was surprised. I didn’t expect him to open up so quickly. Although it was our second date, we had slowly been spending time together, even if the attention had been mostly on Penny during those times.


And when he kissed me, sparks lit up inside of me like the wild firecrackers we used to light when I was a kid to scare the neighbors. I still feel the memory of his lips moving across mine and his short beard scratching my skin.

This week was busy with recording songs, meeting with Matthew and Grady, who came to Everton to meet in person, and local radio station interviews. I was on the go a lot, so I didn’t get to see Gavin. I’m hoping we can change that this weekend.

“I’m heading out,” I call out into Knox and Ainsley’s kitchen as I make my way up from the studio.

“We’ll see you at Clarke’s tonight?” Ainsley asks.

“Yeah,” I nod. I’m hoping Gavin would want to go as well. Penny will probably be asleep or getting ready for bed by the time we meet at Clarke’s.

“Sutton,” Knox calls out as I’m turning away from the kitchen.

“What’s up?” I turn to face him.

“Matthew just called me. One Harbour Entertainment released the statement announcing we’re on the soundtrack for the movie.”

“No way!” My eyes open wide, and I squeal. Biting my lip, I shake my head in disbelief. Being associated with them will definitely get my name in front of more people, not just those interested in country music.

“I emailed you a link so you can read it. Get ready for what this will mean.” Knox smiles. “Being part of a highly anticipated Hollywood movie is huge.”

“This is so amazing. Thank you. I owe it all to you and Harris.” I hug Knox.

“And me!” Ainsley yells. Knox and I laugh, and I look over at her behind him with wide eyes.

“Definitely you! What would I do without my social media guru?” I wink at Knox, who chuckles softly. Thanks to me, he got what he wanted by having Ainsley working with the label’s marketing team.

“You’re going to be extra grateful for me. From what Knox tells me, it’s going to get crazy with fans wanting to know more about you.” She walks up to us.

I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for all this could mean. A million scenarios run through my mind, but I can’t grasp on to any. Not until I live through this and experience it for myself.

“Thanks.” I squeeze her arm. “I’ll see y’all tonight.”

Before I drive away, I open my messages and shoot Gavin an invitation to Clarke’s. Then, I roll down the windows and drive through a back road that Knox taught me leads to the bed and breakfast. With one arm out the window, I sing to the music playing on the radio.

Sparse pine trees grow on the open land, the grass tall and wild as it mixes with small yellow flowers. Ever since Knox taught me this route, I’ve taken it as long as it’s still daytime. A sense of peace washes over me as I drive through the middle of the country, only nature and me.

My waving hand freezes outside of the window, and I slam on my brakes. I turn up the volume. My eyes bug out at the sound of the familiar tune. Tears cloud my vision as I bring a hand up to my mouth.

My heart pounds against my ribs as my own voice begins to sing to me through the speakers. This is incredible. I knew my single was starting to play on the radio, but I had yet to hear it myself.

I wipe my cheeks as I listen, an odd sensation hitting me. Scrunching my nose up, I throw my head back against the headrest and laugh. Only I would get weirded out by listening to myself on the radio.

I continue to wipe my cheeks and take a deep breath. Grabbing my phone, I open my Instagram app and record a video of my radio as the song plays and post it in my Story with the caption, First time listening to myself on the radio! So weird and utterly amazing. Thank you for all the support, y’all! This is because of you.

As soon as it posts, I put my car in gear and drive again, singing along as the song comes to an end. Every dream I had is coming true, including the one about meeting a great man.

The car rocks as I drive through the gravel. I barely hear the ping on my phone, and I smile, knowing it’s probably Gavin responding to my message.

I hope to see him tonight. Our talks have been great this week, but I want to see him in the flesh and feel his arm wrapped around me.

“Crap,” I yell and slam on my breaks. Daydreaming is going to get me killed. I look at the bear crossing the road with three cubs. I sit still and give them space to cross. I don’t want to be in the papers with the headline, Death by Bear, next to my picture.

Once the bears have crossed and gone into the tall grass, I head home with a careful eye and racing heart.

Finally home, I check the message Gavin sent and smile.

Gavin: Are you asking me out on a date, country girl?

Sutton: I sure am ;)

Gavin: In that case how can I say no?

Sutton: You don’t

Sutton: Obviously you can if you need to stay home with Penny. I don’t want her to think you’re gone all the time now

I bite my lower lip as I wait for his response. Flirting is fun, but I don’t want to cross a line when it comes to his daughter and his responsibilities. We may be young, but Gavin’s life is different. He’s got a major role to play—Dad.

Gavin: I’ll pick you up at 8:30 after I put Penny to bed. She’s always exhausted on Fridays

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