to take over Radiant Dragon. But here they are, sponsoring an exhibition and enjoying themselves.”

“They cast Jiven out,” Faryn reminded me. “He broke tradition, overstepped his bounds, and abused his power. And with Hamon gone and their best Augmenters slain, they needed to rebuild as badly as we did. I, for one, support Guildmaster Xilarion’s effort to help them rebuild their forces and train their initiates.”

“Maybe I’m just a cynic,” I said.

Faryn laid a hand on my arm. “You’ve seen naught but corruption, abuse, and death between the clans and guilds since you’ve arrived in the Seven Realms. It’s not surprising you reserve your trust. But Clan Wysaro have poured their resources into Radiant Dragon, so that way may be stronger and better than ever.”

Despite my reluctance to trust anyone with the name Wysaro, I had to admit that Faryn was right. I’d never seen the people of Flametongue Valley come together to enjoy a festival like this. My guild would profit from it, good relations would flourish, and eventually, the age-old trust between guild and clan would be restored.

The crowd lifted their voices into a deafening cry as figures emerged from the sides of the tournament arena.

“Oh, are the others fighting now?” Choshi asked excitedly.

I smiled and reached down to bring the other Immense Blades into my lap.

“You should be proud of your service, Choshi,” Yono murmured from her place within the Depthless Dream Trident. “You served him well, even using an element you’re not accustomed to.”

Nydarth snorted. “You flatter the girl too much, Yono. She’s but a child.”

I tapped the Sundered Heart sharply. “Behave.”

The fire spirit purred deeply at my reprimand. “Oh, Master. I do apologize for stepping out of line. Please, do feel free to punish me, should you feel the need.”

“I agree with Yono, Choshi,” I said, ignoring Nydarth. “You’re incredible. Don’t take Nydarth too seriously. She gets jealous when she doesn’t get all the action.”

“Perhaps. But that will never diminish the fact that I was your first,” Nydarth countered.

“Thank you, Master,” Choshi said quietly. “It is my pleasure to serve.”

Faryn’s fingers tightened around my arm. I let the friendly bickering between the Immense Blades fade into the back of my mind as I raised my eyes to the arena again.

My friends had emerged.

The next fight was about to begin.

Chapter Two

Kegohr, Vesma, and Mahrai drew my eye first. The huge half-ogre rested his massive stone mace over his shoulder, bared his short tusks in a grin, and waved to the crowd as he strode out into the center of the training grounds. Muscles shifted beneath his gray-blue fur as he bowed to Xilarion in the stands. The big guy had become one of my closest friends in the guild, and we had fought more monsters together than I could count.

Vesma glided across the arena beside him with her firm, athletic stride. Her pretty, girl-next-door features found mine and offered me a wink as she stood opposite Kegohr. Her tight tunic and trousers drew attention to her petite, energetic form as she spun her spear in a neat flourish and held it at the ready. Vesma’s quick thinking and finer application of fire Augmenting had always served her well, and I knew she was already planning ahead for the bout.

Mahrai joined Vesma’s side, lifted her chin, and offered Xilarion the slightest of nods. She had grown out her light-brown hair since she’d joined us at the Radiant Dragon, and it gave her an untidy, rebellious air. I knew just from her expression that she didn’t want to be on display before Xilarion, or the representatives of Clan Wysaro. Her knuckles whitened around her quarterstaff as she followed Vesma’s gaze and found me in the stands.

“She doesn’t want to be here,” Choshi said.

“Hatred still runs deep within her, despite our master’s best efforts,” Nydarth said. “It eats at her very soul, little one. She’s a furnace of passion, and not easily restrained.”

I smiled at Mahrai and mouthed the words “play nice.” A subtle smirk flitted over Mahrai’s features as she turned her attention to Veltai, who joined Kegohr’s side, bowed to Xilarion, and pulled her nunchucks free of her belt.

Veltai’s fierce strength, size, and lust for battle matched her perfectly with Kegohr. They had broken three beds together since we had arrived back at Radiant Dragon, and I had a feeling that they wouldn’t be the last.

Veltai bumped her shoulder playfully against her boyfriend’s massive flank as she settled into a fighting stance and faced Vesma and Mahrai.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Mahrai fight before,” Faryn said excitedly.

“Then you’re in for a treat,” I said. “She doesn’t do subtle all that well.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.”

Veltai and Kegohr rushed Mahrai the moment the starting bell rang out over the stands. Mahrai lunged into a backward handspring as Vesma blurred past her. Vesma’s hands flared, and crackling fire blasted out in a 10-foot half-dome to slow down her opponents. Flame Shield technique.

A grin tugged at my face as Kegohr swung his mace down on Vesma’s magic shield with all his might. His weapon cracked off the Flame Shield with an echoing report. Vesma winced at the blow, backed off, and narrowed her eyes as she poured more Vigor into her defensive wall.

Veltai joined the fray with her blurring nunchucks. Flashes of fire from the magic shield held off her barrage of blows, but it wouldn’t be long before the combined might of Kegohr and Veltai broke through Vesma’s defenses.

But Mahrai only needed a few more seconds.

She slammed her quarterstaff into the sand. Dirt whirled up into a tiny tornado at the touch of her Vigor before it wrapped itself into a vaguely humanoid figure. The Greater Stone Golem reared its head as the last of the sand hardened into granite. Segmented portions of rock looked like a power armor exosuit. The creature stood at seven and a half feet tall, created from raw stone and earth Augmentation.

I knew all too well how difficult the golem was to

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