go with us, Peyton. That’s the only chance we have to arrive at the ranch and rescue Josiah.”

He crawled back into bed. “All right, Red. Go to sleep while you have four walls to keep you safe.”

“I’m counting on you and the men you hire to help keep me safe. I’ll be helping, too.”


The next morning Peyton slipped from bed and dressed quickly. He couldn’t keep from pausing to admire Red as she slept. She was one fine-looking woman, the most beautiful one he’d ever seen, and apparently now rich. She was his wife but he couldn’t touch her. Life was no darned fair.

Downstairs he headed out the door for breakfast. He wanted a place that was respectable but sliding into seedy. Yesterday he’d found what he wanted a couple of blocks from the hotel. If this didn’t work he’d check with the sheriff for recommendations.

Seated in the corner this morning with his back to the wall was a man who looked familiar. He was tall but appeared on the thin side. In fact, he looked down on his luck.

Peyton strolled that way while he searched his mind for the man’s identity. They were the only two diners in the dingy place. He hoped that didn’t mean the food was bad.

At the man’s table, Peyton paused. “Care if I join you?”

The man’s gaze suggested he was sizing up Peyton. “Might as well seeing as how the place is so crowded there’s no other place to sit.”

Peyton laughed. “I sure do hate crowds, don’t you? What are you having?”

“Just coffee today. I’d have eaten from the street sellers but it’s noisy out there. Thought I’d sit in here a while where it’s quiet and nurse my coffee.”

When the waiter appeared, Peyton said, “I’ll have two eggs over easy, a big steak, fried potatoes, and biscuits with butter and jam on the side. My friend here will have the same.”

The man’s scowl was likely from embarrassment. “Did I ask for your help?”

“Nope, but I don’t like to eat alone.”

The man leaned back in his chair. “I know you from somewhere. You ever been down in Texas?”

Aha! The name popped into his mind, Jeff Mason. “That’s right, Jeff, that’s where we met when you were with the Texas Rangers. You give that up?”

“I got tired of not being paid half the time. Last time I got shot, I didn’t go back.”

“Name’s Knight, Peyton Knight. If you’re looking for an honest job that does pay well, I have one on offer

Chapter Six

Peyton saw recognition flash in Jeff’s eyes. “Now I remember your name. You still a….” He looked around. “You still with the same outfit?”

“I am. It’s only fair I warn you this job might get you shot but I hope not.”

Jeff chuckled. “Like I said, I’ve been shot. It’s the not getting paid that riled me. What’s this you have on offer?”

“Accompany two women who’ve hired me to find the younger one’s brother. Last they heard he was likely injured and being bedeviled by a neighbor who wants his ranch for the water. Or, maybe he’s just land greedy.”

The waiter brought their food.

“Women?” Jeff shook his head. “They have any idea what could happen to them?”

“They do but they’re stubborn and refuse to wait here while I go. Both of them are good shots, can ride, and one of them is my wife… um, temporarily.”

Jeff chuckled as he cut his meat. “You already know she’s temporary? Not a good sign.”

Peyton explained the arrangement and the details. “You interested?”

“Not like I’m making any money sitting here.” He flushed slightly as if embarrassed. “Uh, I’d need a draw to get a saddle. Had to sell mine to buy feed for my horse.”

“That can be arranged. You know another seasoned man who can be counted on?”

Jeff didn’t slow down on his meal. “Matter of fact, I know two. Don’t think one would hire without the other seeing as how they’re partners. Were in the Army together.”

The former Ranger shook his head. “So far, all they’re partners in is misery. Went prospecting but didn’t find enough to more than pay for their supplies.”

“Happens more often than not. Listen, soon as I leave here I have to arrange for a couple of wagons and the supplies and teams and a remuda. You want to come with me and put in your two cents?”

“Why not? I’ll introduce you to the two men I mentioned. Other than them, I haven’t met any here I’d trust.” He waved his biscuit as he spoke. “That’s not to say there aren’t plenty around, but I can’t vouch for them personally. You can probably find a man or two through the sheriff.”

“That’s where I was going if I hadn’t seen you. I’d as soon everyone think I’m checking on land grants.”

Jeff shook his head. “Not smart. Makes you sound too well-heeled.”

Peyton started to get annoyed but then considered that the older man had been in plenty of places and knew what he was talking about. “What do you suggest?”

Jeff looked at his plate for a few minutes as he shoveled food into his mouth. “How about you and your wife and her mother are headed to southwestern Kansas? They don’t want to ride the stagecoach. Make up someone in the family that’s sick and the women need to go before the person dies. That way, you’re not a threat to anyone.” Jeff devoured his food and sopped the plate with biscuits.

Peyton mulled over what the former Ranger had said. He hated to admit it but the idea was better than those he or Archie had proposed. Red would likely be annoyed when he changed stories.

“Your idea has merit. Don’t believe there’s any way to get

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