had known from his teenage years that he wanted to live like them, but he’d never expected to become as invested as he was. This was his life. These people were his family. They were people he would kill for. People he would lay down his life for, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.

His gaze caught on Joker who was shaking his head at Gabe, and from the wicked smile on Gabe’s lips, Juno knew the guy was gonna get into trouble. Gabe said something that had Joker scowling at him, but he couldn’t hide his smile. To see Joker smile without looking scary as fuck was one thing, but to see the way he looked at Gabe as if he were the only other person in the room? It made Juno’s heart swell.

Emma came running in from the backyard followed by a very happy pit bull, both of them dragging dirt all over the floor. Emma ran up to Nash who picked her up, a huge smile on his face. Emma started talking a mile a minute and Nash only seemed happy to listen. Saint and Nash’s relationship was the epitome of relationship goals. He’d never seen two people show their love for each other as openly as they did. Now that love also included the two kids they’d taken in and made a part of their family.

Auggie was asleep in Skinner’s lap. He’d been working hard the past few months along with Emery, their company having made great strides in the security business. They’d all been worried about Auggie since the day Hawk and Stiletto had shown up with him, all scared out of his mind as he’d been. Now he’d found his confidence again, found his safe place with Skinner. The huge guy was so fucking soft where Auggie was concerned. It was sweet and heartwarming to watch. Skinner was everything Auggie deserved and Juno couldn’t have hoped for a better man to love their Band-Aid.

He moved his gaze around again until waving arms had him looking at Elijah. He was trying to get Hawk’s attention, but Hawk was too busy talking to Saint to notice. Juno bit his lip to keep from laughing when he saw Elijah grab a toy from the couch to throw at Hawk. It hit Hawk right in the temple. Hawk turned his head slowly, a dark look in his eyes that had Elijah’s eyes going wide before he scrambled to get over the couch. Juno wasn’t the only one laughing when Hawk quickly caught Elijah who struggled against him until Hawk kissed him. Then he melted against the man.

A tap to the top of his head had Juno glancing up to see Bones watching him with raised brows.

“You’re staring,” Bones said, his lips pulling into a wry smile.

Juno shrugged. “Am I not allowed to?”

“Depends,” Bones said and glanced over Juno’s shoulder. “Does your man like it when you watch other guys make out?”

Juno turned around to find Rome watching him with narrowed eyes. He grinned at Rome who rolled his eyes before returning to the conversation he was having with Emery. Bones took off toward the two so Juno followed. He walked up to Emery and wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on top of her head.

“Has she told you she’s a genius?” Juno asked Rome.

Emery huffed. “Oh, yeah, I always say that as the first thing when I meet people. Hi, I’m a genius, wanna be my friend?”

Juno chuckled and said, “Just like you don’t wanna bring up that you used to work for the government?”

Surprise spread on Rome’s face and Juno felt a smile widen his lips.

“You did?” Rome asked.

Emery’s groan was loud, and she shook Juno off before saying, “I did. At the Senate.”

“Wow,” Rome said, awe in his voice. “That’s quite a change.”

Emery shrugged and said, “The club is my family, and they were a long time before I took that job. In the end,” she glanced at Bones who was grinning smugly at her, “There was something I wanted more than that job.”

“Someone,” Bones added. “She means someone.”

Rome cocked a brow at first Bones, then Emery. “You quit your job for this idiot?”

Emery threw her head back with laughter and Juno couldn’t help but join in. Bones crossed his arms and grumbled at Rome who just smiled at him. Emery wrapped her arms around Bones who lifted her off her feet. Emery laughed and kissed Bones.

Seeing his best friend happy warmed his heart. Emery owned Bones and he knew the man wouldn’t want it any different.

He glanced up at Rome to find the man already watching him, warmth in his brown eyes. Juno took a step closer and lowered his voice. “You’re looking at me like you love me.”

Rome shook his head with a chuckle and cupped Juno’s face in his hands.

“That’s because I do,” Rome said before taking Juno’s mouth in a soft kiss.

Chapter Eighteen


HE WALKED into Marco’s office to find the man standing with his back turned, his gaze out the window. The spook was sitting in one of the armchairs to the right, reading a book. Or, at least, pretending to. He gave Rome a quick finger wave without looking up.

“So?” Rome asked when he stopped in the middle of the room.

He saw more than heard Marco’s sigh. Marco turned around, his expression unreadable.

“They’re letting it go,” Marco said.

Rome stared at him for a few heartbeats. “What?”

Marco raised a brow as if to say, “You heard me.”

“I’m sorry. A cartel is letting the death of one of their lieutenants go?”

“Yes,” Marco said and glared at Neil. “I wonder what made them come to that decision.”

Neil looked at Marco over the top of his book. “Beats me.”

“I’ll fucking beat you,” Marco

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