me, but letting you get stained doesn't make sense.

- Yeah. That's pretty weird, by the way. - Annabel agreed. - She knows you'll have to be returned and lose the dowry, which has already been paid. Why go through with this marriage?

- That's a good question. - I whispered, contemplating the sky.

Annabel walked to the chair where she had put the veil.

- Did you know that everyone in Scotland thinks we're witches? - she said distractedly. - I wonder where they got an idea like that.

- That's silly! - I fired in a funny way. - If I were a witch, I'd fly out on a nice broom. Before, I'd turn Ravenna into a very warting frog.

- How mean! - Annabel laughed.

I had a laugh. I've heard some rumors like that before. Our fame as a witch spread all over the plains of Scotland, even reaching the battlefields. Little did they know that I, or any of my sisters, couldn't do a single spell.

- I like it when you laugh. - Annabel said taking my face and staring at me with a sad look. - I wanted you to smile more.

Grabbing the veil, she tied it to the crown and threw it over my face. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the bouquet that Annabel gave me and headed towards the bedroom door. I was trying to contain the tears that kept on falling. My mother was at the door waiting for me to go. I walked next to my sister until we got to the little chapel behind the castle. Annabel was holding my hand tight like she was trying to stop me from doing something stupid. My sister left me with my father and went inside with my mother. He looked at me with a different look that I couldn't decipher. There was a glow of regret in his eyes, but I ignored him. He took my arm and I took a deep breath. We came in slowly and to my surprise, it was full. Everybody smiles looking happy but me. Alistair had a serious face like he didn't like the idea of being there. How could it be, if the idea was out of it? Would he give up? A wave of hope flooded me at the moment I contemplated his countenance.

Alistair wore a blue kilt that matched the color of his eyes, just like the pie. The sword that was attached to the belt was huge displaying a large ruby on the handle. She seemed very heavy. I began to remember Aila and the times I would hold a sword like that on the sly in our grandparents' house. I was amazed at your courage in handling something like that. She tried to teach me, but I was small and at most I could learn to hold a dagger. Annabel was the one who learned to use the sword and bow most accurately.

To my sadness and despair, the ceremony was brief and I was crowned princess that very night. I tried at all costs to disguise my nervousness and forget that in a few hours I would have a wedding night, or rather, I would walk to the gallows. After what seemed like endless hours, I went to my room. A maid from the castle came in accompanied by Lowenna, who only left me in the room and retired.

- You look nervous. - said the young woman, putting a towel and a basin of water on the sideboard. - Don't stay. Alistair is the best lover a woman could ever have. You're kind and you'll know how to treat her very well.

The boldness with which she spoke to me pissed me off. It would come as no surprise to me to know that Alistair had countless lovers and that some of them would be in that castle among the vassals. I wouldn't mind that at all. In fact, if he wanted to lie with them instead of me, I would be very happy.

- Thanks for the advice. - I answered in a debauched way. - Coming from someone like you, I believe every word.

The woman looked at me with disgust and snorted. She had brown hair, eyes, hazelnut and a curved body. The modest dress showed more than she was hiding and she didn't seem to care about the huge neckline that barely covered her breasts.

- I speak from experience. - she provoked again.

Her gaze was full of malice and she smiled maliciously at me. I didn't know exactly where she wanted to go with that and I didn't care at all. I may have been cloistered this whole time, but I wouldn't let someone like her do to me what my mother used to do. None of Inverness's employees disrespected me. Why would a maid like that do that?

- Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but already being... Your private life doesn't interest me very much. - I said in a serious voice. - I ask only that you maintain decorum, for the man of whom you speak is my Husband and the Lord of this castle. Therefore, put yourself in your place as a servant and remain silent in our presence.

She looked at me furiously. I don't think she expected to hear those words from me, because she must have thought I was just a silly, innocent girl. Little did she know that I had seen more of human evil than she could see in a thousand lives.

- Now leave me alone! - I asked for it harshly. - I can dress myself, and to tell you the truth, I'd like to do it myself.

- Certainly, ma'am! - she smiled with disdain and made a mockery of herself. - If

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