again. Our kisses were frantic but slowed after a while so we could soak in the feeling of being together.

When he finally ran his fingers up my thigh, it was also slow.

Almost reverent.

Every brush of his fingertips and every sound he made confirmed the words we had spoken to one another. He loved me. He loved me, and I loved him.

His skin was warm and his body hard as he hovered above me. A set of dog tags he wore now but never had before rested at the hollow of my throat.

I felt him rock hard and ready to go between my legs, but he didn’t rush things. Nor did he make a move to progress things at all.

Our hips rolled together, his shaft resembling the brick the walls behind the bed were made of. Whenever his cock brushed against my clit, I shivered and released little noises into his mouth. My legs hooked around him again, my ankles twining together at the base of his butt.

My chest pressed against his, my skin touching him in every possible way and place. Both of us were emitting gasps and sounds of pleasure as we made out like horny teenagers.

Eventually when I couldn’t take it anymore, I rolled his sweatpants off and kicked them away from the bed. Feeling him bare against me was a rush like I’d never felt before.

I moaned again, rubbing his shaft between my slippery folds. Lincoln’s breathing picked up pace, his heart thundering right along with mine. “Fuck, Sofia. I’m too close. It can’t happen like this.”

“Yes, it can,” I whispered, my lips brushing against his. “This isn’t only about me, Linc. It’s not some hookup. You can let go whenever you want.”

“But I want to let go with you. Inside you.” He buried his head in the crook of my neck, his hips pistoning like he just couldn’t help himself. “Plus, I need to put on a condom.”

“Don’t,” I murmured. “Are you clean?”

He nodded, his forehead clammy against my skin. “Yeah, we get tested for everything all the damn time. I had another test done in the brig.”

“I’m clean, too. I haven’t been with anyone but you since my last test. My campus has a student health facility that we have to volunteer at. I get tested often with students too afraid to get tested by themselves.”

“That’s sweet of you, baby, but—” He hissed as his dick touched my entrance. There was a soft noise from him sliding through my wetness, and he sucked in another breath. “That’s not the only reason why we need a condom.”

“It’s not,” I agreed. “I used to be on birth control, but I’m not anymore. I hadn’t been with anyone for so long that it didn’t seem to matter that I hadn’t gone for my next injection.”

“Exactly,” he groaned. “So condom.”

“I think we might be safe,” I said, knowing the kind of fire I was playing with. “But if I’m not, I want to be with you for the rest of my life anyway. Would having a baby together be the worst thing in the world?”

“No,” he said, pulling back to look into my eyes. Those Cognac orbs burned into me, more serious and honest than they’d ever been before. “I’ve always wanted a family more than anything, but Sofia…”

“I want to give you that family,” I whispered when he didn’t add anything after trailing off. “We can wait a few more years, but why? We both know what we want. We might as well start practicing

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