life.” My nostrils flare. Abbie knows how I feel about this.

“She doesn’t, or you don’t? Because frankly, Penny doesn’t even remember her mom. Gavin, you were so close to having a second chance at happiness, and I hate to see you give that up because of a challenge on the road.”

“This just proves that Sutton is a woman destined to live beyond Everton. She’ll travel, be away for months, and meet all kinds of people.”

“It’s her job, the same way yours is waking up before dawn and working on the ranch. Would it be fair to say someone doesn’t want to be with you because you can’t have breakfast together every day?”

“That’s different.”

“I know, but go with it. It’s the best I could come up with at the moment,” Abbie smiles.

Finally, feeling as if some of the pressure is easing up, I nod.

“Let Sutton make those kinds of decisions. Who are you to decide for her if Everton is too small to make a life in?”

I look away from her and into my mug. I take a drink of coffee but set the mug back down when the cold liquid touches my lips.

“If you’re always going to live with the fear that the person you love is going to abandon you, then you won’t ever be happy. Gavin,” Abbie reaches for my hand. “It’s been five years since Hadley left, maybe it’s time you talk to someone about this.” It’s not the first time Abbie suggests I see a professional. I always turned down the idea because I knew I’d get over what happened with time, but she’s right that I’m still not fully healed.

“I’ll think about it.” I purse my lips.

“If you decide to, I’ll keep Penny those days and do something fun with her. We’ll make it a play date, so she won’t be curious about your whereabouts.”

“Thanks, Abbie.” I finally smile. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“I want you to be happy. I hate seeing you suffering over something you can’t control and is in the past. You’re given an opportunity to live a wonderful life with an amazing daughter… And a great woman if you choose to,” she adds after a pause to read my face.

“What about the media? I don’t want Penny in that mess.”

“Again, things you can’t fully control. Unless you keep her locked up at home, and that’s no way to live. You either hide from life or show up each day and prove your strength.”

I could control them if I stop seeing Sutton, which apparently that decision was made for me. I’ve missed her this week. I’ve missed our random text message conversations and late-night phone calls. I’ve missed seeing her smile and hearing her snort-laughter.

I think about Abbie’s question about whether I could fall in love with her. The answer is easy. Of course, I can. Sutton is the kind of woman I want in my life. She’s understanding and patient. She loves my daughter and knows how important Penny is in my life. Not once did she question my decisions, my emotions, or my way of coping. And hell, she isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty.

“Thanks, Abbie.” I give her a small smile. “I better go before your dad and mine wonder where the hell I ran off to.” I stand and rinse my mug before placing it in the dishwasher.

“Leave that. I’ll clean it up.”

“It’s already done.” I turn around with a smile.

When we reach the front door, Abbie hugs me. “Things will work out. Finn and I also had a rough patch, and look at us now.” Her eyes light up.

“I know,” I nod and kiss her cheek.

I stop at The Sub Shop to grab lunch before heading back to the ranch. As I’m walking down the sidewalk, I hear a familiar voice. I turn to see Sutton talking to a man who is holding a huge camera. Her back is to me, but I can clearly hear what she’s saying. I stop and cross my arms as I listen, in case the man is disrespectful.

With her hands on her hips, she tilts her head. “Do you have any kids?”

“Yeah.” The man’s voice sounds unsure.

“Where do you live?” Sutton pries.

“Ummm…” He looks around, avoiding her eyes.

“You don’t want to tell me the name of your town? I’d love to visit, take some pictures of your wife and kids one day. Introduce the world to one of the many paparazzi that brings them their favorite gossip.” I bite down my lips and cover my mouth with my hand.

“You can’t do that,” he argues, his eyes bulging.

“Really? Because that’s what you’re doing to me.” She lifts a hand, and I can guess that she’s pointing a finger at him.

“This is different.” This guy is clearly mistaken. How is following one person any different than another?

“Why? Because I’m a singer? Well, you’re the man behind the camera.”

“What are you doing?” The man’s voice sounds panicked as Sutton reaches for her phone in her back pocket and aims at him.

“Taking your picture. Smile, or it’s not going to be a flattering one. I’m sure with your photo, I’ll be able to find out where your family lives. After all, you use contacts to find my whereabouts, right?”

“Hey!” The man lifts his hands to cover his face, the camera falling against his chest on the strap around his neck. A few other locals have gathered around to see what is going on.

“I’m just doing what you’ve done to the people I care about and me. It doesn’t feel good, right? Imagine having your picture taken without even being aware. At least I’m giving you a head’s up. Imagine waking up and seeing a picture of your wife and kids online for anyone to see. With the way the world is nowadays, I’m sure you wouldn’t want photos of your children easily accessible to creeps on the internet, with your location constantly published so people can track you down. It’s dangerous,

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