Ainsley interrupts, putting her arm around Lia. “It’s new. Don’t make a big deal about it.”
“Uh, you knew and didn’t tell me?” Now she glares at Ainsley, and I can’t help but chuckle.
“It’s only been about a week,” I assure Lia. I don’t need a pregnant woman on my case.
“Well, I approve,” she nods.
“Me too,” Poppy smiles, waving her fingers at us.
“Now that we have your blessin’, can a girl get a beer ‘round here?” Sutton says, moving toward the bar. She looks back at me over her shoulder and winks.
Axel chuckles beside me and claps my shoulder. “You’re in trouble.”
We order two beers and talk to our friends, music playing in the background.
“Hey, guys.” Averly and Eli walk up to us.
“Hey! What are you doing here? Where’s Mason?” Poppy pushes forward, hugging her.
Averly laughs. “We left him with my parents. Finn insisted we came out tonight instead of staying locked up at home. Clearly, he doesn’t know what it means to have an infant.” She rolls her eyes at her brother’s comments.
“By the way, I like this.” She motions a finger between Sutton and me. “I’d heard something was going on but wasn’t sure.”
“You heard while you’re home with a baby, and I didn’t?” Lia shakes her head.
“Emotional pregnancy moods?” Averly scrunches up her nose as she looks at her.
“How did you handle it?” Lia sighs in frustration.
“ I barely did.”
“Tell me about it.” Eli hugs Averly from behind with a grin.
As I watch all of them interact, I wonder what it will be like for Sutton and me in the future. Will we be where our friends are right now? Married, having more kids. I hadn’t even thought about more kids. For me, Penny was it. How would she feel about having a sibling?
“Hey,” Finn’s voice booms from behind us. “Aw, you listened to your big brother and made it.” He kisses Averly’s cheek.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Hey,” Abbie smiles at me.
“Oh, my God!” Sutton yells next to me, causing me to tense.
“What in the…” I furrow my eyebrows. My eyes pop wide when Sutton grabs Abbie’s hand.
“You’re engaged!” She hugs Abbie, and everyone else joins in congratulating Finn and her.
“Yeah, it happened earlier today,” Abbie blushes and offers a small smile. I know how much she hates being the center of attention.
“We can plan our weddings together,” Poppy hollers.
“So much yelling.” Eli shakes his head and steps toward the bar.
I clap Finn’s shoulder. “Congrats, man.”
“Thanks.” He shakes my hand.
“How come you didn’t tell me?” Averly punches Finn’s shoulder. I laugh and cover my mouth when she narrows her eyes in my direction.
“No offense, but you would’ve blabbed.” Finn looks at me. “Same goes for you. I know how close you and Abbie are.”
I shake my head and raise my hands. “None taken.”
I hear Abbie telling the women how Finn planned a surprise photoshoot for them, and she thought she was going to shoot someone who had booked her. Then, as the woman was taking their photo, he proposed. I’m sure she’ll tell me all about it soon.
Eli hands Averly a drink, winking. “Vodka for the Missus.”
“Trying to get me drunk,” Averly retorts.
“That’s my sister,” Finn deadpans.
“And that’s my cousin.” I lift my brows and point at Abbie, knowing damn well Finn wasn’t a saint before he started dating her.
“I feel like we’re all oddly related now.” Finn looks at us. “There are worse people to call family, I guess,” he shrugs and laughs at his own joke.
Shaking my head, I smile at Sutton when I catch her looking my way. I lift my beer toward her and take a drink.
“It’s good to see you happy,” Finn slaps my back. Leave it to him to keep things honest.
“Thanks,” I chuckle. “It feels good.”
I go to Sutton and loop my arm around her waist. She smiles up at me. The memory of her on her knees hits me, and I clear my throat. As if reading my mind, she winks and pats my chest.
“You’re a vixen,” I whisper in her ear.
She laughs and hides her head in my chest before looking back at me. She doesn’t need to say anything for me to know what she’s feeling. I’m feeling the same thing. This could go somewhere far, but I want to take things slow before jumping straight into heartbreak road on a suicide mission.
When Abbie finishes talking to Poppy and Ainsley, I give her a big hug and congratulate her. She deserves all the happiness she’s getting.
“Thanks, cuz. I see things are going well.” Her eyebrows dance on her forehead, and Sutton’s throaty laugh makes my cock hard.
“Yeah,” I assure her we’ll have lunch soon to catch up.
“Let’s go dance.” Sutton pulls my hand out into the crowd. I reluctantly let her guide me, knowing it’s no use to fight her. At least she already knows I have two left feet.
Sutton moves around me, shaking her hips and lifting her hands over her head. She laughs and moves my arms. I can’t help but stare at her as she dances. When she turns and gives me her back, I watch her ass shake before grabbing her hips and pulling her to me. She teases me and wiggles her ass against my crotch. I lean into her ear and groan.
Sutton turns and wraps her arms around my neck, moving to the beat. I move with her, and she pushes further into me. I’m sure she feels the bulge in my jeans. I want nothing more than to take her home and bury myself inside her, but I can’t spend all night out. And I don’t want to just fuck her and leave.
We dance the rest of the night, major foreplay for my hard dick.
As I drop Sutton back home, I turn to look at her.
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Resting.” She smiles sleepily.
“How about we take Penny to The Mad Batter. I owe her a cupcake.”