
The corner of Neil’s mouth quirked and the way he looked at Marco told Rome to get the hell out of there. Those two kept switching between wanting to kill and fuck each other. It was sure to give Rome whiplash one of these days.

Before Neil had put down his book, Rome was out the door. He walked through the living room, out the patio door, and was greeted by a delighted squeal. He made his way to the pool where he found Dante getting out of the water and running up to Juno who was ready to catch him and throw him back into the water. Rome stopped by the gate to admire his man for a moment. Juno’s shirt was just wet enough to show off Juno’s abs. Juno laughed when Dante splashed water up at him. Seeing that smile on Juno’s face was worth anything he’d have to endure to be able to see it every day.

He opened the gate and walked in. Juno turned, his gaze catching Rome’s. There was a spark of mischief in those green eyes.

Dante got out of the pool and ran up to Juno, yelling, “Again. Again.”

A wicked smile spread on Juno’s lips for a second before he crouched down in front of Dante and whispered something in his ear. Dante nodded vigorously before turning toward Rome. It didn’t take a genius to figure out those two were planning something that involved him.


Juno’s smile only widened. Rome took a step back and dug his phone out of his pocket. He put it on the sunchair he was next to, knowing better than to take that chance.

“No,” Rome said, his voice firm but it had no effect on those two.

They came at him from both sides, Dante grabbing him by a leg while Juno wrapped his arms around Rome, trapping Rome’s arms against his body. He tried to dig his heels in, but it was hard to do with only one foot. Rome cursed at them as they dragged him to the edge of the pool. He managed to get one arm free and grabbed a fistful of Juno’s shirt. Then he stopped resisting and let himself fall. He pulled Juno with him into the water and wasn’t surprised to see Dante willingly jump in with them. They hit the water with a big splash.

Shit. Juno. Water.

He pulled Juno up and the second their heads were above water he asked, “Are you okay?”

Juno looked shocked for a moment but that was it and when he nodded, it was with a smile on his lips. Juno wrapped his arms around the back of Rome’s neck and pushed close against him.

“Always when I have you,” Juno purred.

Juno’s legs wrapped around Rome’s hips and Juno lowered his head to take Rome’s lips in a hard kiss. Rome groaned against Juno’s lips and pulled back.

“Dante,” he gasped out.

“He’s a bit too young to participate, don’t you think?” Juno asked with a cheeky grin on his face.

Rome snorted and shook his head. He looked over Juno’s shoulder at Dante who was trying to climb onto his unicorn floatie. Half the pool was filled with the kid’s floaties and he somehow kept getting more. He was beginning to suspect Neil as Dante’s supplier. He always seemed to have more stuff after the spook had been there.

Lips against the side of his neck had his attention returning to the man in his arms. He grabbed Juno’s ass, pulling him closer as desire thrummed in his veins.

“Dante,” Marco yelled from way too close.

Rome released a groan and pushed Juno away. Or, at least, he tried to. Juno’s legs were wrapped tight around him. He gave Juno a stern look that didn’t affect Juno whatsoever. Juno lowered his head and ran his nose along Rome’s before pressing a kiss to Rome’s lips.

“We’re gonna be late,” Rome said against Juno’s lips.

“I know,” Juno said and bit into Rome’s lower lip.

A growl rumbled from Rome’s chest and he turned to push Juno against the pool wall. He grabbed Juno by the ass to pull him closer and pushed his tongue into Juno’s mouth.

“No,” Marco snapped, pulling them apart. “If you wanna fuck in a pool you’ve gotta go find someone else’s to do it in.”

Rome dropped his head back with a groan while Juno chuckled. Rome looked up to find Marco standing by the pool, a disapproving look on his face. He narrowed his eyes at Rome and shook his head, then turned. He walked away while asking, “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Rome turned his gaze back on Juno who was biting his lip, an expression on his face that told Rome he wasn’t sorry at all.

“You’re gonna get me in so much trouble, aren’t you?” Rome asked.

Juno pretended to think about it for a moment, then said, “Yes.”

Rome shook his head, a wry smile on his lips. As long as it was with Juno by his side, he’d gladly get into trouble. He cupped Juno’s cheek and leaned in to kiss him.

“Now, Romeo,” Marco yelled.

When Juno began to laugh, Rome let loose one of his own.

Yeah, Juno was trouble. So much trouble. He didn’t want him any other way.


He pushed open the door to the clubhouse and held it for Rome to enter first. Rome gave him a suspicious look and Juno had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. They’d barely stepped inside before Scar was in front of them, her eyes narrowed in a glare.

“You’re late,” she grumbled.

“Sorry, babe. We had a little swimming pool accident,” Juno said, tongue in cheek.

“Accident,” Rome said with a snort.

Scar’s brows hit her hairline but before she could say anything, Juno asked her, “So, have you gotten your Kitten to marry you yet?”

“Oh please,”

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