himself,” Juno said before turning and walking out the door.

“Juno,” Rome said on a sigh.

He stopped himself from going after Juno, but only for a second. He ran into the hallway and caught up with Juno before he made it to the door.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that,” Rome said.

Juno stopped walking but didn’t turn around.

“Juno.” He took a step closer. “Whatever this is between us, it’s moving fucking fast, all right? I don’t… I don’t know how to…”

He heard Juno sigh before he turned around.

“I’ll get you a gun and then I’m going with you,” Juno said.


Juno shook his head. “No arguing. I’m going. You’re an asshole. But you’re my asshole.”

Rome tried to hold back a smile but from Juno’s groan, he wasn’t the least bit successful.

“That came out so wrong,” Juno mumbled.

Rome walked up in front of Juno and cupped his face in his hands, then he took Juno’s mouth in a sweet but firm kiss. This man? He was crazy but, apparently, he liked that. A lot.

“Let’s go,” Rome said.

Juno nodded and turned. Juno led the way across the courtyard to a door. The room they stepped into was big with a bar in one end and with a few couches and tables spread around the room. Juno motioned for him to stay while he continued through a door next to the staircase. Joker was at the bar with a guy Rome hadn’t met before and King was nowhere to be seen. Dante was sitting on a couch with King’s son, so Rome made his way to them. He crouched down in front of Dante.

“Hey, kiddo. I have to go find your uncle, but I promise we’ll both be with you soon, okay?”

“I don’t want you to go,” Dante mumbled.

“I know,” Rome said and pulled Dante into a hug. “I know, kiddo.”

He let go of Dante to ruffle his hair and Dante pushed his hand away with a giggle. King’s son took Dante’s hand and led him away, talking about food the whole way so Rome figured they were heading for the kitchen. He was still staring after them when Juno returned with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He walked up to Rome and handed him a gun, then started toward the door. Rome holstered the gun and went to follow Juno.

“Juno,” Joker snapped. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Juno turned around with a sigh and leveled his gaze on Joker. “I’m going with him.”

“The hell you are,” Joker growled. “We voted against it.”

“No. The club voted against it. I’m going.”

“Not alone, you’re not.”

Rome turned to see the woman from the tattoo shop standing there, her arms crossed.

“Scar…” Juno started.

“Fuck that. I’m bored. Gimme something to blow up.”

Joker let out a groan and, with a shake of his head, he said, “Fine. Just… try not to get yourselves killed.”

Scar gave Joker a two-fingered salute while Juno said, “We’ll try.”

“Don’t worry, boss man,” Scar said, a wry smile on her lips. “I’ll keep him alive.”

Rome held back a snort and turned to Joker, meeting his steely gaze. “I won’t let anything happen to them.”

One of Joker’s brows hit his hairline. Joker didn’t look convinced, which Rome got. After all, they were all carrying guns and had no idea what they could be walking into.

Joker held Rome’s gaze. “I’ll hold you to that.”


He handed Rome the duffle bag and the keys to the car he’d picked up Rome and Dante in. He watched Rome walk out the door and then he turned to Scar.

“You don’t have to come.”

She straightened and arched a brow at him. “I know.”

“Then why are you?”

The slight smile on her lips had him worried.

“Why are you?” she parroted.

Juno dropped his head back with a groan.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Scar said. “Since when do you put yourself in danger for one of your hookups? Hell, since when do you even remember who you’ve fucked?”

“Oh, fuck off.”

Scar snorted and put her hands on her hips. “Not a chance.”

Juno rolled his eyes and started toward the door. He pushed through it, avidly aware of Scar following close behind him. Once outside, he headed for Rome who was standing beside the car, the door to the driver’s side open.

“Where to?” Juno asked when he stopped in front of Rome.

“There’s only one place Marco would go to. If he’s alive,” Rome said, a sliver of emotion in his voice.

“Lead the way, then,” Scar said.

Rome gave her a nod before getting behind the wheel and closing the door. Juno took a deep breath before walking to his bike. He pulled on his helmet, then his gloves, and got on the bike, looking up in time to see Rome drive through the open gate with Scar close behind him. Juno was quick to follow.

Rome led the way through the city to a tiny neighborhood of unkept but somewhat large houses. It looked like it’d once been a middle-class area which had fallen apart. Rome turned into a driveway, so Scar and Juno parked in front of the closed garage next to it. Juno didn’t like leaving his bike there, but he reluctantly did so and walked up to Rome who was waiting for them by the front gate.

Rome opened the gate and stepped through. Juno followed while holding the gate open for Scar. The walkway to the house left them quite exposed and Juno was really starting to hate this whole thing. It didn’t help when a creaking sound had them all pulling out their guns.

Juno motioned for Scar to get behind him as he followed Rome. He knew she’d rip him a new one for it later, but she was too much of

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