Alistair grunhiu closing his fists.
- Either you get dressed, or I'll make you do it!
- Do as you like! - said by shrugging his shoulders.
- Oh, great! - he said walking to the fireplace. - You want to get naked? Get naked!
He threw the dress in the fireplace and set it on fire. Then he went to the trunk and threatened to get everyone else.
- What are you doing? What are you doing? - said by grabbing his hands to stop him from grabbing the dresses.
- Didn't I say I wanted to get naked? - He replied in an ironic tone and pulled the clothes out of my hand. - I'll help you with that.
Alistair went to the fireplace and threatened to throw the first dress.
- You promised my sister you'd protect me, but instead you treat me like I'm nothing. - I fired with hatred. - I thought you liked me the way he looked at me.
Alistair turned to face me.
- You made a mistake, miss! - he said coldly. - I don't look at you in a special way, I just feel sorry for you.
- Pity is the lowest feeling one person can feel for another. - I whispered, lowering my gaze.
Alistair loosened the dresses on an armchair. He seemed sorry for his words.
- Aideen, I...
- I'm so sorry! I really didn't want to fool you. - I whispered. - I knew you'd regret it, but I grabbed the hope that you could understand, but you didn't hear what I said.
- Understand what? - ...he got close. - Aideen, talk to me!
He reached out to touch me, but I shrunk.
- Don't be afraid of me!
- Too late!
- Aideen...
- Don't touch me! - said by slapping him.
I got rid of Alistair's hands and ran towards the door, but he held me back by bringing me back. I pushed Alistair so hard I could knock him to the ground.
- Leave me alone! - I screamed before I ran out of the room.
Chapter 11
A week later...
Cutting the wood was a very refreshing task, since I didn't have to think about it and could take all my energy out of the wood. Both Bruce and Alec used to do the same when they were frustrated. A technique used by my great-grandfather and passed from father to son. This way, we would pour out our anger, without hurting anyone, and we would also contribute with the wood supply for the fireplaces and stoves. Practical and useful.
After the fight I had with Aideen, all I wanted to do was not think. Her actions intrigued me day after day. I was tired of fighting with her. We looked like two children on the warpath. Every day I was afraid I'd made the wrong judgment about her. What if Bruce was right? If Aideen were really innocent? It's been circling my mind all the time since our last fight.
I haven't spoken to Aideen in a week. In a very clever way, she stayed awake until I slept and so prevented me from touching her. It was weird how she could stay awake for so long. I was used to going without sleep for several hours, but Aideen overcame me in an amazing way. It looked like she'd been trained just not to sleep. We remained silent in the room and, no matter how hard I tried, I always fell asleep first. When I woke up, she was no longer there, because it was already dawn. It wasn't my will to take her by force. I thought it would be easier to wake her up and seduce her at dawn. Maybe I did not win her trust and made her like me a little more. Well, that I didn't deserve your affection. However, that idea worked for a short time and now that my anger was passing away, I missed Aideen's presence. I was frustrated, because my body missed hers and sleeping on the floor was a very stupid idea. I'd have to find a way to go back on that one.
The worst thing was that Aideen's gaze had gone from fearful to empty. She always told Elaine to probe to see if I was around or just ate in the room. I'd rather be cloistered than in my presence.
- Damn it! - I squeezed the stump so hard that it flew off. Luckily there was no one around.
Grabbing my shirt, I dried my face. He was sweaty, though it was cold. It had snowed all week and the town was covered in white. I had seen Aideen watching the children playing in the courtyard from the window, but she came in as soon as our eyes crossed. Now I knew what she really felt when I looked at her with contempt for the first time. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the firewood and tied it up making a big burden. I'd take it to the stable to dry with the others.
- Good morning, Your Highness! - Adam smiled when he saw me come in.