boot. “I didn’t know until I was older that Grace and I were different and that others expected our friendship to have limits. And even now that I know, I don’t understand it. I never will.”

“My father always preaches that the Bible is against the mixing of the races.” Lovey uttered the statement without conviction, crossing her arms in front of her chest as if the words embarrassed her.

“And do you believe that?” Royal cocked her head in Lovey’s direction.

“I was raised not to question the Bible, but—”


“But sometimes the words in scripture don’t echo the truth I feel in my heart. I don’t believe God would create any creature of lesser worth. It sometimes feels like we bend the words to support our own biases. Don’t get me started on all the things the Bible says about women that I don’t agree with.”

“It’s a book, based on ancient scrolls, translated by imperfect men. I think it’s good to question its content.”

Lovey smiled. “I’ll invite you to Sunday lunch the next time I’m debating scripture with my father.”

Lovey leaned into Royal, putting her head on her shoulder. “I must admit, this evening has taken turns I didn’t expect. I suppose when I spend time with you I should be prepared for anything from a rescue mission to a theological debate.”

Royal kissed the top of her head. “Maybe we should see if we can get back to our original plan. Do you still want to come over to my place?”

“Most definitely.” Lovey squeezed Royal tightly before releasing her so that they could climb back in the car. Anticipation settled into every nerve ending as she slid into the seat next to Royal.

Chapter Twenty-three

They faced each other as Royal traced the outline of Lovey’s face with her fingertips. Royal, wearing her undershirt and trousers, stood facing Lovey, who was wearing only her slip. Royal thought Lovey was the sexiest woman she’d ever seen. She slid her palms down Lovey’s ribs, then moved her hands back up a little so that her thumbs brushed across Lovey’s nipples, bringing them to sharp points under the satin fabric.

Lovey closed her eyes and leaned into Royal. With eyes closed, she unfastened Royal’s belt and trousers so that they slumped in a pile around her feet. Royal kicked them off to the side and pushed Lovey toward the edge of the bed.

After falling onto the bed, Royal allowed her hand to drift down to the hem of the slip, which she slowly pushed up and over Lovey’s head. She paused with Lovey’s arms constrained over her head in the silky tangle. With Lovey’s arms confined above her head, Royal pushed up the bra to expose the tender mound of Lovey’s breast and took it into her mouth. Royal felt Lovey shudder beneath her. Royal released Lovey’s arms so that she could focus on Lovey’s milky smooth skin, and as she did, Lovey managed to reach behind and unhook her bra, pulling it free and giving Royal full access.

Royal pulled away from her for a moment and sat back on her heels. She was between Lovey’s bent knees when she slowly and seductively slipped Lovey’s underwear off. For a moment, she sat looking down at Lovey, fully exposed to her. Royal slowly moved her fingertips down the inside of Lovey’s thighs and then back up to her knees, all the while never losing eye contact.

Lovey allowed Royal to take her in. She’d never exposed herself in such a way to anyone, but rather than embarrassment, all she felt from Royal was adoration.

After removing her remaining clothes, Royal slowly moved her full weight on top of Lovey, settling her narrow hips between Lovey’s thighs. Royal traced the outside curve of Lovey’s hip before bringing her hand up to cup Lovey’s cheek. She spoke only one word, softly, against Lovey’s lips. “Beautiful.”

Royal traced a finger down the center of Lovey’s chest, over her stomach before teasing the spot between her legs. Royal began to kiss Lovey deeply, at the same time she pushed slowly inside.

Lovey moaned against Royal’s mouth and breathlessly uttered the only word that came to mind when she was alone with Royal. “More.” More, more, more.

Royal obliged, urgently pressing fully inside as Lovey pulsed and moved beneath her. Lovey offered herself completely and without reservation to Royal’s infinite exploration.

Royal continued to rhythmically push in and out until Lovey climaxed under her. She clung to her and tightened her thighs around Royal’s hips.

Royal had never been sexually intimate with a woman she knew she was falling in love with. She’d been infatuated with women and physically attracted to women she’d slept with, but this was different. Royal felt unmasked, raw, like a nerve ending exposed to open air. She became acutely aware that in this moment Lovey could crush her with a single word.

As if sensing her thoughts, Lovey pulled Royal down into a kiss, running her fingers through the hair at the back of Royal’s neck and skimming the nails of her other hand down Royal’s back. “I want you so badly,” she whispered, close to Royal’s ear, sending chills up and down Royal’s arm.

Royal slid up slightly on top of Lovey so that her breasts hovered just above Lovey’s slightly swollen lips. Lovey took the hint, and as Royal grasped the iron railing of the headboard with both hands, Lovey took first one and then the other of Royal’s nipples into her mouth. As she worked with her tongue and teased with her teeth on Royal’s chest, Royal began to move her center against Lovey’s thigh.

The wetness Lovey felt slide across her leg brought forth her own arousal again. Royal was going to bring them both to climax just by moving, now roughly on top of her, pressing against her, moaning softly as the orgasm claimed her.

Royal collapsed on top of Lovey and then rolled over onto her back. Lovey stroked Royal’s chest with her fingers and then trailed them down so that she could

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