slinking around the Enclave.”

“Or getting inside,” Niko said.

The doc nodded. “I’ll send all my data through to Noah. I’m sure his team can come up with something.”

“We need to end this,” Marcus ground out. “Once and for all.”

There were murmurs of agreement.

“We’re working on that,” Holmes said. “As soon as that bomb stops, we’re going in to destroy it.”

“I hear Noah’s been working with Manu down in the armory,” Tane said, mentioning his other brother. “They’ve perfected the cineole grenades and found a way to add the oil to weapons.”

Cineole was a component of eucalyptus oil and the raptors hated it. They avoided Eucalyptus trees like they were the plague.

Holmes gave them a grim smile. “Our one bit of good news. And yes, we should have some experimental cineole weapons ready to use soon. Tane and Roth, keep your squads on alert for the bomb mission.”

Roth and Tane nodded.

Then Roth turned to Dom. “Hey, thanks for rescuing Arden.”

Dom lifted his chin. “No need to mention it.”

“She’s a hell of a comms officer, quiet, composed,” Roth added. “And she’s a good woman. Hate the idea the Gizzida could have nabbed her. She’s been through enough.”

She had. Walking away from her had been hard, but she deserved peace.

“Be nice if she found someone,” Emerson said. “Heard on the base grapevine that she was seeing one of the schoolteachers.”

The words were like a kick to Dom’s gut. A teacher. He shoved his hands in his pockets. A steady man with no blood on his hands. That’s exactly what Arden deserved.

For her, Dom would fight this attraction that tangled him up inside with all his strength.

Chapter Four

Arden’s steps echoed on the concrete floor of the empty firing range. As she and Noah entered, Manu Rahia popped his head out of the office. He lifted a hand at them.

“Hey, Noah, Arden.” The tall man’s voice was a deep rumble.

He’d once been a berserker, fighting alongside his brothers until he’d lost a leg on a mission. Now, he ran the firing range and armory with skill and precision. Once he’d adjusted to his prosthetic leg, he’d thrown himself into his new role. And when he wasn’t working, he was with his lover, Captain Kate Scott, head of the Enclave’s security.

“Manu.” Noah hefted up the combat drone in his hand. “We’re here to test out my work in progress.”

“Place is all yours.” Manu shifted, his black T-shirt stretching over his broad, powerful chest. “Probably see a few people come to shoot in about an hour.”

“Thanks.” Noah set the drone down, checking it over. Then his dark gaze hit Arden. “You sure you’re up for this today?”

She sighed. “I’m fine. I wasn’t hurt.” She shook her head. “It was my own fault. I shouldn’t have been outside.”

Noah eyed her and nodded.

The drone beeped and rose up in the air.

“All right then, let’s do this,” he said.

Arden started walking around, passing the empty firing lanes. The drone followed.

“Target,” she commanded.

The drone obeyed smoothly, lasers swiveling. She tested the functionality on several targets.

“I’ve programmed myself into the drone,” Noah said. “Try targeting me.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

He shot her a pirate-like smile.

Arden smiled back. “Okay. Drone, target Noah Kim.”

The drone lowered and turned, laser weapons locking on Noah.

He held up his hands like he was under arrest.

“Drone, disengage,” she murmured.

The weapons retracted.

Noah strode over to a comp screen. “We’ll try moving targets next and actually fire the lasers.” His fingers swiped. “The simulation’s all set.”

Arden pulled in a breath. “Okay, drone, let’s do this.”

In the closest lane, holographic targets flashed up. The combat drone moved into action. It shifted fast, lasers firing.

She watched it take down each target and smiled. This could be a great new weapon to help keep the squads safer in the field.

“Holy hell,” a deep voice said from behind her.

Arden swiveled and saw Griff and Dom. Her stomach danced and she met Dom’s gaze.

“That’s amazing.” Griff was looking at the drone.

She ripped her gaze off Dom. “Drone, disengage.”

“You’re controlling it?” Dom frowned at her.

“Arden’s implanted with a control chip,” Noah said. “It’s been slowly integrating with her nervous system, giving her greater control. We’re still working out the kinks, but it’s coming along very well.”

Griff moved closer, lifting a hand to touch the drone. He started peppering Noah with questions.

“How are you?” Dom asked quietly.

Just looking at him made something inside her ache. He’d looked after her and she’d liked it, wanted more. But he’d just been being nice.

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Good. Fine. Thanks again for your help yesterday.”

“Just doing my job.”

Ouch. Arden fought to keep her face blank.

His gaze moved to the drone. “You’re helping Noah with this.”

“Noah needed a guinea pig and I was available. We’ve been working on it for a few weeks.” She shrugged. “I wanted to help.”

“You help every time you put on your headset and help keep your squad alive.”

The praise made her cheeks heat. “You and the others risk your lives out there every day. You’re the heroes.”

He shook his head. “Surely Noah could find a soldier to help with this drone.”

“Soldiers are busy in the field or on patrol. I’m not.” She paused. “It’s safe.”

“Well, there have been a few glitches,” Noah said.

She glanced at the tech genius. “And you’ve worked them all out.”

Noah raised a brow. “I still have to find a new desk to replace the one the drone fried in my lab yesterday.”

Arden shot him a rueful smile. “Luckily, I ducked fast.”

“You said it was safe.” Dom’s voice was cutting. “Noah, if that thing is blowing up desks, then Arden shouldn’t be anywhere near it.”

“It wasn’t Noah’s fault,” she said. “Selena’s bird came in and attacked the drone, causing the unexpected kerfuffle.”

Dom frowned.

“The drone’s safe. And just imagine once Noah’s got a bunch of these perfected. They’ll be so helpful for all the squads.”

Noah nodded. “That’s the plan. To have a combat drone attached to each squad.”

“Nice.” Griff glanced at Dom. “We’d better get shooting.”


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