crossed and his eyes narrowed at Rome.

Rome walked up to him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

“I’m sorry. I have to go.”

“Nuh-uh,” Juno said with a shake of his head. “You don’t get to do stupid shit without me.”

A surprised laugh escaped Rome and he cupped Juno’s face in his hands. He brushed a kiss to Juno’s lips, then leaned back to meet Juno’s gaze.

“You’re crazy, you know that?”

Juno shrugged, then said, “Life would be boring if I wasn’t.”

Rome shook his head as he smiled at Juno. He may be right, but Rome doubted it. His life would be anything but boring with Juno in it.


As much as he hated getting in the cage, he didn’t want to get his bike involved in whatever Serrano had planned. He loved her too much. He would do more than just cut a bitch for getting his baby a scratch. She was his pride and joy.

He opened the door to the passenger seat and slid in. He glanced at Rome who was looking at his phone. The frown on his forehead didn’t exactly bode well.

“What’s wrong?”

Rome jerked his head up, his eyes landing on Juno. “Neil has found some of the product Alvaro stole.”

“Who’s Neil?”

Rome tensed for no more than a heartbeat before taking a breath and relaxing.

“He’s the guy Marco’s been fucking for years,” Rome said, the tone of his voice making Juno think he was holding something back. It was none of his business, so he didn’t ask about it and just gave Rome a nod. He didn’t really care who Marco was fucking as long as it wasn’t Rome. Unless Marco tried to come between them, he’d stay out of it. When Rome had told him about their past and Marco being gay, it finally made sense why Marco didn’t seem to care too much about Rome fucking a guy. Honestly, he hadn’t put much thought to it because Rome hadn’t seemed worried in the least. Now he knew why.

Rome drove them to a really nice part of town and parked in front of a long, six-story building. Juno looked around as he got out of the car. The place looked expensive. Exclusive. He followed Rome to one of the doors. When they were let in, he followed Rome into an elevator. They walked out on the third floor and Rome made his way to one of the two apartment doors. He unlocked it and opened it, then held it for Juno.

They went into the living room and found Serrano there along with a man in a suit. He had black hair and gray eyes that nearly made Juno shudder when the man turned them his way. There was something… dark and dangerous in that look. Something deadly.

Juno ignored Serrano who was glaring at him and walked up to the other man.

“Hi, I’m—”

“Juno Meyers. I know. I’m Neil.”

Juno was frowning at him as he shook his hand. Not like that was creepy or anything. He decided against asking about it because he was certain he wouldn’t like Neil’s answer.

“What’s the plan?” Rome asked.

“Go get my shit back,” Serrano said as if it should’ve been obvious.

“Pretty sure Rome was asking how we’re gonna get your shit back,” Juno drawled.

Serrano turned to scowl at Juno. Before they could get into it, Rome stepped between them.

“Knock it off. If we’re gonna do this, we need to get moving and soon.”

Juno sighed and crossed his arms.

“Marco’s shit is being stored in a warehouse in Dundalk,” Neil said.

Juno took a step to the side so he could see Neil for Rome.

“How did you figure that out?”

Neil’s lips twitched. “I have my ways.”

Juno arched a brow at him, but he didn’t bother asking, figuring he wouldn’t get an answer.

“So, what is the plan?”


He didn’t like bringing Juno even if he knew the man could take care of himself. He was an outlaw biker, after all. He didn’t know where his protectiveness was coming from. He’d only ever felt that protective of Marco and Dante. It wasn’t that he wanted to coddle Juno, he just didn’t want anything to happen to him. It was… strange. Yet he doubted it was a phase. Doubted how protective he felt of Juno would ever lessen.

They parked their cars within walking distance from the warehouse. He got out of the car and walked up to Neil’s car with Juno at his side. Marco was leaned against the side of the car while Neil rummaged through a duffle bag. He looked up when they neared.

“Recon first,” Neil said and gave Marco a stern look. “Don’t get too close.”

Marco huffed but didn’t say anything.

Neil threw a pair of binoculars at Rome who caught them and gave Neil a funny look.

“Juno, with me. You two,” Neil said with a glance between Rome and Marco. “Find a good spot to use that.”

Rome swallowed a curse and watched as Juno followed Neil, then turned to Marco.

“So, he’s just bossing us around, now?”

Marco sighed, then said, “You forgetting that this is actually what he does for a living?”

“He babies you for a living?” Rome quipped.

Marco’s glare had him biting his tongue.

“Let’s find a place to use that damned thing,” Marco said through clenched teeth and nodded at the binoculars in Rome’s hands before taking off. He dropped his head back with a sigh, then went after Marco.

There were a few houses across the street from the warehouse. Alvaro, the dickhead, had chosen a legit warehouse to store Marco’s products in. Had probably even paid for it legally. The place had security cameras, guards, and the people there wouldn’t hesitate to call the cops. They were rather fucked, if he had to say so himself.

He followed Marco to

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