
Dragon Triad Duet Book 2

Lana Sky

Also by Lana Sky

The Ellie Gray Chronicles

Drain Me

Chain Me

The Complete Ellie Gray Chronicles

Beautiful Monsters





Club XXX

Maxim: Submit

Maxim: Obey

Maxim: Surrender

Maxim: The Complete Trilogy

Vadim: Control

Vadim: Corrupt

Vadim: Conquer

Vadim: The Complete Trilogy

Savage Fall Duet

King’s Men

King’s Horses

The Complete Savage Fall Duet

The War of Roses Universe

The War of Roses

XV: (Fifteen)

VII: (Seven)

I: (One)

The Complete War of Roses Trilogy

Of Mice and Men

Ruthless King

Queen of Thorns

Painted Sin

A Touch of Dark

A Taste like Sin

The Complete Painted Sin Duet


Pretty Perfect

Crossed Lines

Dragon Triad Duet



The Complete Dragon Triad Duet

Rockstar Rebels

Dirty Lyrics (Newsletter Exclusive)


Flame By Lana Sky

Copyright © 2020 by Lana Sky

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Thanks so much to everyone who supported this draft along the way, including the many beta readers who provided encouragement! Please keep in mind that this story includes dark, graphic and explicit content matter that may not be suitable for readers under the age of 18—or for readers who are uncomfortable with the following subject matter: explicit sex, mentions of sexual abuse, mentions of domestic abuse, and graphic depictions of violence.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

A Word from the Author

About the Author

Also by Lana Sky

Chapter One

I still remember the first time I ever put the tip of my pen to a sheet of fresh paper and scribbled whatever came to mind. What that felt like. In a word? Clarity. I went from voiceless to limitless. My words had power again, however little it might have been.

Amid the deepest depths of my brother’s obsession and my parents’ indifference, I had an identity all other aspects of my life had stripped away.

I became a writer.

For years it’s been the one thing I’ve always excelled at. Creating. Crafting. Emoting.

And yet, lately, it feels like I’ve run out of the right words. My emotions can’t be wrestled onto paper anymore. Gone is that defining identity, and once again, I’m a blob molded by my life circumstances.

So much for being a writer. I can’t even voice the truth out loud—the event that, in so many ways, led to this present like the first in a series of falling dominoes.

A story that isn’t really mine to tell.

Ironically, I used to imagine what life might be like outside of the cage my past forced me to craft around myself. I just never envisioned this—freedom found in a monster’s lair, far different from the one I grew up fearing. His world is darker, stranger, lonelier…

And in so many ways, hauntingly beautiful.

I’m a moth, ignited by the intoxicating flame that tempted me to fly so near to it. In the aftermath, all I can do is lie on the ashes of my wings, blinking up at a beige ceiling as my brain struggles to reconcile everything that has transpired within the past forty-eight-hours, ending with me alone in the bed of a man I barely know.


The man embodies so many contradictions it’s hard to keep track of them all.

Judging from the coolness of the sheets beside me, I doubt he slept here. I strain my ears, but I don’t pick up any noise or footsteps throughout the rest of the apartment, either. The only clue of his presence I find at all, once I creep from his room and down the hall, is an empty cup on the kitchen counter beside a brown paper bag of leftover takeout from last night.

As I approach it, I happen to glance from one of the many windows at the street below. It’s too early for rush-hour traffic, but several cars dart past at a steady rate—and my heart lurches at the sight of each one. No matter how hard I try to talk myself out of the growing paranoia, I swear every passing vehicle resembles Branden’s.

Is Branden’s. Though it’s only a matter of time before he comes after me. Running was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done where my brother is concerned. He requires the same logic my father drilled into me around his hunting dogs—never turn your back. Never let your guard down.

And, most importantly, never give the beasts a reason to chase.

Not that he has to do much work to find me anyway. I spot my phone resting on the coffee table, though I didn’t put it there. Ignorant of its use as a tracking device, someone even hooked it up to a charger he must have retrieved from my apartment—though he left it off. That little token of kindness isn’t the only one I spy as I rise to my feet and start to pace from room to room.

I spot my shoes beside the door leading downstairs. My toothbrush and toiletries have been left for me on the counter in the bathroom. Three boxes of my belongings sit piled in a distant corner of the hall, rescued from my apartment. Out of consideration, some of my clothing has been neatly folded on the top box for easy access.

That same person probably left my bag within view too. Inside it, I find all those trivial reminders of a life that seems like a stranger’s to me now. A crumpled business card and a battered gold lighter are just meaningless trinkets. Even my journal. Its pages are still filled with old writing, including my draft essay for the Fenwick program—my only hope for continuing school in the fall.

The proposed topic? Describe and conquer your inner demons.

I laugh out

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