- You're a devil! - he said between his teeth. - I could wring your neck, but I know it won't be worth it.
Saying that, I let her go with a push. Rose fell on the floor coughing to catch her breath. Without looking back, I ran out after Aideen hoping to reach her. When I did, she was already inside the castle in the main room.
- Aideen? - I screamed.
She stopped at the foot of the ladder without staring at me.
- Is this why you sent for me? - she asked with a voice embargoed. - Your humiliations are getting more and more creative.
- What are you talking about? I didn't send for her. I didn't even know you were in the castle. - I said nervous. - It must have been that devil. She did it on purpose to make you angry.
- And I wonder who gave her a chance to do that. - she asked ironically, turning to me. - Are you gonna say it's a lie what she said about our wedding night?
I grunted because of that damn invitation.
- No, but you need to know what...
- I don't need to know anything, Alistair. - she took a break. - You've made it clear I'm just an object. My task here is to generate an heir for you and nothing else. You don't owe me any satisfaction.
Aideen's eyes were watery and red. It was clear that I had hurt her again, but this time, it was without any intention.
- Aideen, it's not like you're imagined...
- It doesn't matter! - she smiled sadly. - Really, nothing else matters to me.
I saw in her gaze that she was aware that she had nothing more to lose in her life and I went into a state of alert. It was the same look she gave me in that forest. Suddenly, fear took hold of me. Aideen climbed the stairs heading for her room, where she locked herself for the rest of the day. I took a deep breath because of the repentance that befell me. I decided to leave her alone, so I went back to the bathroom and just took a quick shower and then went back to the library. That night, I entered the room and without saying a word I went to my bed in front of the fireplace. Aideen was sitting on the armchair in front of the balcony door, contemplating the sky through the glass as she had been doing. I thought I'd go to her and apologize, but I'd rather shut up. Maybe in the morning everything would change.
However, the following day nothing had changed and the weeks that followed were no different. Aideen wouldn't talk to me even if I walked into a room she was in. She would just stop what she was doing and leave without saying anything at all. The spell had turned against the sorcerer and I felt terrible. He deserved every second of his contempt.
Some time later, I received a letter from Alec saying that he had arrived well at the camp and that Keilan was letting him know everything. He said that Bree was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and that he seemed to know her from somewhere. It was out of place, but he was enjoying dealing with a lioness. I had a laugh. Alec wasn't good at it. I just hoped he wouldn't get so mad, Bree, or I'd have to go to the front and get my brother's body. Alec also reported that they were keeping an eye on a possible entrance to the east of the fortress and that Bree kept the men on constant lookouts around the castle. That news cheered me up. We could only wait for the right moment to attack and protect the border.
- I need some time. - I whispered by passing my hand over my face.
I've been in that library reading and writing letters too long. I went to the kitchen to make sure Rose was there and wouldn't come tormenting me again. Wally said he sent her to the fair and she'd be there all morning. Relieved of the information, I went to the bathroom. On the way I met Elaine, who confided in me that Aideen was not eating, so I was very concerned about her health. She was also very pale, and sometimes she falls into fainting spells. I walked to my destination with that information hammering my head. How could I have been so stupid... Aideen would die if she still didn't eat. That was my fault. You wish to see your smile again. He longed to see the glow in his gaze. I'd love to hear your direct words again.
I stopped petrified at the narrow entrance of wood and stone when I realized that Aideen was inside. She had her back to me, sitting on one of the edges. He had his head resting on one of his knees embraced by his delicate hands. The hair was stuck by a wide band at the top of the head, but because of its length the curls fell almost touching his shoulders. I was able to observe the scars better and tried to make as little noise as possible. I swallowed dry when she raised one of her hands in the shape of a shell and played with the water. She rubbed her lips against the skin of her knee and rested her head again. I closed my eyes trying to contain the urge to go there and kiss her again, but I knew I wouldn't just stay in one kiss. Part of my body wished to go to