He answered without looking at me. - You said this bed was yours alone. I may possess your body, but I will not share your bed.

That being said, he lay down.

- Have sweet dreams!

My eyes are sore and I swallowed a hiccup. I lay on my pillow and in silence, I cried myself to sleep. I woke up with a cold breeze on my face. Slowly I opened my eyes to contemplate the silence and coldness of the stones that surrounded me. The fireplace was still lit, but the ember was already over. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and slowly stood up to look towards the fireplace. Alistair slept deeply lying on the fur blanket. Raising my gaze and slightly biting my lower lip, as if this made all and any noise impossible, I sneaked up to the edge of the bed. I breathed deeply when I contemplated the naked back, because the skin blanket only covered it from the waist down. One arm was superimposed on his face covering his eyes, while the other rested on his wide chest, which rose and descended slowly as he breathed. I got out of bed slowly. Passing through the door of the small balcony, I looked at the sky through the glass and made sure that it had not yet dawned. The sky was dark, but it was already showing signs that it would soon dawn. The breeze that entered through the crevices, denounced that winter had arrived and that soon the snow would begin to fall. I shook my arms shaking and sneaked up to the fireplace. I went to the place where the firewood was stored and then I picked up two large stumps placing them one by one under the low fire. Grabbing the poker, I put the wood together and put the coals on top. I kept doing that until the flame expanded and the wood started to crack. Satisfied with my work, I turned to Alistair and leaned down beside her. I stared at his serene face to make sure he slept deeply. A lock of her long hair was lying on her face and I restrained the desire to push her away. I slowly pulled the blanket so that it would cover half of his body and warm him up even more. I swallowed dry when he moved, but it was for a moment, then he came back to breathe softly demonstrating that he was in deep sleep again. Putting my hand on my chest, I took a deep breath, catching my breath. My heart was beating fast because of the scare. I got up slowly and just as I got there, I went back to bed. I shouldn't care about Alistair, because he didn't care about me. If he knew everything, maybe he wouldn't act like that. My story was too sad and I was ashamed to talk about what had happened to me.

Sighing, I took the blanket and went to one of the armchairs, which wasn't too heavy. I lifted her up so she wouldn't make a sound, carrying her to the front of the balcony door and sat down. Without opening the glass and wood door, I curled up in the armchair with my legs shrunk and then rolled up in the blanket. I watched the end of dawn and the dawn, which already brought some snowflakes. Smile for the dance of the small white spots illuminated by timid rays of the moon that, sometimes appeared, sometimes hidden, behind dense black clouds. Little by little my eyes were getting heavy and I put my head on top of my arms crossed under one of the arms of the armchair. Sleep took hold of me and I fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long it took, but my scream when I felt him grabbing me was terrible. I was walking along the shore of the lake when I was surprised by her jump. The huge black shadow had dragged me to one of the trees and began its slow torture. His red eyes were glacial and he seemed to feel pleasure with every cry of pain from me. The white teeth against my face bit my skin and I could feel the putrid breath that exhaled from his open mouth, whose breathing was accelerated. I felt my disgusting tongue touch the skin of my neck and my nails stick in my arms preventing me from pushing it away. The animal was huge and very heavy. I was lying under my chest, throwing all its weight so that it would make it difficult for me to breathe. I struggled, because I couldn't move. There were people around me. They were standing there just looking at that horrible beast pulling bits and pieces out of me. I was screaming in the hope that someone would help me, but it was in vain. Everybody laughed around me and one of the laughs was my mother's. I started crying in panic when I felt the first pinch of pain. Before he could hurt me any more, a pair of huge hands grabbed the hair from his head and pulled him off me, throwing the animal away so hard that he hit a tree. He drew his sword in a quick gesture and struck the people who watched him kill them all. It was when the pool of blood touched my feet that I opened my eyes with a scream. I sat on the bed hugging my knees and started crying. That was another one of my nightmares. Except for the outcome, it had been exactly the same as the others. I closed my eyes tightly to try to dispel the image of the beast that was lying on the forest floor in the darkness. Little by little the vision of the terrifying images disappeared and I took a deep breath to control the panic I

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