- Did you send for me? - Elaine asked as soon as she entered the library.
- Yes. - I answered smiling as I lifted my eyes from the papers I was reading. - I need you to meet Aideen on whatever she needs. You'll be her personal chambermaid.
- Me? - She shot with the surprise voice. - Princess's maid? I thought Rose had that function.
- Don't worry about Rose. I'm assigning you to this function. - I answered. - Do you believe you can accomplish this task?
- Yes, sir! I think I can find time to do the other tasks as well.
- You don't understand, do you? - I asked with a funny look. - You'll just be Aideen's chambermaid.
- But the garden and the kitchen? Who will help with these tasks?
- Don't worry about it, Elaine. I have enough staff to take care of the kitchen. As for the garden, you can reconcile the care if it is not going to hinder your work. - Elaine opened a wide smile. - I know how you like that garden.
- Thank you, Your Highness! - she said with joy. - I won't let you down. I promise! I promise!
- I know that. - she mentioned leaving, but I called her again. - One more thing, Elaine.
- Yeah, right?
- Tell your sister I want to see her now.
- Yes, sir! Yes, sir!
She left the room with a worried face. Elaine was the cook's youngest daughter, Wally, and Rose's sister. She was a pretty girl with long black hair and eyes of the same color. She was shy, but very cheerful. I'd like to work and help Mom. In spite of his young age, he was only fifteen years old and very dedicated to everything he did. He recently asked to take care of the garden while the gardener was recovering from the flu. My mother had no talent for gardening, so she let someone else take care of the three spaces around the castle. I had relieved her of her duties in the kitchen, but she still made a point of doing both.
I took a deep breath when I heard the knock on the door. From the sound, I knew it was Rose, because she was the only one who knocked on the door like that.
- You wanted to see me? - she said with her mischievous smile and came up to me. - Ofrangote is not realizing?
She came approaching with her sensual rolling and spread her hands on the table. Rose stared at me and kept talking.
- I'm glad you realized that I'm the only one who can satisfy this beautiful body and dangerous mind. - she smiled. - Why didn't you come to meet us? Wait all night.
- I was busy!
- What's going on? Is she so bad that it took him longer than necessary to satisfy you?
I let out a laugh and got up. Rose kept staring at me with her smile full of charm and seduction. My smile died when I approached her and grabbed her throat. Pulling Rose over the table, I threw her sitting on the chair.
- If you ever come near Aideen again, I'll kill you! - he said between his teeth. - Do you understand?
- What are you doing? What are you doing? - she said out of breath. - You're hurting me, Alistair! Let go of me!
- I'll hurt you even more if you dare to speak to her one more time, understand?
- I, uh...
- Do you understand?
He said slowly between his teeth as he squeezed Rose's neck tighter. She rolled her eyes out scared. I wasn't used to being violent, but I was filled with hatred for what Aideen revealed to me.
- Got it! - she said low on account of the squeeze. - Now let me go!
I released Rose, who fell to the ground coughing. Putting her hand down her throat, she lifted her eyes at me.
- So the chicken's already gone to complain? - she laughed. - No wonder. Franzina the way she is, I doubt she can defend herself.
- Her name is Aideen. Not that you're going to call her by her name, but have respect when you talk about her, in front of me or anyone else. I'm not gonna let you throw your poison at her.
- Poison? - Rose laughed while standing up. - Until recently, that wasn't exactly what I was throwing at you.
- Don't tease me! - I threatened between my teeth. - Aideen is my wife and you should treat her like a princess, because that's what she is. Unlike you, who's nothing but a hooker dowry.
Rose had a laugh. She didn't seem intimidated by my words and it made me apprehensive.
- Do you really think that blood could fool anyone? - I frowned and she continued. - Did you forget that the walls have ears?
Closing my eyes, I grunted. It was clear that Rose had heard my conversation with MacBride