moved off him and he pushed himself up, still laughing until he had to duck out of the way of another glove, which then had him laughing again.

“Get out of my gym,” Wildcat yelled.

Scar glanced toward Wildcat, then turned her gaze on Juno, a lovestruck look on her face.

“I’m gonna marry that woman,” she said.

“Well, good luck convincing her of that.”

Scar shrugged. “She doesn’t have to know until it’s too late.”

Juno tsked and shook his head. “It’s always the quiet ones.”


By the time he left the apartment, it was around dinner time so he stopped by Serrano’s to pick up some food, knowing Juno wouldn’t have eaten yet. Walking inside, he glanced around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, except for Marco not being there.

He waited for the hostess to come back from seating a couple and gave her his order. She wrote it down on her nifty little tablet which sent the order straight to the kitchen.

“Oh, and Nicole, do we have the tiramisu today?” he asked.

“We sure do,” Nicole said with a smile.

“Great. I’ll have two of those as well.”

“Of course, sir. I’ll have it brought out to you once it’s ready.”


He sat down on the bench meant for people waiting for a table but usually, there weren’t anyone there. The tables were all booked a few months in advance, so it was rare they had walk-ins.

When Nicole came with his order, he thanked her and walked outside. He headed for the car he was still borrowing from Juno, or the Kings, really. Juno had told him he could keep it for the next few days unless the club had something come up. He was grateful because as it was, his SUV was still parked in front of Marco’s house, and going back there was suicide. Alvaro no doubt had men stationed there, waiting for him or Marco to return so they could kill them.

When he reached the car, he opened the passenger side door and put the food on the seat, then walked around the car. He reached for the door handle but froze. For a moment, he thought someone was watching him but when he looked around, he didn’t see anyone. He knew he was being more paranoid than usual, so he let it go.

He got behind the wheel and pulled out onto the street. Juno didn’t live far from the restaurant, so the drive only took about ten minutes. He pulled up in front of Juno’s apartment building and found a parking spot. He was getting out when he heard the telltale sound of a motorcycle. He glanced over his shoulder and, sure enough, there was Juno on his monster of a bike. It was a deep red and Juno clearly took good care of it because he hadn’t seen a single scratch on it.

Rome grabbed the takeaway bags and started toward Juno who was pulling off his helmet. When Juno met Rome’s eyes, a smile widened his lips and he walked up to Rome. Before Rome could even say hello, Juno had cupped his face in his hands and taken his mouth in a searing kiss. Rome groaned and put the hand not holding the food on the small of Juno’s back, pushing the man closer.

When Juno pulled back, a sound of protest left Rome. Juno was grinning at him when he opened his eyes.

“Hi,” Juno said, then took a breath and glanced down at the bags in Rome’s hand. “Is that from Serrano’s?”

“Yeah,” Rome said, his voice sounding rough, so he cleared his throat. “I got you tiramisu.”

Juno’s gaze snapped back up to Rome’s.

“You did?”

Rome hummed and took Juno’s hand, tugging him toward the door. A little thrill went through him because he knew he wasn’t supposed to hold Juno’s hand, but to hell with that. He squeezed Juno’s hand and received a warm smile in return.

So worth it.

Chapter Fourteen


HE STEPPED through the door to the tattoo shop. Scar was talking to a woman who had her back turned to Juno. As he walked closer, he had to press his lips together to keep from smiling.

“Again, I strongly advise you find something else to get,” Scar said.

The woman let out a huff. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

Scar’s sigh resonated deeply with Juno. When they had clients come in for a ridiculous tattoo they would ultimately regret, they always tried to talk them out of it, but the woman was right, to a point. They couldn’t exactly tell someone what to do.

Scar looked up, her gaze landing on Juno. A devious smile found her lips for a second before she hid it and turned back to the client.

“No. I can’t. But trust me, getting Juno’s name tattooed on your body will not help you get the guy,” Scar said, a twinkle in her eyes. “Especially seeing as he’s into dick right now.”

“What?” the woman spluttered.

“Actually, I never said I wasn’t,” Juno said.

The woman whirled around, surprise clear on her face. He knew he’d seen her before—obviously—but to no one’s surprise, he didn’t remember her name. Or anything about her, really.

“Sweetheart,” he said and took a step closer. “While I don’t mind you getting my name tattooed on you—your body, your choice—I suggest you don’t. Really, you’d be the third and it hasn’t done the others any good.”

“I…” she opened and closed her mouth, staring at Juno.

“It’s all right,” Juno said.

He put a hand on her shoulder and led her toward the door. He told her to come back if she decided to get something else and that he’d give her fifty percent off. She left still looking confused but at least there was one less woman—whom he couldn’t even remember—with his name on their body.

He walked back to

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