slowly made his way to the bathroom. He left Juno leaned against the sink and went to turn on the shower.

With the water warm enough, he walked back to Juno and grabbed his hand to pull him with him into the shower. Juno wrapped his arms back around Rome and rested his head against Rome’s chest with a content sigh.

Rome washed them both off and, because Juno looked at him with puppy eyes, he washed Juno’s hair, too. He massaged Juno’s scalp with the shampoo and the man nearly purred in delight. He took his sweet time doing it, not wanting the tender and quite domestic moment to end. This was everything he wanted. This way of being intimate with someone.

He tipped Juno’s head back to let the water wash out the shampoo. Then he turned off the water and left Juno in the shower to grab them a towel each. He gave Juno a towel and dried himself off. He put the towel in the hamper and when he turned around, Juno was in front of him, a lazy smile on his lips. Juno flung his towel past Rome and from the sound of it, he didn’t hit the hamper. Rome couldn’t care less when there was a naked, smiling Juno standing in front of him.

Juno raised his hands and cupped Rome’s face. He pressed his lips against Rome’s in a slow kiss. When Juno pulled back, he met Rome’s gaze for a second and placed another kiss to Rome’s lips before turning around. He grabbed Rome’s hand and tugged him along into the bedroom.

They fell into bed and Rome wasn’t surprised when Juno curled up and fell asleep in less than a minute. Rome watched him sleep for a while before pressing his front to Juno’s back and wrapping an arm around Juno’s middle. He fell asleep with his face in Juno’s hair, to the smell of the man he loved.

When he woke up, he felt a bit groggy and, according to the noises his stomach was making, also hungry. He sat up and rubbed his hands over his face. He felt the bed shift behind him and heard Juno’s soft intake of breath.


He glanced over his shoulder at a messy looking Juno.


Juno worried his bottom lip, then said, “We need to talk.”

“About what?” Rome asked with a raised brow.

“About us.” Juno pushed up into a seated position. “What are we even doing?”

“What the hell do you mean ‘what are we doing’?” Rome hissed.

Juno cocked his head to the side and arched a brow at Rome.

“Should be fucking obvious,” Rome continued with a shake of his head. “I told you I’m never putting anyone before you ever again. I fucking love you. Never thought I would ever love anyone. Didn’t even think I could. But here we are, and I don’t plan on letting you go. Ever.”

Juno blinked at him, then cleared his throat. “Uh, could you say that again?”

“Which part?” Rome drawled.

“The part where you said you loved me.”

A smile threatened to break free on Rome’s lips. “I believe I said I fucking love you.”

“Well, thank fuck ‘cause I fucking love you, too,” Juno said and before Rome could even process his words, Juno’s mouth was on his.

Rome smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Juno, pulling him closer. Having Juno love him back was the most amazing thing in the world. Juno was his and he was Juno’s. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for him. Nothing he wouldn’t sacrifice for him. Almost losing him had taught him that pretty quick.

Chapter Seventeen


THE DOORBELL rang and Juno pulled himself off the couch to go answer the door. He opened it to find Bones, Scar, Saint, Auggie, and Stiletto standing there.

“Uh, hi,” Juno said. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We figured three days were enough of Rome keeping you to himself,” Scar said, a teasing smile on her lips.

Juno snorted out a laugh and stepped back to let them in. Scar planted a kiss to his cheek as she walked past him. He shared a smile with Bones who put a hand on Juno’s shoulder and squeezed before pulling him into a hug. Bones slapped him on the back which had Juno fake coughing. Bones didn’t believe it for a second and pushed Juno away with a laugh.

Juno chuckled as he watched Bones walk into the apartment, then he turned to Auggie who was still standing in the door with an adorably mad look on his face. It didn’t last long when Juno held his arms open. Auggie wrapped him up in a tight hug that had him smiling and squeezing Auggie against him.

“Don’t do that again,” Auggie mumbled.

“Technically, I didn’t do anything,” Juno said.

Auggie stepped back to give him a dirty look. Juno couldn’t help his wide smile.

“Hey, Rome,” Bones said loud enough for Juno to hear by the front door.

There was some cursing and then Rome yelled, “Juno.”

Juno sighed and closed the door before making his way into the living room, Auggie right behind him. Bones was nowhere to be seen but Scar was standing in front of Rome, poking him in the chest. Rome was ignoring Scar and when he met Juno’s gaze, there was a pleading look in his eyes.

“Bones is raiding the fridge,” Rome said.

Juno shrugged. “The fridge is fair play.”

He sat down on the couch with Saint who looked tired and worn out but there was still that air of happiness around him.

“How are the kids doing?” he asked Saint.

Saint let out a sigh and said, “You were right. Nash wants to keep them.”

Juno couldn’t help his burst of laughter. “Do I win something or what?”

Saint glared at him, which only had him grinning wide.

“You get to babysit

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