- She stays! Aideen is mine now, but you must leave! - I answered dry. - Take Annabel's money and impeccable reputation. Never step on Dunhill again, just as Aideen is forbidden to see any of you. That includes Annabel.
- I thought you were going to obey the law and hang her or return her. - Ravenna fired a cold shot. There was something behind that observation that made me apprehensive.
- With what interest do you want her back? - I asked coldly. - To try to fool another lord or sell it to a brothel?
Ravenna stayed static in her place. Strangely enough, I noticed she was expecting me to accuse her of other things. It seemed she was hiding something more than Aideen's impurity.
- You're lucky I didn't send them away in this rain right now. - I said coldly. - You can drink and dance tonight, but tomorrow you'll leave no matter what the weather.
Without leaving room for arguments, I went to the door and opened it, making a gesture for them to leave. Ravenna looked at me with a hatred that I didn't quite understand. Like Aideen, she should be happy to take the money and get rid of a daughter who wouldn't have that same opportunity again.
- Alistair MacCalister, you will regret this! - she promised when she walked past me.
Your words came out as a threat that intrigued me. I had felt the taste of contradicting and offending the queen of pettiness, but I was still not satisfied. Taking a deep breath, I went back to my room and walked in without knocking. Aideen was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the balcony door. She cried copiously.
- Your family will leave tomorrow! - I said rough. - Without you!
She raised her gaze and I could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes, an emerald color, as well as the foreshadowing of a smile.
- Thank you! - she said relieved.
- Don't thank me yet. - I said in a cold tone. - I've ordered them not to come back, just as you'll never see them again. You can stay, but you won't ever set foot in Inverness again. You'll be confined to the castle and give me the heir I need to rub MacGregor's face in.
I paused to walk to Aideen who looked at me with perplexity.
- That will be your punishment for trying to trick me. I'm gonna torment her just like you did me.
Aideen's gaze withered, as did her smile, when I announced the sentence.
- But how much my sister? She won't be able to come see me either? - she asked me in tears.
- No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- How long will that sentence last?
- For the rest of your life or until my anger passes. - I responded with a crooked smile. - Who knows, my anger will last less than your life? Pray for that to happen. Maybe God is kind to you.
She looked at me incredulously. I knew I was being cruel, but I had enough hate to justify my actions.
- I think you should make the most of the time you have left next to Annabel, because she's leaving tomorrow too. - I trampled on your already wounded heart even further.
- You asshole! - ...she got up and walked over me. - You swore to protect me! You asked me not to be afraid of you! You're a monster!
I held Aideen's hands and laughed.
- I lied! - I shot him laughing and whispered in his ear. - Welcome to hell!
Releasing Aideen, I left the room and walked back to the lounge. I stopped by the kitchen and talked to Rose to meet me at the lake after midnight. I needed to relax and I did it on impulse, not willpower. You need to lose my dad, too. Grabbing a bottle of wine and a mug, I headed for the library and sat on one of the armchairs. I'd stay there until it was time to leave, and then I'd see Rose until dawn.
Chapter 08
My sister left with my parents right after dark. It was supposed to be in the morning, but Brice, seeing me crying, insisted that they stay a little longer. Not to arouse suspicion, but very much against taste, Alistair agreed. Little did Brice know the tears were about Annabel.
I cried all morning in Annabel's arms. She was trying to calm me down by saying I'd be fine. I hated my life more every day. I hated my mother more than anything in the world. Now I hated Alistair too. Every instant that the night spread announcing the dawn, I cursed against my mother.
- Good morning! - Rose greeted me with her sarcastic smile.
I took a deep breath when I heard Rose's boring voice, who decided to provoke me since my parents left the day before. The last thing I wanted at that moment was to have to deal with that girl.
- Good morning! - I answered without enthusiasm.
I was wearing the sweater Annabel had given me as a gift. I haven't taken it off since the night before. Alistair had spent the rest of his wedding night, and last night too. I always turned around alone when it came to getting dressed. I didn't need a maid; I didn't want a maid and I definitely didn't want Rose near me.
Rose put the things she was carrying in her hands on top of a sideboard by the window.
- My lord asked me to help you get