crates, nearly groaning because he knew it’d be hard work to load them into the truck. He was doing it for Rome but Serrano was so gonna owe him for this.

“Let’s get to work,” Neil said.

Chapter Thirteen


HIS BIKE rumbled beneath him. He loved how powerful, how free, riding made him feel. He turned onto the straight, long stretch of road and opened her up. He’d needed it. Needed the adrenaline pumping through his veins. It’d been too long since he’d last let loose and he finally had a day off plus Rome wasn’t gonna be home for at least a few hours. It’d been the perfect time.

Yesterday, they’d managed to fit all the crates in the truck and then Neil had taken off in it. As they’d left, Rome had set off the alarm to ensure the cops would come to let the workers out. Bones had called Auggie who’d sounded much too excited about deleting the warehouse’s security footage. Juno wasn’t too worried about the robbery coming back to them. Serrano and Rome hadn’t seemed the least bit worried and when he’d asked about it, Rome had shrugged and said Neil would take care of it. Whatever that meant.

He slowed down as he neared the city area and stayed under the limit as he took the road he knew by heart. He drove through the clubhouse gate and parked his bike. He pulled his helmet off, a wide smile on his face as he took a moment to just sit there.

He dismounted and put his helmet on the seat of his bike. He pushed through the door to the clubhouse, intend of raiding the kitchen for whatever sweet stuff Polly or Auggie had put in the fridge.

His steps faltered when he saw King and Saint walking across the room heading toward him and the door.

“You think I should go alone?” Saint asked King.

King stopped, a contemplative look on his face. “No. Fuck.” He glanced around, his gaze landing on Juno. “Take Juno with you.”

Juno felt his brows rise. “What did I do?”

He didn’t get an answer, both men walking past him to the front door. With a sigh, Juno followed. Once outside, he headed for his bike only to be stopped by Saint yelling, “Cage.”

Groaning, Juno abandoned his bike and followed Saint to the dark gray SUV. He got in and glanced around, surprised to find a children’s seat in the back. When Saint got behind the wheel, Juno arched a brow at him and asked, “Why is there a car seat in the back?”

Saint grunted and turned the key, then drove out of the gate.

“Seriously,” Juno said. “Where are we going and why?”

“Remember a year ago when we had that crazy multiple level five? Joker, Gabe, and I drove two kids to Jersey,” Saint said. “We’re going to pick them up.”

“What? Why?”

“Don’t know. Something went wrong at the place they were staying. Now they’ll be with us for a while.”

“When you say us…?”

“Hopefully, with Nash and me. If I can convince Nash to take them in.”

Juno snorted and arched a brow at Saint. “As if you have to convince him of anything. I guarantee you, after they’ve been there a minute, he’s gonna want to keep them.”

Saint shook his head. “I’m not sure if I should be happy about that or not.”

Juno glanced down with a smile on his lips. Saint was fucked and he knew it. Though he sincerely doubted Saint wouldn’t want to keep the kids, too.

The drive didn’t take much more than half an hour as they were picking the kids up in Edgewood, in front of a supermarket. Saint turned into the parking lot and drove down the third row of parked cars where they’d been told the kids would be waiting.

A man in a red cap stood by a parked car to their left with two kids next to him. A girl and a boy. The boy was a head higher than the girl and they both had blonde hair. Saint stopped the car, so Juno guessed that was them. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. Saint was out of the car before him, walking around it with fast steps.

“Zayne,” the little girl yelled and ran to him.

Saint dropped to his knees and opened his arms. She jumped into his embrace and something warm spread in Juno’s heart. It was probably the cutest thing he’d seen in a long time.

The guy with the kids let out a sigh and said, “I give up. She hasn’t said a damned word the whole way and now this? She’s all yours, man.”

Juno’s lips quirked. Guess they didn’t need to use the codeword they usually did.

While Saint and the girl were talking, the boy walked up to the car and opened the door to the backseat and got in. Juno stared after him for a moment before turning back to the guy in the cap, only to find him staring, too.

“I kid you not, they haven’t said a thing to me the past three hours,” he said with a shake of his head.

Saint walked up to him and held out his hand. “Thank you for bringing them.”

“From watching her react like that, it’s my fucking pleasure, man.”

Juno gave the man a nod and walked back to the car. He let Saint buckle the girl in and opened his door to get in. He sat down and turned in his seat, smiling at the boy as he said, “Hi. I’m Juno.”

The boy glanced up, a skeptical look in his eyes for a second before he said, “Miles. That’s Emma.”

“Well hello, little Miss Emma,” Juno said with a wry smile

Emma met his smile with a big one of her own.

“Hi,” she said. “Are you a friend of Zayne and

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