cut and the night Rome was now certain he’d been watched, had been cold enough for Juno to wear a jacket over his cut. He was hoping Alvaro didn’t know but had planned for if he did.

“Bones. Hawk. You two just focus on getting Juno out of here alive,” King said, bringing Rome out of his head.

They were standing outside in the courtyard in front of the clubhouse. He’d let King and Marco do most of the planning, too worried about Juno to focus for long. He knew he had to save his concentration for the meeting. Juno’s life depended on it. As much as he wanted to be the one to save Juno, he knew he had to leave it to the others. He couldn’t be dealing with Alvaro and rescue Juno at the same time.

Once King gave the go-ahead, Rome walked to his car and got behind the wheel. The door to the backseat opened and Marco slid in. Normally, he’d have opened that door for Marco, but seeing as everything was already upside down, one more thing wouldn’t make much of a difference. Marco didn’t comment on it. In fact, he didn’t say a word as Rome drove them to the junkyard. He’d chosen the place because it had multiple vantagepoints and only one way in and out. The owner was already on Marco’s payroll and would be busy crushing cars to cover any noise they might make.

He turned down the road to the junkyard, slowing down as he neared the spot he’d told Alvaro to be. He wasn’t surprised to see two cars parked there. He took a deep breath and got as close as he dared before putting the car in park. Every door of the other cars opened and men got out. The way they interacted made it glaringly clear which one of them was Alvaro.

Rome tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

“You good?” Marco asked from the backseat.

“Not even close,” Rome said through clenched teeth before opening his door and getting out.

He took a few steps toward them and only stopped when Alvaro’s men tensed. Alvaro was leaned against the front of a car, his head cocked to the side as he ran his eyes over Rome.

“Where’s Juno?” Rome growled.

Alvaro's lips quirked at the corners. “Serrano first.”

Rome clenched his teeth and glared at Alvaro for a few seconds before turning on his heels and walking back to the car. He opened the door to the backseat and helped Marco out. Marco held his hands together behind his back to make it look like he was tied up and his gun was tucked into the back of his pants for easy use.

Rome walked Marco closer to Alvaro as he glared at the asshole. When he stopped, he kept a hand around Marco’s arm.

“Now Juno,” Rome growled.

The smile spreading on Alvaro’s face had Rome’s pulse skyrocketing. That couldn’t be good.

“Did you really think I’d be stupid enough to bring my bargaining chip?”

Rome gritted his teeth. He’d hoped, really hoped, Alvaro would bring Juno, but they’d planned for if he hadn’t. Bones and Hawk were ready to leave at any second to go get him.

Alvaro pulled out his phone and shortly after, Rome felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

“I just sent you a live feed of Juno.”

Rome gave the man a glare before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. He unlocked it and opened the message, then clicked the link. A video feed popped up and what he saw made his heart freeze in his chest. No. Nonono. Juno was sitting, unconscious, in what looked like a tank that was filling up with water. There was blood at the corner of his mouth and a bruise on his cheek. Those fuckers had hurt him.

“What the fuck have you done?” Rome yelled and took a step toward Alvaro, only stopped by Marco digging his heels into the ground.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Alvaro said with a cruel smile on his lips. “He’ll be fine. If you get to him in time.”

“That wasn’t the deal you piece of fucking shit.”

Alvaro shrugged. “It’s the deal now. Take it or leave it.”

“Give me the location.”

“Serrano first.”

“No,” Rome snapped. “Location first. Then you get Serrano.”

Alvaro tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips. Then he shrugged and said, “If only you had something to bargain with. Guess Juno’s gonna drown after all.”

Rome barely managed a breath before Alvaro’s men had their guns out.

“You don’t wanna do that,” Rome said, his voice icy.

Alvaro let out a loud sigh. “And why is that?”

“Because it’s gonna be the last fucking thing you do,” Marco growled and pulled his gun.

There was a loud pop and then man to Alvaro’s right fell to the ground, making the rest scramble while blindly shooting toward Rome and Marco. Kings appeared from everywhere, closing in on Alvaro and his men while the snipers kept Rome and Marco alive.

Alvaro managed to get himself behind the car door, but he wouldn’t be safe there for long. Rome was gonna make fucking sure of that. He had to trust King’s men would have his back as he made his way to Alvaro. King’s snipers weren’t placed where they could get a clean shot at Alvaro.

Rome shot at one guy who was then riddled with bullets by the Kings. He made it to the car and found Alvaro climbing through it to the other side. Rome grabbed for him but didn’t get a hold of him. With a growl, he ran around the car. Alvaro was out of the car and with a glance over his shoulder at Rome, he took off running. Rome set after him and caught up with him in seconds. He tackled Alvaro to the ground, grabbing a fistful of his

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