
Looking around, I made sure I was alone. To my relief, there was no sign of Alistair. The bed he had been in was broken, but the fireplace remained lit. I sighed with relief and then I got out of bed. I went to the bedside table where Elaine used to leave the water for my bath, plus a vase in case I felt I gave in. Grabbing the vase I poured a little in a glass and drank the fresh liquid slowly, savoring that freshness that invaded my throat. That's when I realized I'd woken up outside the armchair.

- How did I end up in bed? - I whispered with a frown. - Have I become sleepwalking?

I remembered that I had fired and fed the fire, then I sat on an armchair, which was no longer in front of the window. I used to put an armchair in front of the window when I was at home. At home, Annabel woke me up or carried me to bed when she saw me sleeping seated. Would Alistair have done that? I very much doubted this possibility and believed in the theory that I could have really become a sleepwalker.

Finishing drinking the water I decided to take a long bath. I preferred not to heat the water, so, just undressing and taking the one that was reserved, I went to the place destined for the bath in the room. I was sorry I didn't warm her up as soon as she hit my skin. I had to work really hard not to scream.

- I should have done as Elaine taught me. - I whispered frustrated.

Elaine was very caring and dedicated, I remembered Aila with her care. I didn't know whether she did it by choice or by designation, but I felt I could trust her. I ran my hands over my shoulders reaching part of the scars. They still hurt a little. I remembered the day I received them and anger, as usual, invaded my chest. Closing my eyes, I dissipated the hostile feeling. I threw more water containing rose petals that I directed Elaine to fetch. After the bath, I took the towel she had left and started drying. I put on the clean underwear and the purple dress that was on a chair. Grabbing a brush, I went to the balcony and contemplated the small garden just below, leaning against the stone wall of the room. There were few roses and I knew I could make it better. Elaine had said that she was the one taking care of the garden until the gardener returned to work on the land. Initially Lowenna took care of him, but she discovered she had no talent when the roses began to die. She smiles when she realizes that I could plant a lot of herbs and thus have a good hobby.

Looking at myself in the big mirror of the room, I saw that I was well dressed for a lonely breakfast, because I knew that Alistair would not be present. He made a point of ignoring me. I wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but I was already used to loneliness and contempt from people. I came downstairs to get to the big hall. The kitchen and my bedroom were rooms that I knew by heart where they were staying. I'd have to ask Elaine to show me the whole castle or I'd do it myself. Sighing, I stopped in front of the big wooden door and pushed it hard. As soon as I took a few steps, I stopped petrified. Sitting at the table was Alistair accompanied by his cousin Bruce whom I met during the wedding. I was surprised, because Elaine had said that Bruce was leaving for a trip requested by Alistair. There must have been something that made him postpone the match. I was hoping it wouldn't be anything serious.

Alistair looked at me with a look that I didn't know if it was contempt or disapproval. He stayed this way until Bruce got up from his chair and slapped him on the head. Alistair looked at him with a frown and grumbled as he got up. He no longer remembered the gentle man who had helped me in the woods.

- Good morning! - said Bruce with a bright white smile.

- Good morning! - I whispered by twisting my fingers.

Alistair remained silent. It was clear he didn't want me to be there.

- I'm sorry! - said disguising my nervousness with a forced smile. - I didn't know you'd be here. I don't want to bother you, so I'll ask Elaine to take my breakfast so I can eat it in my room.

As I was about to turn around to go out, I heard Bruce pigeonhole and then Alistair's low voice resounded.

- No, wait! - He asked for it. - We're just finishing up.

I took a deep breath in making sure that my presence was not wanted, but I could not let it appear that it affected me. After all, I was the one who begged to stay. I'd rather have that treatment than have to suffer any Samson my mother gave me.

- Thank you! - said walking to the table. - I promise to be quiet!

I sat down alone, because Alistair did not seem at all willing to show any cordiality to me. Bruce continued to look down on him, but Alistair pretended he wasn't seeing or was really oblivious to it. Taking a deep breath, Bruce stretched out his hand taking an enormous loaf of bread from the basket and breaking it in half.

- Are you enjoying Dunhill? - he asked by taking a huge bite out of the food.

- I don't know much yet, but I intend

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