was screaming in a harsh voice.

- That's enough! - Aideen screamed at everyone's surprise and even mine. - You're very disgusted and I'm tired of you chasing after my husband like he's a piece of meat. Put yourself in your maid's place, because I'm in charge here and not you. Now bring me what I commanded you and then withdraw from this castle.

Rose widened her eyes in anger and made mention of responding, but I managed to intervene. It was time to make Rose understand that things weren't like they were before.

- Rose, do what Aideen says and don't argue. - he said between his teeth.

- But, uh...

- Now! - I bellowed. - Damn it!

Rose turned around and walked out of the room. Aideen bent over in silence and took the cloth Elaine had brought to stop the bleeding. She and Adam were staring frightened at the rebellious, fearless creature in front of me.

- On the one hand, Rose is right. - said breathing deeply to contain the pain. - If I hadn't run away...

Aideen squeezed the wound and made me scream.

- Damn it, Aideen! That hurts!

- I know that, but if I repeat her words, it'll hurt even more. - she answered coldly. - For now, you only have the right to moan. That's the only sound I want out of your mouth.

- How authoritative! - I mumbled in a debauched way. - Is there anything else you want me to do?

- Yes. Stop insulting me or... - she took the dagger that was attached to my belt and hit on a bench that was next to the armchair. - It's not just that cut that's gonna make him moan in pain.

Laughing, I breathed and decided it would be better to remain silent. Not out of fear, for I was enjoying her attitude, but the pain became unbearable. Aideen started wiping most of the blood with a cloth.

- Adam, I need you to stay here and hold Alistair while I stitch up. - she said. - Elaine, I'm gonna need that aloe vera spark we prepared a few days ago. Remember where we keep it?

- Yes, ma'am!

- Oh, great! Bring a needle, thread and also some bandages.

Elaine nodded and left the room to go to the mysterious place. Rose came in carrying the pelvis that Aideen had asked for. Her Machiavellian look and her ironic smile made me alert. Aideen was lowered in front of me with her back to the door. I saw what Rose was about to do. Leaning towards Aideen, I pushed her aside causing her to fall while sitting down. The water fell on me and it was too hot, so I let out a scream standing up.

- Oh! Oh, my God! I'm sorry! - Rose asked in a desperate voice. - I didn't mean to...

- I know what I wanted! - he said between his teeth, grabbing her throat tightly. - As of today, remember to call me Lord or Highness. I want you to leave now as Aideen ordered. When I recover, I'll settle my score with you. Do you understand?

Rose choked and grabbed the bowl and ran out of the room. I started to get dizzy from the pain and then fell to my knees on the floor bowing with my hands over the wound. The next moment I was already lying on my stomach and then I fainted.


I woke up with a throbbing and insistent pain in my abdomen and both arms. Opening my wandering eyes I noticed that it was still night and the room was immersed in a twilight. Outside I could hear the wind howling against the windows. I looked towards the side window of the room and saw snow. It was a blizzard that tormented Dunhill, but the room was still warm. Leaning my arms on the bed I stretched out to accommodate myself better leaning on the pillow. The fur cover slipped and then I noticed I was naked. I made a face and took my hand to my abdomen. Franzi's forehead looking at the forearms that were bandaged, as well as the abdomen.

- But what?

- Hmm! I'm glad you woke up! - Aideen said coming into the room. - I thought I'd sleep for more days. I had a soup made. You need to eat to regain your strength.

- Not just me. - I answered with ironic air.

Aideen gave me a hard look and made a face. She walked to the table that was arranged in a corner of the room and placed the tray. She was wearing a long-sleeved white dress with a pink ribbon tied around her waist. It was simple, but very beautiful. She looked like a little girl in that suit. Her hair was braided and she wore black sneakers. I noticed that besides the cut in his mouth, there was also a purple one around his right eye. That wasn't there when I fainted.

- What happened to your eye? I remember the slap, but not the purple one. - I asked confused. - How long have I been asleep?

Aideen sighed to the bed and sat down.

- About three days ago.

- Three days?

- Yeah. - She answered in a low voice. - You were in a lot of pain, so I gave you some tea to get you some sleep. I thought it would only be for one or two nights, but I had to keep him asleep.

- Hmm! I remember drinking tea several times. - I responded by having a memory lapse. - You drugged me?

- Of course not! - she answered offended. -

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