The three of them exchanged glances. Maggiewrung her hands.
Sam lowered his chin to his chest. He crossedhis arms and shifted his feet, widening his stance. “If my sistergets your father in trouble, I’ll never forgive her.”
Maggie slashed a hand through the air,shushing him.
“Thank you, my dear.” Father’s unconcernedtone soothed Tillie as he led Margaretta to the door. “Go home asquickly as you can. We don’t want anyone to see you came heretonight.”
“Yes, sir.” The girl reached for thedoorknob. “I do pray you’ll be all right.”
“We’ll pray for your father’s safety. Now,run on home. Try not to stir suspicion.”
When the door closed behind her, Fatherglanced around at them.
Mother twirled and ran upstairs. He watchedher go, frowning. Then he sighed and turned back to the three whowaited for him to speak.
“Well, children.” He stepped toward them.
Mother returned holding his valise, which shethumped to the floor. “You may need this. Fanny told me sheprepared one for Mr. Buehler, ready in case. She didn’t answer thedoor right away to give him time to slip out the back with hispostage equipment. When you came back from your visit with ColonelWhite, I thought it a good idea, so I packed this for you.”
Father shook his head.
“James, you must! If they come and take youaway, what shall we do?” She picked up the bag and thrust it out tohim. “You went and asked Colonel White for Lady. You were part ofthe delegation refusing to give General Early supplies. What ifyou’re marked for arrest?”
Father took the valise from her hand and setit down. He led her into the sitting room, where he sat in hischair, pulling her down into his lap. He brought her hand to hislips and kissed her knuckles.
Mother rushed on, “I think you shoulddisappear too. I can care for Sam and the girls. I want you to besafe.”
“They may not remember my name. I never spoketo General Early. Kendlehart did all the talking.” Father invitedthem all to stand around his chair. “No one came to the door exceptMargaretta. We don’t want to overreact. Besides, I’m not the kindof man who abandons his family. I know why Buehler left; he’s thepostmaster. It’s Federal property and worth a good deal of money tothe Confederates if they get their hands on it. Young Hughes wentinto hiding with his telegraph equipment. That also belongs to thegovernment, so I’m glad.” He drew in a deep breath. “While wewaited for General Early, I overheard the soldiers tell him theydidn’t get control of either the telegraph apparatus, or the postaloperations, so they targeted them. I don’t think Kendlehart had areal reason for running. I’m not saying anything against him. I’msaying I refuse to run.”
“Yes, but what of Colonel White? What if heshould supply your name?”
“I’ll take that chance, Margaret. I’ve donenothing wrong. The Rebs have more important things to deal withthan a man and his lame horse.”
He sounded confident as he put his armsaround his wife and held her close. Outside, hooves rang on thecobblestones.
His eyes darted to the window. Tillie’s heartpounded in her chest. She caught the trepidation in his eyes, and ashiver raced up her spine. He smiled. If he showed bravery in theface of the unknown, she would too.
Father made eye contact with each member ofhis family. “I’m staying here, whatever happens.” He kissed hiswife. “Don’t worry about me, my love. Let’s concentrate on thechildren and keep them safe.”
Mother offered a shaky smile. “You’re right,dearest.”
Father gave her a quick squeeze before helifted her from his lap. He rose to his feet, kissed her forehead,and stepped into the hallway where he picked up his valise. Heraised his arm to show them. “I’m going upstairs to unpack this andput my things away.”
No one spoke as he disappeared fromsight.
* * * *
Sunday morning dawned bright and hot. Churchbells in every quadrant of Gettysburg pealed out, calling allbelievers to worship. Praying the intruders departed for good,Tillie and her family walked to the Methodist Church on MiddleStreet. Other neighbors also made their way to services.
On any other Sunday, people called out hellosand gathered in groups as they made their way to their respectivechurches, but not this morning. People left their houses, headsdown, moving as fast as propriety allowed. Those who usually rodein from the surrounding countryside stayed away. Tillie walkedbehind Mother and Father, between Sam and Maggie. Father strodeahead, his head down.
Mother glanced at him several times as theymoved along the street. “Is something bothering you, James?” Shetucked her hand into his arm.
He patted her hand. “I can’t get those poorpeople from York out of my mind. I feel guilty for telling the Rebsto go there. I had a twinge of conscience when Kendlehart mentionedthe idea, but I kept my thoughts to myself. Now I wish I’d spokenup.” He smiled at her concerned face. “We should never have foistedour problem on them.” He shrugged.
“I see.” Mother leaned into him, but saidnothing more. They fell silent for a block.
“Sure is quiet today.” Sam peered down thestreet. “It’s…eerie.”
“Sam’s right.” Maggie also scanned the areaas if she expected a Reb to jump out of the bushes. “Everythingfeels strange and out of place. Almost as if the Rebels aren’tgone, they’re hiding. “
“Come now.” Mother smiled back at them. “Youall have the jimjams now the Rebs are gone. A rousing churchservice will do us all a world of good.”
Tillie doubted so, but walked on, shufflingher feet, feeling sorry for herself. After everything calmed downlast night, Father resumed his conversation with her and set out anassignment for her to pay attention to the sermon and to write anessay. Then to do four new verses in the Bible. So unfair!
“I’ve been lax with you,” he told her andleft the room. Mother said the same thing.
Now, as they walked to church, those wordscanted a rhythm in her head. I’ve been lax with you. I’ve been laxwith