pay mercenaries? Alec had said no one should leave that fortress. So how did these men get their paycheck? It was well known that the mercenaries received a part of the money before they began their mission. I hated them deeply for being the scum of society, without limits or scruples.

- Give me the reins! - Aideen asked as soon as I leaned over her even more. - If we continue at this rate, I'll have to bury him instead of healing him.

I hadn't noticed that I was bowing because of the pain and the lack of vision.

- That wouldn't be too bad for you, would it? - I retracted in an ironic way. - You'd get rid of a bad husband and gain your longed-for freedom.

- I didn't say that. You're the one who assumed. - she returned it. - What do you know about my desire for freedom?

- What I do know is that you ran away without knowing where you were going. He could have died.

- Death is not something that frightens me, Alistair. - she answered with satisfaction. - To me she's a mockingbird. He lives around me, laughing at my unhappiness. Still, I guess she doesn't like me either.

- I like you! - I fired without thinking. - I liked it the first time I saw her.

Aideen let out a debauched laugh.

- No, you don't like me. - she returned it with ironic air. - You like victories, trophies. I'm your trophy, Alistair. Your trophy on top of Ravenna. That's all you wanted: to piss her off, and you used me for it.

- What do you mean by that? I said I liked you. - I let out a laugh. - Irritating Ravenna was just a bonus.

- Did you see what I said? - she responded. - His ego is so great, that he does not measure his efforts to get what he wants and does not listen to anyone else, just his voice.

- You insult me a lot by talking like this. I wasn't the one who ran out of that bathroom without at least letting me explain something.

Aideen let out a laugh that made me shiver. Even their laughter moved me and several parts of my body turned around.

- You're a fool, you know that?

- I've been told that several times.

- Why don't you change this condition?

- Because it wouldn't be funny and it wouldn't be me.

Aideen laughed by folding her arms and I shared that laugh. It was the first time since we fought that we talked in a civilized way. My vision became even more blurred when we reached the stone bridge and the pain became unbearable. Before I fell off the horse, I was still able to help Aideen dismount.

- Damn it! - I mumbled rolling on the floor.

- Elaine! - I heard Aideen call his maid. - Adam!

Adam and Elaine came to me with despair when they saw me bleed.

- Oh! God! What happened to the prince? - Elaine asked in a frightened voice.

- Alistair was wounded by a sword stroke. - Aideen answered. - There were mercenaries on the road and they tried to kidnap me. Alistair fought with them, but was wounded. We need to get him inside so I can treat that cut. Can you help me, Adam?

- Yes, ma'am!

The stable boy helped me up and supported me as we walked inside. Everyone inside the fief looked scared of the amount of blood flowing from the open wound. I grunted every time I felt the skin pull and burn.

- Over here! Feel it on this chair! - she ordered it by pointing the armchair in front of our bedroom fireplace. - Elaine, I need to...

The bedroom door was opened violently and everyone looked to see who was coming in.

- What have you done with Alistair? - Rose's voice echoed through the room. She ran towards me kneeling in front of me to assess the wound. - Oh, God! He's bleeding pretty bad.

- I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. - I answered in a weak voice. - What are you doing here?

- You look pale as if you've seen a ghost. - she continued, ignoring my question.

Rose leaned her hand over my face and hair. Aideen's gaze was fulminating and she started to turn red. It was then that I noticed his wounded face and a cut in his mouth.

- Your face... What's that on your face? - I asked.

She put her hand on her face making a face.

- That idiot slapped me, but I'm fine despite the pain. - she answered by reassuring me.

- Damn you! - I made mention of getting up, but Aideen stopped me.

- Alistair, don't move, or you'll bleed even more. - she asked calmly, flattening my chest. She looked around. - I need room to get the bandage done. If you want to help, bring some warm salted water and some clean cloths.

Aideen asked to take Rose's place in front of me. Rose grunted standing up and looked threateningly at Aideen.

- This is all your fault! - she screamed. - If you hadn't left like that, Alistair would never have had to go after you and wouldn't have gotten hurt.

- Are you really talking to me?

Aideen took a deep breath containing the fury. Rose was not intimidated and continued his attack.

- I knew you'd be a problem as soon as you stepped on this castle. Your angel face and that poor thing's never fooled me. - Rose

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