in a stage whisper, “Does he think we just go around shooting people for no good reason?”

Neil jerked around to glare at them. “In my experience, bikers tend to be volatile and prone to taking stupid chances without thinking of the consequences.”

Bones mock gasped and turned to Juno with a twinkle in his eye. “I think he just described both of us to a T.”

Juno snorted and shook his head. He had to agree, though, and from the sound Rome made, he wasn’t the only one.

Neil gave Bones a stern look before motioning for them to split up. Juno and Bones went with Rome. They went along a row of pallets, looking for the guards. Rome jerked to a halt and held up a fist. He turned and pointed at Bones, then motioned for him to go the other way around. Juno walked up next to Rome and peeked around the corner. A guard stood only a few feet from them, his phone in hand.

A thump sounded from where he knew Bones would be and, as much as he would like to claim Bones had done it on purpose, he doubted it. It worked well for them, though. The guard snapped his head up and whirled around, turning his back to Rome and Juno.

“Hands up. Say a word and you die,” Rome growled as he walked up behind the guard, his gun aimed at him.

Juno was grateful the ski mask because he was smiling like a lunatic at hearing that growl in Rome’s voice. He liked when Rome got all growly. Liked it more than was probably considered sane.

The guard thrust his hands in the air, still holding his phone. Bones appeared in front of him and took the phone, then made the man get on his knees. Rome tied him up with the zip ties Neil had passed around and gagged him, then tied him to a pallet. The poor guy looked like he was gonna shit himself.

They made their way to the entrance they’d agreed to meet at and found Neil and Marco waiting there for them.

“What took you so long?” Neil grumbled.

“Bones tripped over himself,” Juno said.

Bones gasped and hit Juno in the shoulder, saying, “Did not.”

Neil let out a grunt and from the look in his eyes, Juno was sure the man would rather strangle them both than listen to another word out of them.

Bones pulled out his phone, tapping out a text and, a few seconds later, the door unlocked. Juno grabbed the handle and opened the door a sliver, then glanced over his shoulder at Neil who gave him a nod. He pulled open the door and held it for the others to walk through, then went in as the last man.

They all had their guns out as they walked further inside the warehouse. Once they reached the first rack they split up, knowing the six workers would be spread all over the warehouse. Bones went with Juno. They headed to the other end of the warehouse and checked every aisle on the way until they turned down one where they found a worker looking at a clipboard.

“Hands up,” Juno said.

The man stared at Juno for a second before jerking his hands up, the clipboard hitting the floor with a thump. Juno watched him while Bones walked further down the rack. He returned soon after with another worker. With the two men walking in front of them, they made their way to the middle of the building. Rome was there with two workers and shortly after they’d arrived, Neil and Marco showed up with another two.

“This is a robbery,” Neil yelled in a perfect English accent. He pointed to the corner of the building where there looked to be an office. “If you want to live, you go in there.”

Most of the men looked frightened while some seemed to be in shock. They all scurried toward the office where Juno was sure Neil would lock them inside. Neil motioned for Bones and Rome to help him and together they followed the workers.

“Find the damned crates,” Neil told Marco before disappearing inside the office.

The second the door closed after Neil, Marco turned to Juno.

“They’ve gotta be by one of the loading docks.”

“Why?” Juno asked.

“Because he’s gotta have plans to move them soon. It’s what I would do.”

There were several loading docks around the warehouse, so they had to check them one by one until they found one with a truckload of crates piled in front of it.

“There they are,” Marco said.

The crates looked small enough two men should be able to carry one. It would be hard work, but they’d get it done, and hopefully, before anyone noticed they were there.

Juno walked to the loading dock and pressed the button to open the garage door. He jumped down and walked up to a truck parked close by, knowing the keys were left in the ignition thanks to the guy Neil’d had drop it off while they’d gathered the workers inside.

He crawled into the cab and started the truck. He backed it toward the dock with the help of Marco. He thought he did a decent job even though it’d been years since he’d driven anything near the size of the semi-truck. He opened the door and leaned out enough to see Marco’s thumbs-up, then jumped down.

There was an exit with a staircase right next to the dock, so he made his way up the stairs. The door opened before he reached it, Rome standing in the doorway. He could tell the man was smiling from the gleam in his eyes and he knew Rome would know when he returned that smile.

Rome held the door for Juno who walked inside to find Neil and Bones there as well. He looked at the big pile of

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