sigh. “No. Ironically, he stopped us both going too far.”

“What?This is Beckett Miller we’re talking about and not his stunt double?”

Paigelaughed. “No, I was with the real Beckett.”

“Sonothing intimate?”

“Wekissed at midnight. That’s all.”

“And?Deets, Paige.”

Paigefelt a twinge between her legs, and she squirmed in her seat. “Um, I’d be lyingif I said it wasn’t really, really hot, but I’ve been in a drought for so longI probably could have kissed an orangutan and been turned on. Anyway, hebrought me to the room and left me there. Alone. God, Gwenn, if I can’t get amanwhore to sleep with me, how will I—”

“So youwould have slept with him?”

“No,but my ego could’ve stood him trying.”

“Knowwhat I think, Paige?”

“No,but you’re going to tell me.” Paige braced herself.

“You’reso attracted to each other that it freaks you both out. You’re scared shitlessof taking it to the next level so you stay in the friendship zone. Henry sayshe’s in love with you, by the way.”

“Henry’sin love with me?”

“Ha!No, Beckett’s in love with you, and I gotta say I agree with Henry. When Adrianis in your rearview, you should, you know, explore possibilities with Beckett.”

Paigescoffed. “That would be so like my mother. Going from one man to the next.Especially when the ‘next’ is Beckett.”

“Why?If you’re in love, why does it matter if it happens one day or one decadelater?”

“Ididn’t say I’m in love.”

“Youdon’t have to, sweetie.”

AfterPaige ended the call, she dialed Beckett. He picked up on the first ring.

“Hey,pixie. We watching the game tonight? Or a movie? I can be talked into a romcom.”

“I needto cancel, Beck.”


God,did he have to sound so disappointed?

“Something,um, came up at the last minute, and I won’t be home.”

“Iseverything okay?”

“Yeah,everything’s fine.”

“I’llbe up if you want to give me a call late,” he offered.

“Thanks,but I’m climbing into bed as soon as I get home.” She’d be mentally exhausted,with barely enough energy to manhandle the quart of Häagen-Dazs Vanilla SwissAlmond waiting in her freezer.

A noisysigh. “Okay. Talk to you tomorrow, Andie.”


.~ * * * ~.

Paige pulled into Adrian’s driveway as dusk settled in,surprised when he ambled out and helped her out of her truck.

He eyedher. “Wow. You look great. I guess getting away from me agrees with you.”

Speechless,she followed him inside. As he closed the front door, she got a good look athim—her next surprise. His face was drawn, gaunt, and shadows colored pouchesbeneath his eyes.

“Thanksfor coming by.” He pointed at two boxes. “I’ll load your stuff for you. Can youstay a few minutes?”

Shelooked into doleful amber eyes and swallowed hard. He looked pale, pathetic. Ishe sick? “Um, a few minutes.”

“Good.Wait here.” He carried her boxes out as she stood in the foyer, first swingingthen crossing her arms. When he returned, he took her coat and led her to thekitchen. “I have something for you.”

Hereyes caught on a pair of crystal goblets on the center island. They held winethe color of dark garnets, and beside them was a partly full wine bottle.

Apprehensionsnaked up her spine. “What’s this?”

Hehanded her a goblet. “I was unpacking, and I discovered this.” He picked up thebottle and handed it to her. She frowned, pretending to read the label.

“Webought it in Napa and said we’d drink it on our tenth wedding anniversary,” heexplained. “Remember?”

“Wenever said that.”

If itwere possible, his eyes drooped a little more. “Well, I probably thought itand never said anything. I took a lot of things for granted. Anyway, since wewon’t reach our tenth, I thought we should open it and toast to better times.”He gave her a half-smile.

“Inever wanted this, Adrian.”


Hecleared his throat and held up his glass. “Here’s to your being free and myrediscovering, too late, how lucky I was.”


He ranghis glass against hers and sipped. Pursing his lips, he glanced at the ceilingas he sampled the wine. He’d done it a million times, often exaggerating hisexpressions to make her laugh. In happier days. “It’s really good. Try it.”

Instunned silence, she took a mouthful. It was good. She drank a littlemore.

Hetopped their glasses. “So, I’ve, uh, continued therapy with Clay.” He paused abeat. “He helped me realize what a bastard I was. I wish I could’ve seen itbefore.”

Hereyebrows knitted together. I must be hallucinating.

Heshrugged. “I know. Shocking, huh? And now that the divorce is about final, well…” Taking a long pull, he darted his eyes to her. “I can’t tell you how sorry Iam for what I said, for what I did to you. I ended the affair right after thatfirst session. I haven’t dated anyone else since, nor have I wanted to. Toolittle, too late.”

Herwhole body constricted. She accepted more wine, gulping it just to open herthroat.

“Seeingmyself has been a real eye-opener. I’m surprised you didn’t leave me long ago, Paige.But then, you’re kindhearted like that.” He shook his head. “You seem to bedoing fine with it. You’re positively radiant. You’ll have to tell me yoursecret for getting over someone.”

Paige’stongue finally unfroze. “What the hell, Adrian?”

“I know.I deserve your anger—all of it. I’ll add it to my own. I made a colossalmistake, and I’ve never regretted anything more in my life.” He stared at her,his eyes pooling. “I need more wine to say the rest of what I have to say.”

“I’mnot sure I want to hear it.”

“Justhear me out. Please.”

Shenodded numbly. He threw back what remained in his glass and uncorked anotherbottle, splashing it in their glasses. He downed that too, and she matched him.Liquid courage.

Heskewered her eyes with his. “I think I was, uh, I think I was fearful you’doutgrow me, especially after your business took off. You were doing so well—Iwas impressed. Am impressed. I was … Clay says I was jealous, that Ifelt threatened. So subconsciously, I … I looked elsewhere.”

Angerswamped her. “So you wanted to hold me back? Deliberately hurt me?”

“No,never.” His face crumpled. “But that’s exactly what I did, isn’t it?”

His sadtone disarmed her, and guilt rushed in, followed by misery. Her eyes brimmedtoo. “Help me understand. Did I not pay enough attention to you? What did I dowrong?”

He putthe glass down and reached for her, pulling her into his embrace. He’d

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