plan on attending.”

“A poster contest,” Craig chuckled. “Why am I not surprised?”

“I plan on winning. The old crown offered to the student of the year at the dance tomorrow night is ragged, and the guests have been offered the privilege to create the new one to crown this July’s queen and king.”

“I could get into that, Craig. Did you sign us up?” Selene asked.

“Crafts? You do realize they are not playing with real gems. It’s a fun, small town event, on a low budget.”

“You underestimate me,” she said in a tone that suggested she was hurt by his insinuation, but he knew differently. It was amazing how his muddled-mind of late was clearing since arriving at Heritage Inn.

Selene cast steely eyes toward Jolene, and said, “We shall see who is better at crafts, this afternoon. I can be very competitive myself, so you best beware.”

“I see that.” Jolene glanced at Craig and when her brow arched, he witnessed a sudden sadness lurking behind her eyes and knew that she suspected his girlfriend was not talking about crowns.

Chapter 6

The room buzzed with excited vacationers ready to strut their talents for all to see. Jolene noticed most of the tables were occupied by two people, it appeared only she chose to vacation alone. Her father and Barbie took the table next to her which helped the sudden feeling of loneliness that enveloped her. Just as the social convenor called the group to attention, a middle-aged woman squeezed in beside her.

“I see you are alone and that will never do when your competition is coupled up against you. “I’d love to assist you, if you like.”

The woman’s smile was so friendly, Jolene could not resist. “Why not? All is fair in love and war.”

“My name is Sandra, and I am all about furthering love in this world, not war. The young people at the dance are counting on us to bring the right couple together with the perfect crown to celebrate their reining success.”

“I’m Jolene and pleased to meet you. But I was thinking more along the war-lines. A certain couple have challenged me and in doing so altered my initial motivation for the young recipients of these crowns. Shame on me.”

“You have a kind heart, Jolene. I shall enjoy working with you today.”

After the instructions were given and the photo displayed of the old-crowns needing replaced, Travis, the social convenor started the countdown. At go everyone grabbed the tools and materials provided on their table. Each participant had exactly the same supplies to work with and when Jolene saw the treasure chest of resources, she grinned at her helper. She pulled the sketches from her pocket and laid them out.

“I came prepared,” Jolene said.

“These are lovely, simple and elegant, not outlandish like the previous crowns.”

“Is that what the dance judges want – outlandish?”

“I’m confident their limited imaginations could not dream up anything so regal using the disposable materials they provide. You, on the other hand, have somehow managed to romanticize the original. less-glamorous contribution from last year. I am impressed.”

“Well, I figured being chosen as king and queen for the entire month of Christmas in July, has a definite romantic element to it, don’t you think?”

“Definitely. I’m all for romance.”

“Good, then help me choose one and we’ll get these miracle crowns started. Two hours is not nearly long enough for romantic perfection, but we’ll give it a run for the money.”

Sandra pointed her finger at her choice and Jolene squealed. “We are on the same wave length. Let’s go.”

The two dived into their work and Jolene was grateful for the extra set of hands. She enjoyed the woman’s chatter and warmed up to her immediately. She silently wished her father had married a more matronly type lady. She’d never known a mother figure, hers dying in childbirth. Trace Sumpter raised her as a single father with only two focuses controlling his life – his daughter and his career. They’d managed, but in listening to the wisdom that spilled from this lady’s mouth with no conscious effort on her part, the childhood void rushed in to devour it like a starved adolescent.

“Are you under the impression that romance is perfect?” Sandra asked.

Jolene glanced at the woman next to her who spoke without taking her eyes off her project. “I suppose that would be the ideal, the fairy tale ending, but life does seem to interfere in that process.”

“Even the idea of perfection is under the curse of sin. Only one is perfect. Do you know Him?”

“If you’re referring to God, yes, I know Him.”

“Wonderful, because he hears the hearts cry of his children.”

Jolene studied the woman. Did she have a lens looking into her soul? “And you think my heart is crying – why ?”

“Oh dear, I’ve overstepped,” she glanced sideways, “but I am known for putting my foot in my mouth. Can’t help it when I see a lonely heart. Mine was like that not so long ago and it took a stranger and a miracle to set it right.”

“I don’t often tell strangers my business,” Jolene said.

“Oh, the stranger I refer to is far bolder than I. Just pushes in and sprinkles her Christmas magic on unsuspecting couples. One never knows it’s a work of perfection until the gift is opened.”

“So she is a con-woman?” Jolene suggested.

“I dare not call her that. I like to think of her as God’s hand extended to His lonely children.” She held up the first stage of her crown. “What do you think?”

“I love the way you mixed the glitter into the mould and smeared it over the crown shape. It gives it a stronger foundation and a definite regal effect. It understates the splashy royal concept we all expect in crowns

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