else can wait outside,” I say.

Matt looks at me with a worried expression.

“I’m not Brody, it will be fine,” I say to Matt.

“Do we need to be concerned about the criminals from the prison?” asks Phil as he looks at me and then Jaws Junior.

“I think we need to be aware of them, but not overly concerned,” I answer Phil and then I ask Jaws Junior, “What do you think?”

“I think we should be ready for them to come around here. The prisoners most likely will be coming out more and more if their food and rations are starting to get low,” answers Jaws Junior.

“You don’t know what’s going on in the prison?” asks Jordan to Phil.

“Why would I?” answers Phil.

“Because you’re a cop. Don’t you know what’s going on around here?” answers Jordan.

“I was a cop in North Carolina, I didn’t work around here,” answers Phil.

“Oh, I just thought you would know other cops being that you’re a cop,” says Jordan.

“We should check in with TJ and see if he knows anything about the prison,” I say as I look at Phil.

“I’ll try to reach him today,” replies Phil.

“What about the church?” asks Matt.

“What about it?” asks Phil.

“Are we going to give them the pastor’s body?” asks Matt.

“You want to go deliver it to them?” jokes Jon.

“No, but I think something should be done with his body. It’s kind of weird having a dead guys body in a freezer,” answers Matt.

“I’m not going there,” says Jaws Junior.

“How are we going to just drop the body off there?” I ask.

The guys think about my question.

“What if we sneak in again and just dump the body somewhere in the church?” asks Phil.

“Like put the red clothes back on and put his body somewhere?” I ask.

“Something like that,” answers Phil.

“But who is going to do that?” asks Jon.

The guys and I look at each other and no one volunteers to do it.

“Okay, so I guess that’s out,” I joke.

“Anything else to discuss?” I ask.

The guys look at me and no one answers.

“Okay then, Phil you’ll get in touch with TJ and see what he says. Matt and I and whoever will go to the O2U store and then we’ll head over to Whitney’s,” I say.

Jaws Junior says, “I think it would be a good idea to check the homes outside of our neighborhood and then expand out further and further from here.”

“You comfortable taking the lead on that?” I ask Jaws Junior.

“Yeah, as long as I have a group with me,” answers Jaws Junior.

“Take a couple guards with you and check out a couple homes and then come straight back,” I say to Jaws Junior.

“You should mark the homes with paint or something, so you know which houses you checked,” says Phil.

“Good idea, I got a couple cans of black spray paint we could use,” replies Jaws Junior.

“I’ll go try and reach TJ, Bakari, and William,” says Phil and then Phil exits Bobby G’s house.

“Who is coming with us to the O2U store?” I ask the guys.

“You know I’m coming,” answers Matt.

“I’m going to get a group together and start clearing out the homes just outside of here. I don’t want the same thing to happen here that happened around my old house,” answers Jaws Junior.

“I’m not going back into one of those O2U stores,” says Jordan.

I look at Jon and Jon answers, “I think I’ll hang back here if that’s cool.”

“That’s fine. Matt and I will go,” I say.

The guys and I exit Bobby G’s house and I say to Matt, “I’ll meet you at Shaun’s in twenty.”

“What vehicle are we taking?” asks Matt.

“I don’t know, you decide,” I answer Matt and then I go into my house.

Matt enters his house and Jon and Jordan start walking back towards their cul-de-sac.

Jon asks Jordan, “Can you teach me a couple of those boxing moves you did against Ryan?”

“Sure,” answers Jordan as he walks with Jon down the sidewalk.

“Thanks, I’ve never seen Ryan get punched before,” says Jon as Jon and Jordan turn the corner and continue walking home.



“Are you sure it’s the right thing that Mike wants?” I ask Matt as Matt parks his electric car in front of Whitney and Mike’s orange house.

“Yes, for the third time, yes,” answers Matt.

“Okay, just making sure,” I reply to Matt.

Matt and I exit from Matt’s electric car and I say, “I’m glad Brett and Corinne secured the store.”

Matt looks at me and says, “Let me do the talking in here.”

I look at Matt and see that he is serious, and it is nice to see him starting to step up more and more with things around here.

“You got it,” I reply to Matt.

Matt walks towards Whitney and Mike’s orange house and I scan the neighborhood with the different functions and filters on my Ghost mask display.

Matt knocks on Whitney and Mike’s white front door and I say, “The neighborhood looks clear.”

As I finish my statement, I think to myself, “Yeah, but so did JJ’s neighborhood.”

Mike opens his front door and Matt shows him the piece of equipment that Mike asked for.

“You got the right one this time?” asks Mike.

Matt shakes his head and answers, “Yeah, I got the one you wrote down for me.”

I turn towards Mike and Mike sees my mask.

“Who’s the cyborg?” jokes Mike as he looks at me.

Matt turns and sees that Mike is asking about me and answers, “That’s Ryan.”

Mike looks at Matt and says, “Thanks for the part.”

“Aren’t you going to let us in?” asks Matt.

“I’m kind of busy,” answers Mike.

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