“I missed you too,” I whispered,feeling a bit foolish, but when I glanced over to Bronwen, Algaia,and Alex, I saw they were similarly affected.
Only then did he take the apple from myhand, and as always, I reveled in the feeling of his soft mouthagainst my palm, laughing at the tickling sensation as I alwaysdid. I beckoned to Bronwen, who seemed hesitant, which I foundunusual, because we had learned that she was a skilled andexperienced horsewoman.
“Latobius, this is Bronwen. She’s mywoman,” I said to him, and I made my tone stern, “so you need tobehave yourself with her, do you understand?”
His response was to completely ignore me,but this time, he did something I had never seen him do; he againignored the apple, except that this time, he thrust his nosedirectly into Bronwen’s belly, his nostrils dilating as I stared atBronwen, who stood there calmly, stroking Latobius’ forehead as hesnuffled.
Thinking I understood, I explained, “Weusually play a game where I hide an apple in my tunic and he findsit. Since I’m wearing my armor, I suppose he’s just playing thegame with you. Although,” I laughed, “he must be getting old if hedidn’t see it in your hand.”
She gave me an amused look as she held outthe apple in her palm and said confidently, “That is not what he isdoing. He just found out I am carrying your child.”
I laughed in disbelief, but while she wassmiling, I could see that she was serious. And, given how Latobiusbehaved around her afterward, I have become convinced she wascorrect.
The only person put out by our reunion wasyoung Iras, who did not get to feed Latobius his apple that day,and I was forced to promise her mother that since we would beleaving the day after the next, she would get one last chance.
“Now, we better get some rest,” Iordered with a grin. “I suspect that we’re going to need it tonightat The Faun.”
There is not much of the rest of that nightI recall, although I do remember having my arms draped around thesagging shoulders of Alex and Macer; more than that, I remembertheir complaining about my weight. Oh, there are bits and pieces,mainly involving bumping my cup with one of the men as we toastedeach other, over and over, and of course, of Bronwen glaring at mefor my never refusing another cup. Perhaps the best memory of thatnight is how, for a brief period of time, I forgot what lay aheadand just enjoyed being surrounded by comrades once again, eventhose men who I normally thrashed for some sort of misdeed. Thenext morning was every bit as unpleasant as the night before hadbeen enjoyable, but even in my misery, I silently thanked PrimusPilus Sacrovir for his foresight. Unfortunately, there was one moreunhappy moment coming, when Bronwen and I returned to Alex’sapartment as we, after taking Iras to give Latobius his apple,walking into the middle of a screaming argument, and once moreAlgaia came charging at me.
“Tell him he cannot leave me to gowith you to Rome!” she shouted, and after I ducked the punch sheaimed at me, I gaped at Alex in astonishment.
For his part, he was sitting at the table,arms crossed but refusing to look in my direction, while Irasimmediately began doing her best to compete with Algaia in volumefrom her spot on Bronwen’s hip. I glanced at my woman, whounderstood, moving to Algaia’s side as Alex’s wife’s angerdissolved into tears, handing Algaia the baby while I went to sitacross from Alex.
“I thought we had settled this,” Itold him. “We both agreed that you should stay here! Liciniusalready said that he needs you back with the Fourth!”
“No, you said I should stay here, andI didn’t say no,” Alex shot back, but I noticed not only were hisarms crossed, he was looking everywhere but at me, or Algaia, who Icould hear sobbing behind me as Bronwen tried to comfort her. “Thatdoesn’t mean I agreed.”
“Oh, don’t act like a lawyer,” Isnapped. “If you didn’t intend to agree, you should have saidso.”
This made him look uncomfortable, and hesaid nothing for a moment, his eyes going to Algaia and Iras; I donot think I have ever seen him look so unhappy.
“I thought I could do it,” he saidfinally. Turning his head to address Algaia, he said, “Iwant to stay here with you,meum mel, I truly do. But then Iasked myself, ‘What would my father do’?” He returned his attentionback to me, and his tone turned accusing as he said, “You of allpeople should understand that.”
And once he said it, I did. It was more thanthat, however; the truth was that I did not want to leave him herein Ubiorum, something that I had confessed only to Bronwen because,while I wanted him to come with me, I also understood that Algaiaand Iras needed him.
Alex got up from the table, walking over toAlgaia, and while she resisted at first, she left Bronwen’s embraceand stepped into his arms.
“I don’t know what to do.” He wasaddressing Algaia, but I heard him, and this shook me, becauseAlexandros Pullus always seems to know the right course of action.“You need to believe me, wife.” He held her at arm’s length so hecould look down into her eyes. “I have no desire to be apart fromyou and the baby, but I can’t deny that I feel certain that, if hewas alive, my father would tell me that I am a Pullus by duty ifnot by blood, and that means my place is with Gnaeus.”
Algaia said nothing for a span ofheartbeats, then she pulled away from his grasp, but I know I wasnot prepared for what came next, and judging from his reaction,neither was Alex.
“Then,” she said simply, “we are goingto Rome with you.” Alex, as I expected, shook his head, but