construction site six and a half months from now. Because if not, I wasn’t even ashamed to say that I would hunt down and torture every last one of them and dance on their corpses while holding my swaddled baby.

“I have a favor to ask,” I said to Rosemarie, dropping my voice to a whisper. “I need to go to my mother’s and work on a few things regarding the case, but I don’t want to bring Scarlet with me because I don’t want anyone to die. My mother took knife-throwing lessons a few months ago, and it turns out she’s really good at it.”

Rosemarie nodded conspiratorially. “I understand just what you’re saying,” she said. “I guess Scarlet and Phyllis do rub each other the wrong way. Leave her here with me. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.”

“I’d appreciate it,” I said, patting her on the back.

Rosemarie went off to join Barry, and Scarlet came into the kitchen a few minutes later to start a pot of coffee. I closed my eyes and let the smell of dark roast wash over me. I missed coffee. I figured if I drank something that kept me awake and made me miserable when I went too long without, it probably had the same effects on the baby. Since tea made me calm and put me to sleep, I was hoping the same theory applied.

Scarlet was still wearing her robe and turban, but she’d added red lipstick somewhere along the way. I didn’t know if it was for appearances’ sake or because she really thought Barry was romancing her.

“I have a favor to ask,” I said.

“I’m not much on favors,” she said, staring at the coffeepot as if that would make it brew faster. “If I do you a favor, then everyone is going to want a favor. And then you’re going to owe me a favor. Last time I did somebody a favor they up and died on me before I could collect. Then I had to steal a pocket watch off a man at a wake.”

My mouth dropped open and I was momentarily speechless. “Don’t think of it as a favor then,” I said, once my wits came back. “Think of it as being in charge.”

She perked up at that. “I like being in charge. What do you have in mind?”

“These guys are here to do some home renovations,” I said. “I’m not exactly sure how things got to this point, but they escalated quickly. I have no idea what they plan to do or how extensive the work is going to be.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “I get it. You want to make sure they don’t screw up.” She pursed her lips and finally removed the pot and stuck her cup directly under where the coffee was coming out. “I’ve seen Rosemarie’s place. She’s got questionable taste. I’ve never seen a gingham and leather combo before.”

I winced. “That pretty much describes Rosemarie perfectly. I’d appreciate you being a project manager of sorts while I’m gone. It’s not a favor. It’s a job.”

“And I’m the boss,” she said, nodding. “You can count on me. I wonder if they have an extra hard hat. I saw one on Amazon that looks like a pink cowboy hat. I’m going to go one-click that bad boy. By the time they get done with this place it’ll look like a million bucks.”

“I’m pretty sure it already looks like a million bucks. Plus some.” And I hoped to God Nick had been serious when he’d told me it was okay to make the house my own, because we were about to get past the point of no return.

“I might be gone overnight,” I said. “I’ve got some work to do today to find Vince.”

“It’s probably best,” she told me. “Jobs like this always look worse before they look better. Besides, if you don’t find that husband of your mother’s she’s going to be insufferable. Phyllis always does better with a man. Maybe one of these guys is available.”

I smiled tightly and decided the sooner I got out of there the better. I thanked her again and then ran upstairs. I got dressed in leggings and an oversized angora sweater in army green. I put on matching booties and a wide black leather belt and decided that was a much better choice than the day before’s bumblebee faux pas. It wouldn’t be long before I was too big for anything cute.

I was due in September, which wasn’t quite as hot as August, but it was still ranked in heat somewhere between the devil’s underwear and the metal slides at the park when I was a kid.

I packed a small overnight bag, and then I put the laptop and all of my files into my knockoff Louis Vuitton tote that I’d bought out of someone’s trunk on River Street near the Talmadge Bridge, grabbed my keys and jacket, and headed to the door. I was getting a much later start than I’d planned.

“Have a good trip,” Barry said, appearing from somewhere in the house.

I winced. I wasn’t sure dragging my mother’s husband home in disgrace would qualify as a good trip.

“Can you do me a favor?” I asked.

“There’s a lot of that going around lately,” he said, raising a brow at me.

My cheeks flushed with guilt and I coughed delicately. “I’ve got to call Nick and tell him about all of…this. It’s a lot to take in. Just do me a favor and go slow. Maybe a room at a time. Or just not too much mess. He doesn’t do change well.”

Barry shrugged. “He’s a man. We’re resistant. But I can dig it.”

I waved goodbye and headed to the garage. I’d decided the Audi wasn’t going to cut it today. Sometimes a girl had to go big, and Black Betty was just what I needed. I decided to call Nick and get the hard part over with. And the good news was I’d already packed a bag if

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