“Are you seeing someone?”
“No, but I’m busy. I have important things on my mind. I’m moving.”
“So once you move into your new place, can we go out on a date? I need to see you again.”
“I don’t know.”
I watched Brandon remove his cell phone from his pocket. He hit a few buttons, and I heard it ring. Then a second later my cell phone started ringing. I grabbed my cell off the dresser and saw Brandon’s name on my screen. He ended the call and my cell stopped ringing.
“You didn’t block me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Can I call you?”
“Sure.” At this point I was exhausted with this entire conversation and I just wanted to go over to my new place and start this a different chapter in my life.
“I’m going to make this up to you. I’m going to do better.”
“I really hope you change your ways. What you did is really fucked up.”
“I know and I’m going to make it right. I’m going to call you.”
Brandon pulled me into an embrace that I didn’t reciprocate. I stood there stiff as a board. My actions didn’t stop him from planting a kiss on my lips that I didn’t completely dismiss.
“I just need one more chance.”
I shrugged. “I have to go out.”
“Okay.” He took a few steps back.
I walked over and grabbed the bag containing his things off the floor. I handed it toward him. “Here.”
He looked down at the bag. “Keep it.”
I wasn’t going to play his game. I had every intention of mailing him his things once I moved. I was busy, and it was a priority for me because it wasn’t for him. His reluctance to take his stuff didn’t affect me. I knew his address and he would receive his stuff shortly.
“Tanya, please think about what I said.”
“I will.”
Brandon reached out and took my hand. He rubbed my knuckles against his lips and then he just left my bedroom. I stood idle and waited until I heard the front door close. He was gone. I was relieved, and I was confused.
Seeing this man did something to me. I still had feelings for him. I hated that my brain was not rid of the imprint he’d left on me. This was something I wasn’t in the right headspace to deal with.
Swept Away
Seeing Brandon was overwhelming, but I brushed that all aside. I had to take care of my business. I called Mark and told him I was feeling well so I wasn’t bringing any of my things by his house later. I just wanted to chill all by myself after seeing Brandon.
I talked to Tami about my pop-up visit from Brandon. Tami was sort of neutral after I shared everything he said to me. I wasn’t heartless, but I found it quite convenient that he disappeared and blamed his rude and hurtful behavior on his father’s illness. But then again, the situation was dire. His father died. I received a pic of the obituary in a text message. I guess Brandon wanted to prove he wasn’t lying about his father’s funeral.
I didn’t respond to the text. I didn’t see any reason to. I wasn’t trying to go tit for tat, but he hadn’t responded to any of my texts. I just didn’t care to acknowledge I received it. I slept uneasily, and I had a sex dream about Brandon. I hated waking up and remembering that dream.
Mark and I made plans to go to breakfast the next day and go reserve a U-Haul truck for all my big furniture. I showered and put my hair in a ponytail.
I couldn’t seem to shake Brandon from my brain so when I met Brandon at Honey Jam Café for breakfast I was happy to just get some food in my system. I lost ten pounds when Brandon did his disappearing act. I had just recently got my weight back up.
Mark was a godsend. He did all the heavy lifting when it came to my move. He was really making it easy for me. Mark ordered pancakes, and I ordered French toast. We sat in the back of the restaurant where it was usually quieter. As always, I needed his input on this sudden reemergence of Brandon.
“So yesterday I got a surprise visitor to the apartment.”
“Visitor who?” He asked taking a sip of coffee.
“What? What did he want?”
“He pretended to want his things, but he really wanted to plead his case.”
“Did you entertain this loser?”
“I listened to him if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Yes.” Mark huffed. “C’mon, you have to know you deserve better than him.”
“Yeah but I don’t know. He had a sort of a good excuse for not returning my calls.”
Mark leaned back in his chair to regard me with what appeared to be disdain.
“Please tell me what bullshit excuse did this loser give you.”
“His father had a heart attack, and he rushed to the hospital to be with him.”
“And what he didn’t have any cell reception for two months?”
“Okay, you’re doing the most. His father had cancer, and he died. He buried his dad.”
“I still can’t understand why you weren’t a part of his family emergency while it was happening?”
“He said he couldn’t deal with it.”
“He’s lying.” Mark blurted.
“Why would you say that? Maybe he just couldn’t deal with anything other than that his father was dying?”
“And you want to deal with a man who can’t handle tragedy? Because life is full of them. His excuse is bullshit. You were with me at my father’s funeral.”
“That’s different. We’re friends.”
“Maybe you should start dating your friends because that guy is a loser.”
“I didn’t get back together with him or anything.”
“That’s good. He’s not worth your time.”
“Is it okay if I figure out for myself who is worth my time?”
“I don’t like this.”
“Like what? It’s not like I slept with him. We just had a conversation.”
The table had gotten tense. I’d never seen Mark act like this.