after. There had only been unwavering support.

Mandy and Jill both had more experience with men than she did. Mandy didn't have much more as she spent most of her time buried in her books, and though Jill liked to bounce through different guys, she would never go after someone Emma or Mandy liked. Jill was a flirt, but she would never hurt her friends. Even still, Emma had to take a deep breath to steady herself and lock the green-eyed monster back in its cage as Mandy's gaze remained riveted upon Ethan.

Mandy leaned back from the door and rested against it as she fanned herself with her hand. 'Holy hotness,' she mouthed.

Jill reappeared and handed a glass of water to Ethan. "I'll go get Emma."

"You don't have to bother her if she's still sleeping," he said.

Jill waved a hand at him before disappearing down the hall. "Get in there," Mandy hissed at her.

Emma looked at her helplessly; uncertainty and apprehension paralyzed her. If she stepped out there now, there would be no turning back. She'd barely been capable of separating herself from him last night. It was all moving too fast, yet even as the thought swirled through her mind, she yearned to go in there. Heat coiled in her belly as she recalled his kiss and the feel of him against her.

No, there would be no going back if she walked in there now. She may end up with the broken heart Tristan hadn't inflicted on her, but she so wanted to take the plunge. If only her feet would move.

"Emma!" Jill's voice was tiny as it drifted through the house.

Swallowing, Emma forced herself to step forward. "Out here!" she called.

Ethan lifted his head to look at her as she stepped into the doorway. The fiery gleam in his gaze caused her toes to curl as her hands clenched before her. What was it about him that made her forget everyone else in the room? Even in her cut-off shorts and a loose-fitting tank top, he somehow made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

Ethan wasn't at all thrown off to see her stepping through the doorway; he'd smelled her the second he walked through the door and known where she was. He wasn't sure how she would feel about seeing him after last night, but the sight of her made his day better as the morning sun illuminated her from behind. Her thick hair pulled into a loose knot, rested against the nape of her neck. His gaze lingered on the vein in her neck before moving over her body. Even in her baggy clothes, she was the most enticing woman he'd ever seen.

When he'd left the house, he'd been looking to have a good run to work off some of the remaining sexual frustration she aroused in him last night. When he ran into Jill, he'd known the only way he would feel better was to see Emma again. That strange sense of peace worked its way through him again as his eyes returned to hers. She looked a little shy as she folded her hands before her, but the smile she gave him warmed him from the inside out and helped to calm him further.

"There you are!" Jill said as she stepped back in the room. Emma reluctantly tore her attention away from Ethan as Jill hopped down the stairs and strode toward the kitchen. "Ethan and I ran into each other at the end of our morning run."

"I see." Oh, that was a terrific piece of conversation, she thought with an inward groan. But her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth.

"It's so peaceful out there in the morning," Jill continued.

Ethan's gaze remained riveted on her as he lifted the glass of water to his lips. He didn't require the water to survive, but it was good to wet his throat and helped cool him down. "And I couldn't turn down a drink," he said.

Jill waved her hand at Emma from behind Ethan's back in a gesture for her to come closer. Mandy nudged her shoulder a little as she stepped forward, but Emma's feet were planted more firmly than an oak tree's roots. Ethan's gaze went briefly to Mandy's missing lower leg. To his credit, he didn't become uncomfortable in her presence like Emma had seen other people do, and he didn't stare.

"It's good to see you again," Mandy greeted.

"Yes, yes, it is." Her tongue finally came undone from the roof of her mouth only to sputter that crap out. She was better off remaining mute, Emma realized in disgust.

Ethan didn't seem to care as a smile tugged at the corners of his full mouth. Thoughts of kissing him consumed her as her gaze focused on his lips. He drank the rest of the water and placed the glass on the counter.

“The house Stefan rented came with a boat. We were hoping to go out on it this morning, maybe do some fishing and swimming. Would the three of you like to join us?" Ethan asked.

"That would be great," Jill said eagerly.

"Are you sure they won't mind?" Mandy asked.

"Not at all, there's plenty of room, and the more, the merrier," he responded with ease.

"It sounds like fun," Emma said.

"Good. I'll come back and get you in an hour if that's okay?"

"Plenty of time," Jill assured him.

He smiled at Emma before turning and walking up the stairs. "Wear your bathing suits," he called over his shoulder before slipping out the door.

Emma exchanged a look with Jill and Mandy before Jill let out a little squeal and raced over to her. "He likes you," she said eagerly.

"Don't get carried away, Jill," Emma told her.

"Maybe we should let you go alone." Jill tapped her finger thoughtfully against her chin as she studied Emma.

"She can't go out on a boat by herself with three people we barely know," Mandy said.

"I can take care of myself," Emma reminded them.

"Of course you can," Jill assured

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