Alistair took a deep breath, stopped chewing and then leaned back on the chair.
- Of course it is! - he answered in a cold voice. - Like I said, you're only allowed to go to the edge of the village. If you try to go any further, I'm sure I'll know.
- That sounds very comforting. - I said ironically.
I lowered my head, started eating the fruit in silence. A servant came with a steaming teapot and served me. I smelled the blackberry tea I loved so much and smiled. Elaine must have noticed my presence and asked for a teapot of tea to be served to me.
- Thank you! - said enthusiastically, the girl when she served me.
- Not for that! - she answered before leaving the teapot and leaving.
I continued sipping the tea with satisfaction. That was my favorite tea and it was like going to paradise with every sip. I used to drink alone in my room, so I didn't notice I was making some funny noises. Next thing I knew, they were both staring at me. Bruce was more brazen and did not hide his smile, but Alistair kept looking at me with a repressed laugh. He was trying to stay serious and look rude, but he failed miserably. Did he pretend all the time or were his expressions real?
- I'm sorry, that's why I... - I stuttered embarrassed. - I love tea! Especially the cranberry one.
- It's nice to know you're such a sincere lady. - Alistair debauched, then released a roar of pain.
Franzi the forehead.
- Are you all right? I asked you worried.
- Ah! He is, but if he's not, I'll make him stay. - Bruce declared slapping Alistair in the back. - Isn't that right?
- Sure! - Alistair said choking.
I kept looking from one to the other and focused on the tea again.
- You don't talk much at the table, do you?
- Well, in Inverness, I wasn't allowed to have breakfast outside the room. The only one accompanying me was my sister. I learned to like silence and she always respected it when I had nothing to say.
- How awful! - Bruce said by buzzing the bread with desire. - I always knew that Ravenna was not a good person to deal with, always very strict, but not accompanying her daughters during breakfast is a little too much.
- I disagree. - I said quietly. - My mother didn't have much to teach, so she always preferred silence to having to listen to her sermons. Her teachings were of little relevance to me and I did not want to hear her.
- I suppose so. - Alistair ironized by shrugging his shoulders. - Learning to tell lies must be really exhausting. I imagine the tricks your sister learned, too.
I frowned on my forehead.
- Annabel is not a liar! - ...I've stirred up. - You have every right to be angry with me, but do not attack my sister because she is not here to defend herself. Thanks to his total lack of composure!
- My composure? - Alistair shouted standing up. - Are you sure you want to talk about composure? Have you forgotten your condition, whore?
Hearing that word again made me feel deeply hurt. I suddenly felt small and dirty. A tear rolled across my face and Alistair was struggling to keep her expression indignant. I realized that his intention was only to hurt me and it was working, but I would not let myself be discouraged.
- Yeah, maybe, I am a real whore. - I said coldly. - Apparently, I'm a very good whore, since you can't keep your hands off me. Isn't that right?
Alistair grunted when Bruce let out a laugh.
- Alistair! - Bruce screamed when he got up. - Remember what I told you.
With a challenging look, I stood up and ran down the stairs. I was hating Alistair. If he stayed, maybe I'd slap him again.
- Stop being an idiot! - Bruce screamed, but Alistair came after me.
- Aideen! - he screamed running down the stairs. - Come back here!
I ran into the room and tried to close the door, but it was faster than me and prevented me from closing it. Being stronger, Alistair pushed the door making me fall on the floor.
- What's got into you to say that in front of Bruce and the employees? - he asked furiously. - Are you out of your mind?
- It was your fault for accusing me of something I'm not. - I answered by standing up. - You want to torture me? Go ahead! - said by shrugging his shoulders. - But know that I won't make it any easier for you.
- Is that so? You don't think you're gonna soften my heart with those eyes of yours, do you?
Smiling, I just took a deep breath and started opening the dress. We'd see who would win that arm fall.
- What... What are you doing? - he asked mortified.
- So you don't know? - I asked ironically, just keeping my clothes underneath. - I think I'm too dressed for a whore. I think I should be more comfortable from now on.
- Stop it! Stop it! - he ordered it by grabbing my arms. - Don't be childish!
He lowered it, grabbing the dress on the floor.
- Get dressed now!
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no,