she’d already tossed aside that idea. “What are you doing?”

His expression was puzzled. “What’s it look like? I’m getting ready for bed. If watching embarrasses you, close your eyes or look elsewhere. I expected there would be a dressing screen in the room but there isn’t. I’m not a magician and have nowhere else.”

She turned her head so she faced the wall. “Of course not. I… I didn’t mean to snap. I’m having trouble with this part of our partnership. I realize we have to share a room so we appear we’re a couple. That doesn’t make it easy.”

“Pretend I’m a brother.”

“I’ll try but I didn’t share a room with my brother. I have seen him without a shirt when we were camping or years ago when we played Indians.”

“That you’ve been camping is helpful. Can you cook over a campfire?”

“Yes, but not as well as Josiah and Abigail. She dislikes camping but she has gone with us on occasion and is skilled.”

“Where did you camp?”

“While we lived in Cheyenne, if we had time we went into the Laramie Mountains. Sometimes we only had time to go a few miles from Cheyenne.”

The mattress dipped and she sensed him climb into bed. “Don’t worry, I left on my unmentionables. I have my notebook and some lists for us to cover.”

When she looked, he was sitting with his back against the mahogany headboard. His broad chest was bare and she had to force herself not to stare. She couldn’t pretend he was her brother. The tingles he aroused were nothing like being close to Josiah.

She scolded herself for her wayward thoughts. Her poor brother might have been beaten or shot and lying on his sickbed in terrible condition. This was no time for foolish schoolgirl notions.

To match his position, she scooted so she was sitting also. Recalling her nightgown’s transparency, she pulled the sheet up as she moved to cover her bust and tucked the sheet under her arms.

She cleared her throat and tried to sound unaffected by his presence. “What are we reviewing?”

“Tomorrow I’ll stock our supplies. I figure three days to reach there. Then, we have to have a chance to judge what’s going on and find your brother. Remember, our story is that I’m looking into buying up old Spanish land grants that haven’t been claimed.”

“Can people still do that?”

“They can, but the mention of it will cause waves among those who ignored them and are using the land involved. You’ll need to carry your revolver and keep your rifle at hand. I mean all the time, day and night.”

“I will and so can Abigail. What else?”

“The list of supplies has grown too much. Go through here and scratch out anything we can omit.”

She ran a finger down the list. “If you plan on two men plus us three, I don’t see that you have too much of anything. If I were changing the list, it would be to add more cartridges.”

“It’s your money, but this is going to cost a lot by the time I fit out two wagons and load all these supplies.”

“Don’t think I’m unappreciative of your considering the costs. I’ll have enough money. The important thing is to move quickly and be well equipped for a confrontation when we arrive. If not in Los Perdidos, we’re sure to meet with resistance at or on the way to Josiah’s ranch.”

He sent her an appreciative glance. “I’m glad you’re aware of that. We aren’t going to a church social.”

“I’ll turn my head if you’ll give me my carpetbag please.”

He left the bed and returned with her bag, which he placed on her lap.

She rummaged in the hidden lining and extracted a bundle of bills. “You shouldn’t need all of this but you may have to pay the men you hire a part of the fee in advance. Don’t remind Mama she wanted to pay for herself.” She handed him the money.

“Did you ever hear of a bank draft? Carrying this much cash is dangerous.”

“I know, but it was the fastest way. I wasn’t certain there would always be a bank nearby. This carpetbag has a hidden pocket. Papa had it specially made while he was still in the east.”

He shook his head slowly. “I’ll bet every crook in the country knows where that pocket is.”

“Doesn’t matter now, does it? We weren’t robbed. I’ll hide the rest when we get underway.”

“The rest—” He held up his hand. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. All right, I’ll get everything on the list and hire the men. They don’t get paid in advance though. I’m dividing this up so I never have to show all of it.”

He counted money into stacks on the bed. “This will get the wagons. This will get the provisions. This will buy the teams and horses for the remuda. This should take care of our hotel and meals.”

Forgetting he was in only his underpants she watched as he tucked money into various pockets of his clothes and his boots. When she realized she was staring, she quickly looked at the wall. She sensed the heat of a blush on her face.

As if he hadn’t noticed, he sat on the bed. “I’ll put the last two inside my socks in the morning before I leave the room. You and Abigail go shopping tomorrow as if you are used to being ladies of leisure. But listen, stay close to the hotel. You don’t want to attract the wrong attention. You can use the relaxation before the trip to find your brother gets brutal.”

Fear for her brother had become her constant companion. His mention sent a fresh wave of alarm washing over her. “I’m afraid it already has. Mr. Corrigan is dead and Josiah is surely wounded or worse. Find dependable men to

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