- Yes, ma'am! - Wally said. - Just the soup? Wouldn't you like something more substantial?
- Maybe for lunch, but I think I'll bring some fruit and bread, too. - I answered smiling. - Alistair no longer feels so much pain, but I prefer that you continue your recovery with a lighter and more nutritious diet.
Wally was an excellent cook. I had spent several weeks under her company as she prepared the soup, whose recipe, was given by me.
- Where did you learn these things? - she asked by looking at the pot. - The boss says you're a witch. Is it true?
I had a laugh. I'd heard a lot of that since I arrived in Dunhill, but it didn't bother me at all. Ancient magic was part of our culture and ancestors. Witches were symbols of wisdom, so I was not offended by being compared to one.
- I wish I was a witch. - I answered in a funny tone. - My grandmother taught my older sister about herbs and cooking. She decided to pass on these teachings even when Annabel and I were little. I know how to plant, grow and even prepare herbs and vegetables to cure diseases.
Wally smiled.
- You mean a simple cook could be a witch?
- Well, cooking, like science, is a branch of magic. These are talents that can't be explained, so yes! A cook may well be seen as a witch or even a sorceress.
- Then I'm a witch! - she fired a smile.
- Yes, Wally! - I laughed. - A good witch.
Wally took a bowl and filled it with the soup that was already at the end. I grabbed a piece of bread, some fruit and tea and put it all on the tray. Elaine offered to help, but I refused. I would have to carry out a difficult and, for some reason, still uncomfortable task once again. He didn't want any other women looking at Alistair naked while I helped him bathe. In the last few weeks, I myself bathed him and changed his bandages so that the wound wouldn't get infected. I had not yet got used to seeing him naked, but I was doing my best not to become so shy or nervous, especially now that he would be completely awake.
I entered the room silently and, without looking in the direction of the bed, I went to the table to deposit the tray.
- At last! - I heard Alistair exclaim. - I thought you'd run away again. You said you'd stay with me.
- I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I went to get his breakfast and I didn't want to wake him up. - I answered by going to him. - How are you feeling?
- Better now that you're here! - he said smiling.
- I meant about the wound.
- Ah! About that, this thing you've been putting on is miraculous. The pain's been disappearing a lot.
- It's called camphor and it's just for that. - he made mention of getting up. - Don't make so much effort or you'll compromise the points. Let me help you.
I ran to the other side of the bed and helped Alistair to adjust against the pillow. I put him in a higher position to make him feel more comfortable.
- Thank you! Thank you! - he whispered at the same time that he ran his hand over my face and smiled. - I meant it when I said I'd fix all the nonsense I did. We can have a picnic. How's that?
Smile back at him.
- A tempting idea, but how about you take a shower, change that bandage, eat something and recover first? - I answered by slapping his hand and sitting on the edge of the bed. - Don't forget there's still a long way to go. My meds are just to help, but it'll all depend on you.
Alistair sighed with a face. I started removing the bandages from my fists. They were no longer red and the small bubbles had burst. Alistais would no longer need them and now the wound should dry itself. I removed the bandage from Alistair's abdomen. The aloe vera did her job well and was effectively drying the wound.
- Now, help me undress him so I can bathe him. - said standing up.
Alistair frowned.
- Are you sure you want to do this? - he asked. - I can do it myself if you wish. I know it's still uncomfortable for you.
Turning red I nodded shyly.
- No, but I did it with you asleep. - I responded by bending the sleeves of the dress. I think I can do it with you awake.
- All right! All right! Then why don't you come with me?
- Alistair, we can't fit together in that tub.
- Let's go to the bathroom, then.
I took a deep breath turning my back. The memories of recent events have come to my mind.
- What's the matter? Isn't it because of what happened last time? - he said like he read my thoughts. - If it is because of our meeting, I will be very happy to repeat it, but I don't want you to think about Rose's words.
I took a deep breath and then I turned around to look at him.
- My scars. - said by lowering his eyes and twisting his fingers.
- What about them?
- I don't want you to see them again. - I said in a hesitant voice. - I know you want to know how I won them,