- Good morning! - I answered by hiding my bad mood. - Something wrong so he's out of the bay?
- No, sir! - he answered. - The princess was here asking for a horse and was delighted with the Sovereign. I told her no one was allowed to ride it, so she asked to brush it. I lent her your sister's mare and she named it Chimera when I heard she didn't have one.
I took a deep breath, passing my hand over my face. The mare had been given to my sister a few days before she died. She didn't know what name to give and after her death I forgot about the animal. Adam fed her and took good care of her. Nobody had the guts to ride it.
- Sir? Was I wrong to give the animal to her? - Adam asked with worrying expression. - If you want, I can try to stop her. I know she's gone to the fields.
Not bad! The open fields were not far away and although they ended up in a canyon and the ground was covered with snow, it was not as dangerous as the forest trails.
- No, Adam, it's okay. - I responded by softening my expression. - Anytime she needs it, she can give up the mare. Can you tell if she's back yet?
- No, sir! But I can let you know as soon as she gets here.
- Do it! Thank you. Thank you.
Adam nodded and I'd just finished saving the firewood burden. I was hungry after doing a long manual labor, so I decided to take a bath before eating something. I chose to go to the bathhouse instead of throwing myself in the lake. At that point the temperature would be too low and I needed to relax. The bathhouse had been built in ancient times, when that region was inhabited by Vikings and Celts. She stood behind the castle under a spring of thermal water. It was all made of stones and in its center there was a pool not too deep. I would like to sit at the bottom, and be submerged with water up to almost my neck, leaning around it. The fountain supplies the bathroom, keeping the pool always full and clean. The site was surrounded with walls to give more privacy and a small garden was erected in the entrance courtyard with statues and stone benches. It wasn't very big, but it was beautiful and it was a good place to think. I loved going there when I was in Dunhill and there was a problem. Staying silent, submerged in hot water, helped me to think and find a solution. Now my problems were that damn war and Aideen, but I wanted to concentrate on Aideen.
- Hmm! I knew you'd be here!
The melodious and sensual voice of Rose interrupted my thoughts as soon as I started to undress. I took a deep breath without looking at her.
- What are you doing here? - I asked without patience.
- I thought you might like a little fun, since you're so tense. - she whispered, approaching.
Rose ran her hand over my right arm and came down her fingers slowly through the skin of my chest. She stopped in front of me and smiled.
- I forgive you for what you told me in the library. - she whispered nibbling at my chest. - I'll pretend that none of that happened, nor that you kept me waiting the night after your wedding.
I looked at Rose with a serious face.
- I want to be alone! - said taking his hands and removing them from my chest. - If you'll excuse me, I have a lot on my mind!
Rose grunted.
- I can't believe you're gonna keep letting me go! - she fired frustrated. - I thought you were smarter, Alistair.
- Rose, I thought I made it very clear in the library that our meetings were over. - he said between his teeth. - Now go away! I need to be alone.
She looked at me furiously and I turned around, ignoring it.
- It's all that stupid redhead's fault! - ...she's been poking around. - Ever since she arrived, you seem to be bewitched. Not even the fact that she tried to trick him seems to affect him more.
Turning to Rose, I grabbed her hands hard.
- That's enough! - said harsh - I explained well before leaving for the front that what we had was past and that is where it will stay. The invitation I made on my wedding night was a mistake.
- Was it, Alistair? - she whispered seductively. - Tell me you didn't like being with me one last time.
- What's that? What's that? - I said without understanding.
Without my waiting, Rose pulled one hand and grabbed mine, never bringing me for a kiss. I grabbed her arms tightly and pushed her away.
- You said you'd be sorry. - she whispered licking my ear. - Good luck!
Puckling his forehead without understanding. That's when I heard a noise and looked in the direction of the entrance. I saw Aideen taking hard steps towards the castle. I looked at Rose who was smiling with satisfaction. It was clear that Aideen had seen what Rose had done. Rose's words implied that I had been with her not long ago. Angrily, I let out a bear before