Claudiafolded her arms over her chest. “Maybe that’s why he acts differently withyou.”
Paigechuckled. “With his pick of beauty queens revolving around him like planetsaround the sun, maybe he needed a break.”
“Don’tbe fooled. Most of these boys want the girl next door, though sometimes theyget caught up with the glitzy ones and get dazzled stupid into high-speedlifestyles. Beckett’s lived it more than most, but in the end, they all wantthe same thing. Someone like Mom.”
“Momcrossed with a lingerie model,” Paige chortled. “Ew. That just sounds wrong.”
Theyboth laughed. Whether because of the beer or because she was so relaxed aroundClaudia, Paige told her about meeting Beckett in Marty’s office. They bothhowled so hard Paige’s side stitched.
“Oh myGod, oh my God! He didn’t! And you said that?” Claudia gasped, flapping herhand in front of her face. “Marty told me a little, but he skipped the details!”
WhenBeckett appeared in the doorway, a puzzled smile on his face, they laughed evenharder. “I think I’ll just leave now,” he muttered.
Catchingher breath before she could process restraint, Paige stepped up to him.“Really, Claudia, he is just a big puppy.”
Hepulled her to his side, anchoring her against hard muscle. Fitting under hisshoulder perfectly, for an instant she reveled in the feel of him, solid andstrong. Safe.
Hegrinned. “Claudia, I don’t know what you’re feeding her, but keep it up.Please.”
Paige’sentire body flushed, and she quickly pulled away and straightened her skirt.Her attention bounced to the man who’d materialized behind Beckett.
“Out ofthe way, Miller. I smell one of Claudia’s pies calling me.”
Beckettglanced over his shoulder and bobbed his head toward Paige. “Hey, T.J. There’ssomeone I’d like you to meet.” He moved aside, and a dark-haired man aboutBeckett’s size came into view. “Andie, this is T.J. Shanstrom. He’s a formerteammate. T.J., Paige Anderson, my real estate agent.”
“She’s myagent too,” Claudia piped up. Bless her.
T.J.extended a meaty hand and a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Paige.”
Beckettleaned in. “Don’t let him fool you. His nickname’s Man-Killer. He has a talentfor—how do I say this politely?—laying the lumber on guys.”
“Isn’tthat your specialty?” Paige flicked her eyes from a grinning T.J. toBeckett. Two gorgeous examples of male in one kitchen. Holy moly!
Beckettburst out with a laugh. “I’m a lightweight compared to this guy.” Hejabbed a thumb in T.J.’s direction. “Then again, I can actually skate andhandle a puck. We work with what nature gave us, right, T.J.?”
Stillgrinning, T.J. shrugged. “In your case, Miller, we’re talking about a brain thesize of a flea’s, so I’d say nature treated me more generously.”
Theribbing continued throughout the afternoon, and Paige swung seamlessly betweenspectator and unabashed participant. With no Adrian casting a judgmental scowlher way, she let lightheartedness overtake her and lift her into a state ofcarefree fun—someplace she hadn’t been in a very long time.
Later,as they drove to the dealership where Paige had left her truck, “Everybody HaveFun Tonight” by Wang Chung came on the radio, and Beckett sang along.Effervescing cheer—and beer—motivated Paige to join him.
Hehigh-fived her when they were done.
“Isounded terrible,” she said.
“Notthe whole time. You hit some of the notes, and I understood most of the words.It was a little tougher to follow when you grunted along, though.”
Sheswatted his arm, and he laughed. Then she snorted.
“What?”he asked.
“No,really. I want to know what you’re thinking.”
Theystopped at a red light. “I was thinking of a magazine cover my assistant Katieshowed me. My client is Hockey’s Bad Boy,” she chuckled.
He letout a long-suffering sigh and shook his head. “Can I tell you something? Iadmit I liked that reputation once. I worked hard for it. Overachieved at it.Now I want to distance myself. I don’t want to be that guy.”
“So? Justdo it.” She mimicked Shia LaBeouf’s motivational YouTube speech. Sort of.
Beckettaccelerated through the green light, ignoring her attempt to lighten themoment. “How do you change your image when people won’t see you the way youwanna be seen?”
“Tohell with what everyone else thinks! Be what you want to be. They’ll adjust. Ifthey don’t, you didn’t need them in the first place.”
Heswiveled his head toward her. “That’s the first swear word I’ve heard you use.”
“WhenI’m making a very important point, I sometimes swear. Like now. Where the hellis my truck?” She craned her neck as they coasted into the parking lot.
Hedrove to the service lot and pulled alongside her Tacoma. Oh, whoopsie. Sheplaced her hand on the door handle. “They should have left my key on the—”
“I’mnot sure you should be driving. Why don’t you let me take you home?”
Shegave him a sidelong glance. “So you can see what a pig I am? Not a chance,buster.”
EddieMoney sang “Take Me Home Tonight,” and she clamped down the urge to sing out loud—orponder the words too much. She began gathering up her things, and Beckettgrabbed her forearm. His hand was big, warm. It wrapped around her wrist andthen some, sending tingles up her arm. He had very masculine, very sexy hands.The kind of hands that could rip off jar lids—or clothes.
“Hey.Don’t go home yet,” he said softly. “Let me buy you a coffee.”
“It’sseven o’clock! I won’t sleep if I have coffee. Besides, it’ll make me have topee.”
A smiletwitched the corners of his mouth. He skewered her with his baby blues. “Thenjust sit here for a few minutes and talk to me.”
“Idon’t know. Recite that fascinating contract to me. Lie to me and tell me howrich I’m going to be when the dust finally settles. List your top ten favoriteseventies songs.” He pointed at her. “Made you smile.”
“Don’tlet it go to your head.”
A grinspread over his face.
Shelooked him over. Timberlands, jeans, a light blue button-down that revealed awhite T-shirt underneath. Beckett was handsome, well put together, funny, andsmart—when he didn’t think with his tallywacker. She understood why women foundhim irresistible.
Andthat scared her silly.
She hadto clear her head. Without thinking, she blurted, “There’s something personalI’ve been wondering about.”
“Fireaway. I have no secrets from you.”
“Whathappened to your mom?” The question had been stewing in her brain a long time.
He wasquiet for a few beats, staring at the dash, staring at nothing. A huge exhaleleft his body.