by Alvaro’s men and had to run. It couldn’t have been easy for Serrano to admit he’d run, though he did make sure to mention how many of Alvaro’s men he took out along the way.

Juno looked at Rome and said, “Don’t do this.”

The look on Rome’s face was one of determination and before Rome even opened his mouth, Juno knew he’d lose this argument.

“We’re doing it. We’re gonna end this right now,” Rome said. He threw a glance Serrano’s way and, finding him not paying any attention to them, he turned back to Juno with a soft look in his eyes. “You should go.”

Juno shook his head. “No, we—”

“Your club decided not to help. You should honor that,” Rome said.

So now Rome didn’t want his help? What. The. Fuck.


Rome cut him off again, saying, “It’s all right. We understand.”

Juno opened his mouth, then shook his head.

Scar huffed, then said, “Well good luck, guys. As much as I like blowing things up, this is fucked, and I’ve got too much to live for. Sorry.”

Marco turned his head, his gaze on Scar. “Don’t be. This isn’t your fight. I shouldn’t have gone to King for help.”

Scar rolled her eyes and raised a brow at Juno before walking out of the room. Juno clenched his jaw and swallowed the words he wanted to say to Rome, then went after her. He walked down the hallway, only to be pulled to a stop by a hand wrapping around his arm. He didn’t turn around, sure if he did, he’d hit Rome for being an asshole.

“I’m sorry,” Rome said, his voice low and soft.

Juno squeezed his eyes closed. He found his resolve melting away at the vulnerability he heard in Rome’s voice. He turned and found himself much closer to Rome than he’d expected.

Rome raised a hand to cup Juno’s cheek and met his gaze.

“You’re right. It could be suicide. Walking in there.”

“Then why the hell would you go alone?” Juno hissed, though he tried to keep his voice low.

Rome pushed closer, putting them chest to chest, and lowered his head to brush his lips across Juno’s.

“Because I don’t want to be the reason you get hurt,” Rome said.

Juno opened his mouth to argue but Rome cut him off with a hard kiss. Then Rome moved back, resting his forehead against Juno’s.

“Please. Go.”

Juno kept his eyes closed. Fuck. He let out a sigh of defeat, then stole another kiss before stepping back and letting go of Rome.

“Stay safe,” he said and turned on his heels.

He walked outside, feeling crazy wrong about leaving. Everything was fucked up. He knew he shouldn’t have let Rome talk him into leaving but he also couldn’t say no to the man.

He drove way too fast on the way back to the clubhouse, but he didn’t care. His thoughts were on Rome. On Rome getting hurt. He hated the worry coursing through him

He drove through the gate and parked his bike. It wasn’t long before Scar pulled up next to him. He didn’t bother talking to her. Didn’t really want to. He made his way into the clubhouse, unsurprised to find people drinking and dancing, music blasting through the speakers. He walked to the only free spot on a couch and sat down next to Nash with a huff.

“Someone’s in a mood,” Emery said.

Juno glanced up and found himself surrounded by the lovefest people. Fucking hell.

Emery, Bones, and Gabe sat across from him, Nash, and Saint. Skinner was sitting in one of the chairs, Auggie in his lap, and Elijah was sitting in the chair next to them. The only ones missing were Hawk and Joker. Well, Stiletto and Jordan, too, but they were on the dancefloor getting handsy.

Juno glared at Emery. He wasn’t in a fucking mood. Was. Not.

“Fuck you,” he growled.

Okay, so maybe he was? Who cared?

“Whoa, what the hell happened to you?” Nash asked, his eyes big. “You’re usually the resident happy camper.”

“Nothing,” Juno snapped and crossed his arms.

“All right. Spill it, bro,” Bones said.

That was the fucking problem, wasn’t it? He couldn’t talk about it. Usually, Bones would be his go-to guy for something like this, but he’d promised Rome not to say anything to anyone.

“Nothing to spill,” he hissed.

He got up and walked to the bar. He went behind it to grab himself a bottle of tequila. He took out some shot glasses and, seeing Scar headed his way, poured them two each. Scar lifted herself onto a barstool and when Juno pushed her glasses toward her, she didn’t question it, she just grabbed one and threw it back along with Juno.

“I take it we’re gonna get drunk and get laid, then?” Scar asked.

Juno must’ve pulled a face because she let out a chuckle.

“It’s that bad, huh? You guys exclusive?”

Juno shook his head. Fuck. Were they? He didn’t even know. He doubted it, really.

“I just don’t…” he trailed off with a shake of his head and downed his second shot. “Fuck. Why am I so fucking worried about him?”

“Because you care about him, babe,” Scar said, a smile on her lips.

Juno groaned and laid his head down on top of his arms resting on the bar top. When the hell did he start caring about Rome this much?


He peeked out the window, seeing several shadows through the curtains of the other house. They’d been watching it for over an hour as they tried to determine the best plan of action. They weren’t as reckless as Juno seemed to think. But he probably wasn’t much off.

He moved back to lean against the wall with a sigh.

“How certain are you of this intel?” Rome asked.

Marco’s glare was the only answer he got.

Right. The intel was from

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