“Please, sir.” She waved at the officersitting on a tired, emaciated bay.
Was it he who challenged the girls atschool?
“What do you want, ma’am?” His filthybutternut jacket hung above pants so worn, his knee almost showedthrough the fabric. His matted hair, coated with too many layers ofdust to discern its actual color, peeked out from his dirty grayHardy hat. Blue eyes shone beneath its brim.
“Please.” She pointed to Sam. “You don’t wantthat boy. He’s our apprentice. He lives with us. He’s only twelveyears old.”
“No.” He signaled, and a soldier pushed Samtoward the curb. “We don’t want him. We will take the horse.”
Sam relinquished Lady’s reins and ran toMother.
Mother slipped a protective arm around hisshoulders.
Sam’s two sisters, Georgia McLean and GinnyWade, stood on the opposite curb, watching.
“Mrs. Pierce,” Ginny’s voice rang loud acrossthe street. “If those Rebs take our Sam, I don’t know what I’ll dowith you folks!”
His arms went around Mother’s waist as thoughseeking her protection. Mother held him tight against her as shestared, wide-eyed at them.
The officer turned, considered the two youngwomen, and then glanced down at Mother. He lowered his face andtried to hide a barely suppressed grin.
Ginny shook her fist. “If we must explain toour mother what happened to her son, you’ll be sorry!”
Georgia glared at them, arms crossed, in fullsupport of her sister.
Johnny Reb hid his grin behind a gloved handand ahemed.
“Not to worry, Ginny,” Mother called. “Theyonly wanted the horse. Sam is quite safe.”
“She’ll get us into trouble, yet.” Maggiestared at the two women, her voice full of angry, hurtsurprise.
Tillie gasped. “How dare she? If she’s soconcerned about her brother, why didn’t she protect him instead ofmaking Mother do it? Southern sympathizer!” She clenched her teethand balled her hands into fists.
“Leave be.” Maggie grasped Tillie’s elbow.“For Sam’s sake.”
Again, Ginny’s voice rang out, loud andclear. “He’s your responsibility now, and if any harm comes to him,I’ll see you pay.”
The soldiers watched the exchange like acrowd watching a tennis match. They cheered and egged the womenon.
“Now, Ginny…” Father held up a hand palm outin supplication.
Tillie didn’t wait for his reply. Nobodytalked to her mother that way! She opened her mouth, to launch intoa vicious attack, but Maggie pinched her. Hard.
“Ooooouuuuch!” She scowled and rubbed herarm.
Her sister shook her head and, with a glance,indicated Sam. Tillie followed her gaze. He hung his head, andtears ran down his cheeks. It seemed as though he tried to burrowinto Mother’s embrace, hoping to hide and escape the hostilities.Her heart went out to him. What must it feel like to be part ofsuch a contentious, disagreeable family?
Georgia shouted at Father. He chose to ignoreher.
The Rebels catcalled and egged on the twowomen again, hoping for more.
Letting her breath out in a huff, Tilliecontinued to rub her arm. “Oh, what do I care what Ginny Wadethinks?”
Eying the Reb holding the reins of herbeloved friend, Tillie approached. She moved on wooden legs, intenton stopping him from taking Lady. “Please, sir, give me back myhorse. Please don’t take her away!” Her body shook, and desperationquaked in her voice. But she couldn’t help it.
He leered at her, leaning so close his nosealmost touched hers.
She stepped back, eyes wide.
His red hair—wild, filthy, and probablyfilled with lice—hung in his face. His thick, matted beard came tohis chest, and crumbs of meals past hid in it. Cold blue eyes boreinto hers. She gagged when he puffed his foul breath into herface.
“Sissy, what’re you crying about? Git in thehouse and mind your own business!”
His breath touched her cheek. She retreatedanother step. Someone caught her by the elbows and drew herbackward.
The soldiers moved away up Baltimore Streetwith their prizes. Dirty Beard yanked Lady’s reins. The horsetossed her head, but followed without protest. She didn’t even lookback.
Tillie collapsed onto the pavement, sobbing.Father took her by the shoulders and walked her inside to thesitting room.
“Now, Tillie.” Mother used a reasonable tone.“You’re more frightened by the events of the day than upset overthe loss of the horse. Calm down, child.”
Sam stood at Tillie’s side, patting hershoulder.
Father paced in front of her. “So foolish,Matilda. We don’t know what these Rebels will do. Perhaps they’llmark us for this. We all must be more discreet.”
Maggie knelt next to her. “I understand howyou feel.” She laid a soft hand on Tillie’s arm. “I know what itmeans to lose someone you care about, even a horse.”
Tillie threw off Sam’s hand and jerked awayfrom her sister. “Oh, I wish I was a boy! I would’ve told thatdirty Reb what I think of him!”
“Matilda Jane Pierce, that’s quite enough!”Mother’s hands went to her hips, and her brow lowered. “The horseis gone, and most likely, there’s nothing more we can do. Cryingwon’t help things. Now stop acting like a child half your age.Count your blessings she’s all they took.” Mother’s eyes darted toSam. She took a deep breath, softened her tone. “Go upstairs. Washyour face and change your dress, then come down and help me getsupper.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Tillie wiped her nose, cowedand hurt by Mother’s scolding. She stayed in her room for a halfhour, indulging in self-pity. She needed to get her displeasure outof her system before she got into more trouble. When ready, she puta smile on her face she didn’t feel and rejoined her family.
* * * *
Tillie entered the kitchen as Mother answereda knock at the door. Four Confederate soldiers, among them DirtyBeard, stood on the back stoop.
They removed their hats like penitents. DirtyBeard didn’t own a hat. Instead, he laced his fingers in front ofhim.
“Ma’am, might we get something to eat?” Theleader’s Southern drawl sounded so polite… It was hard tocomprehend that, just an hour ago, they walked away with Tillie’smost prized possession.
Father jumped from the table and ran out ofthe room. His feet pounded on the treads as he disappearedupstairs.
“Oh, yes.” Her voice shook with anger. “Youshould ask for food, after you steal our horse and frighten ourdaughter half to death.” She glared at Dirty Beard, blocking thedoor with her body as Mrs. Buehler had done.