unsure what to think of the whole thing. Scar had said Rome was there for him, but no way would Rome show up as his boyfriend. He nearly tripped over his own feet when he realized what he’d just called Rome. Boyfriend. Was that what Rome was? Was it what he wanted Rome to be?

“Hey,” Stiletto said with a wry smile.

“Hey,” Juno said and cleared his throat before glancing at Rome. “Hi, Rome.”

Rome met his gaze, a slight smile on his lips. Rome glanced around, then cleared his throat. Juno could tell he was uncomfortable. He got why, but it was still disappointing.

Before Rome could open his mouth, Stiletto cut him off, saying, “Oh, don’t even start. The only client here just walked out the door and we all know about you two, anyway.”

Rome gave Stiletto a dirty look. Then he took a step toward Juno and cupped his face. When Rome’s lips came down on his, Juno gasped in surprise. He grabbed a hold of Rome’s shirt and tilted his head back to give Rome better access. Rome’s tongue tangled with his in a battle for control. Rome slid a hand into Juno’s hair and tugged, drawing a moan out of Juno. When Rome pulled back, Juno was panting for breath.

“You know,” Scar said, making everyone turn to look at her. “I’m not into guys but that kinda did it for me.”

Juno snorted out a laugh. “You thinking of hopping on the bi-wagon?”

Scar shook her head, then said, “Hell no. It’s only good when it doesn’t involve me. Seriously, show me a dick and I’ll hurl.”

“Haven’t you pierced a dick once or twice?” Juno asked.

“Nope. I have done a lot of pussy piercings. Though they’re only fun if they come in to get it changed and not a new one. Too sore,” she said with an eyebrow wiggle.

Stiletto released a loud groan and shook her head. “Does everyone fuck in my shop?”

“Yeah,” Juno said while Scar nodded and Bones walked past Stiletto’s desk, saying, “Yep.”

“Ya’ll are degenerates,” Stiletto grumbled.

“But you love us anyway,” Juno said and flashed her a big smile.

She flipped him off but didn’t argue and took off toward the back rooms.

Juno turned to Rome, nerves hitting him as he met Rome’s dark gaze. He nibbled on his bottom lip for a moment before saying, “Hi.”

The smile that appeared on Rome’s lips had Juno breathing easier even if his stomach did a somersault at that smile. Rome glanced over Juno’s shoulder for a second, then turned his gaze back on Juno.

“I don’t like the way we left things this morning,” Rome said, his voice rough.

“Me neither.”

“I know I can’t offer you much,” Rome started but Juno cut him off.

“I’ll take it. Whatever, however, much you can give. I’ll take it.”

He knew he was being brazen and impulsive but being with Rome felt so fucking right. He’d never wanted the traditional shit anyway. A white picket fence, kids, and weddings weren’t his thing. He’d take Rome over them any day.

“Come here,” Rome said and reached for Juno.

Juno stepped into Rome’s embrace and tilted his head back to meet Rome’s gaze. Those deep brown eyes were filled with a mix of need and affection. If Rome just kept looking at him like that, he didn’t care if he’d never have all of him.

Chapter Twelve


HE WAS lounging on the couch with Juno’s head in his lap and his fingers in Juno’s hair when he got a text from Marco. He opened it and groaned.

Juno opened his eyes and frowned up at him.


“Marco needs me.”

Juno sighed, loud and heavy. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the guy was in love with you, as much as he needs you.”

Rome bit his lip to keep from saying anything but that only seemed to intrigue Juno more. Juno’s frown deepened as he sat up.

“What are you not telling me?”

Rome considered not telling Juno, but he knew he could trust him with that particular secret.

“He’s not in love with me, but we did use to fool around,” Rome said.

Juno’s mouth fell open and he stared wide-eyed at Rome.

“Excuse me. What?”

Rome grunted and took a deep breath. “Marco’s gay. Has known since he was a kid and, growing up, all we had was each other. Fooling around with anyone else would’ve been too dangerous. Too obvious. There wasn’t anything emotional to it except the comfort we could give each other in knowing we were in the same shitty fucking boat.”

“That’s…” Juno trailed off and shook his head. “That must’ve been awful.”

Rome blinked at him. That was not the reaction he’d expected from him.

“It was. It’s the reason we’re as close as we are. The reason he trusts me with his life.”

Juno nodded slowly, his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched Rome with sympathy in his eyes.

“I’m glad you had each other back then,” Juno said, a wicked smile spreading on his lips. He got into Rome’s lap and wrapped his arms around the back of Rome’s neck. “As long as he knows you’re mine now.”

Rome grinned at Juno. He liked the sound of that. A lot.

He ran his hands up Juno’s thighs to his ass, grabbing two handfuls of it and making Juno moan. Juno lowered his head but before he could kiss Rome, Rome’s phone beeped. Rome squeezed his eyes shut, a smile playing on his lips as Juno cursed Marco.

He looked up at Juno and gave him an apologetic look before lifting Juno off him. He stood and walked into the bedroom to grab his shoulder holster and gun. He shrugged into the holster and turned to head out of the room only to have Juno stand in the way. Juno had his arms

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