about Lady, but there’s nothing we cando. We must pray for our enemies. Much as you may think so, GinnyWade isn’t our enemy. Misguided, I’ll admit, but not our enemy.Don’t hate her. Pity her, and pray for her lack of Christiancharity.”

“No, sir.” Sam stood inside the kitchen door.“Tillie’s right. My sister is a filthy traitor, and I hope she getswhat she deserves.”

Chapter 7

Tillie pressed her nose and forehead flat tothe windowpane, hoping for a glimpse of Lady. Perhaps her riderwould pass the house. A Reb soldier passed right beneath thewindow. She ducked back, breathing hard.

“Tillie!” Mother’s voice rang like a pistolshot.

Tillie yelped and knocked the lamp on thetable next to her. As she made a grab, she bumped the base. Ittilted toward the edge. Tillie’s eyes widened, and she snatchedwith both hands, somehow managing to stop the fall before turningguilty eyes to her mother.

Mother’s eyes darted from the lamp to Tillie.“Today is your lucky day. That was a wedding gift.” She advanced onTillie. “For the last time get away from those windows.” Mothershook her finger. “If I must tell you again, I will confine you toyour room for the rest of the day.”

Tillie concentrated on the light as shesuppressed a smile. What a perfect place to watch to her heart’scontent. “I’m sorry, Mother. Please can I go outside? I’ll stay onthe front steps. I want to see what’s happening.”

“Certainly not! Don’t make me admonish youagain, Matilda Jane.” Mother pointed at her. “You have chores todo, young lady.”

“Yes, Mother.” As soon as Mother returned tothe kitchen, Tillie took one last peek out the window. Ladycantered past the house, a huge man sitting atop her. Tillie sensedher struggle to bear his weight. He shouldn’t make her canter. Shecan’t. She’ll be lame. Clamping her teeth down on her lip, shestrained for another glimpse of her beloved horse.

Lady stumbled, and the rider yanked herreins. Tillie’s body jerked as though she felt the pain as she bitback tears of rage. Poor Lady wouldn’t last long.

Soon they were gone. She turned away to beginher chores.

* * * *

Tillie found herself condemned to dusting theparlor furniture. She knew better than to do a quick job. Motherwould inspect her work, and if she didn’t do it right the firsttime, she’d have to do it again. As she put the last touches ofdusting wax on the table in the middle of the room, Father’s voicerang out.

“Margaret, I’m leaving.” Holding his hat, heapproached the front door.

“When will you be back?” Mother’s skirtsrustled as she met him at the door.

“I can’t say. General Early sent the BoroughCouncil a requisition request. He gave us until tomorrow to come upwith the items. I’m off to find out what’s on it, and what we’re todo. I might be gone a few hours or all day, depending on the moodof the men.”

“Please, James, do be careful.”

“Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll be the soul ofcaution.”

Tillie buffed the table, pretending shewasn’t watching and listening.

Mother slid her arms around Father’s neck.They embraced and kissed. Father opened the door.

A piece of paper hanging from the knockerflapped. He tore it off and read aloud. “‘General Gordon is pleasedto report civilians and civilian property will not be harmed. Weassure the townsfolk you may come and go as you please, withinreason, and without fear of molestation by your SouthernConquerors. Signed, General John B. Gordon, CSA, General JubalEarly, CSA, Commanding.’” He crumpled the paper and threw the wadinto the street.

Tillie’s heart swelled over his act ofdefiance. Southern conquerors indeed! The Union boys’d show themwhen they arrived. In her imagination, the Yankee Army converged onGettysburg, swords held high, guns at the ready, running at theRebs and screaming with all their might, while the Confederates ranfor their lives. She shivered at the thrill of the spectacle.

Father’s voice intruded into her daydream,murmuring calming words to Mother, but he pitched his voice too lowfor Tillie to hear. He left, pulling the door closed behindhim.

Mother bolted the door. She turned and lockedeyes with Tillie. “Well, Nosy Nell, we need to put you to betteruse.”

Under Mother’s glare, Tillie’s face flamed.She should tell Mother she didn’t eavesdrop on purpose, but sensedMother wasn’t in a mood to listen.

“Come.” Mother beckoned. “I have the perfectjob for us.”

Tillie followed Mother into the kitchen whereMaggie took foodstuffs off the shelf and piled them on the table.Sam gathered the items into a box. Mother took Tillie down to thebasement where a new set of shelves filled a small alcove near theback wall.

“Father and Sam made these for me over thepast couple of days. He and Maggie are gathering all they canupstairs. I want you to stack the crocks and jars here, and oncewe’re done, we’ll hang a curtain. Those Rebs won’t get any morefrom us, if I have anything to say on the subject.”

“Yes, Mother.” Tillie felt a weight liftedoff her. Now, she had something important to do. She sank to thehard, dirt-packed floor before the shelves, the cold confrontingher knees as she set the tallest crocks along a back row.

A half hour later, Maggie hovered over herand adjusted the sheet across the shelf, hiding the food. “Thisshould be sufficient.”

“I think so.” Mother scanned the cellar witha critical eye. “If they come to the back door and see nothing tofeed them upstairs, I’m certain they’ll go away. I doubt they’llget close enough to come in through the basement entrance, but ifthey do,” she indicated three cement steps leading to a pair ofdouble doors, which opened to the backyard, “I don’t think they’llfind this shelf back in this dark corner.”

“Do you think they might break in down here?”Sam stared at the doors, as if seeing a new menace he must guardagainst.

“At this point, your guess is as good asmine.” Mother planted her hands on her hips, wrinkling blue calico.“A week ago I would have said they’re misguided Americans, but fromwhat I’ve seen lately…” She shook her head and pursed her lips.

Footsteps thudded down the stairs.

“Well, James, what did General Early want?”Mother asked, as he reached the bottom

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